‹ Prequel: Deathly Kisses...
Sequel: My Secret...
Status: Slow Updates

Never Forget...

"You shouldn't have, mom."

Tabanca was back, the girl who saved me from Nikon aka Skyler. Did this mean that he's back too? I shifted from one foot to the other as Nick hurried up the stairs angrily. I would've chased after him but I was too deep in thought.

"My, my, Nikole what have you done?" I heard a slithery voice echo around. I immediately twirled around in the direction of the voice but seen no one when my mother appeared.

"Darling." She sighed with a sympathetic look.

"You shouldn't have, mom." Was the only thing I mumbled before starting up the stairs.

"Nikole, wait!" She screamed causing me to stop in my tracks, still I haven't the strength to disobey her.

"What, ma?! You betrayed me." I choked out, a hand on the railing for support and turned around with a glare.

"For your own good." She explained but I shook my head.

"No. Don't' try to justify this. You may have ruined one of the greatest things that could have happened to me." I snarled, my eyes drifting to the stairs. Nick wouldn't stay with me after this, I just knew it.

"Nikki..." She breathed out but I simply shook my head and left. This time she didn't stop me, or try to, as I went to my room with Nick. But Nick was standing in the hallway leaning against the wall.

"I don't know which room is ours." He abruptly admitted with a sheepish grin on his face, his deep brown eyes shifted to my hazel ones. "And she didn't ruin anything between us."

"Promise?" I immediately retorted with sad eyes, part of me knew he was lying.

"I promise." He vowed with a smile as I walked beside him, he laced our fingers together and I lead him to our bedroom that has his things in the middle of the floor.

"You packed really lightly." I mused while staring at the two duffel bags.

"I thought we were only going to be here for a short period of time." He laughed while jumping on the bed, obviously the realization of us not being able to leave for a long time hasn't hit him yet.

"Yeah..." I trailed off and stared out the window where I thought I seen Tabanca's dark hair. I narrowed my eyes then straightened my expression.

"What's the matter?" He immediately recognized discomfort from me.

"Nothing. I need fresh air." I excused myself and went out on the balcony where Tabanca hopped down with a straight expression.

"Sadly I can't assist you in getting your dearly beloved out of here, he'll know and lord knows what that'll mean to my life." She groaned with a straight expression.

"I understand." I sighed and leaned against the wall. "Can you tell me who he is?"

"No." She flatly replied before glancing behind her. "I must go, just know that this house isn't the most secure."

"So I've noticed." I grimly agree as she disappeared. What was I going to do now? Nick thinks all this is the best thing to happen to him without realizing the seriousness of it, maybe that was best?

"Nikki." Nick called from the room, I slowly turned around and opened the door to find him sitting on the bed in boxers. "Wanna cuddle?"

"Wow." I laughed while rubbing my forehead when the door opened and Michael came inside. "Ever heard of knocking?"

"No... I'm sorry about earlier. Jack can be a little testy, and I wasn't supposed to say anything." Michael apologized, ignoring Nick who sat up with interest.

"It wasn't your fault, I'm glad to know, so thank you." I thanked with a weak smile and shifted my attention to Nick. "Nick this is Michael."

"Nice to meet you." Michael stubbornly mumbled.

"Ditto." Nick simply replied while walking over to me, he wrapped an arm around me with a smile. Two males showing off their alpha-ness, how annoying. I shrugged away from Nick with a roll of my eyes and went to the bathroom.
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Sorry such a long wait for the update... Love you all!!!

<3 Kassi.