‹ Prequel: Deathly Kisses...
Sequel: My Secret...
Status: Slow Updates

Never Forget...

"Tabanca, why are you bothering her?"

The house held no memories for me, I walked down the halls the next day with a sigh. Skyler didn't trail me or anything, instead he told me had to work to attend to. I took in a deep breath and tucked my hands in the pocket of the sweater I'm wearing.

"Good evening, ma'am." A maid appeared with a smile, she had long red hair and green eyes.

"Hi." I nervously greeted then continued my way. The walls were amazing with pictures of different things and famous artists. When I turned around to go down the opposite wall and continue my admiring, I bumped into her.

"Sorry, ma'am." She apologized and side stepped for me to continue.

"Umm, might I ask why you're following me?" I didn't want to be rude but it was disturbing.

"I was put on Nikole Duty." She smiled, that smile was too fake.

"Well don't." I retorted then continued staring at the wall but she didn't listen to me, instead she kept a nicer distance but it still bothered me. I took in a deep breath and gritted my teeth, till I bumped into her one last time.

"Sorry, ma'am." She repeated like a robot. I had enough, I stomped down the halls using what I just memorized today to find the office Skyler was working in. I opened the door and growled, slamming it behind me so the maid couldn't follow.

"What's the matter, Nikole?" Skyler questioned from behind the desk, he looked drained and serious when I realized another guy was in the room. "Right now isn't the best time."

"Call off that maid, she's bugging me." Immediately I started and ran a hand through my hair.

"Fine." He answered then turned to the guy with a smile. "Excuse me for a moment."

"I'm sorry that I interrupted." I apologized once I noticed Skyler's pissed off expression, he roughly grabbed my arm and drug me out of the office. He shoved me against the wall and pointed a finger in my face, then calmed his expression.

"Next time, knock." He calmly ordered then straightened his posture before opening the office doors again. I stood there bewildered, that wasn't like the Skyler I got to know in such a short time.

"You really shouldn't piss him off." A girl with long flowing dark brown hair and amazing tan eyes spoke, her hips swayed as she walked over to me and stared at her nails.

"You are?" I retorted while rubbing my arm.

"Hmm... Amazing." She thought aloud, unless that was her reply to me? With the way she cockily smiled, and her posture, I wouldn't doubt if that was her reply. "The name's Tabanca."

"Nice to meet you." I hesitated then slowly continued my way.

"You really don't remember anything, huh?" She asked, her eyes piercing.

"I had a nasty fall." I explained with a weak smile, part of me wishing she'd just leave me alone.

"A nasty fall?" She repeated with an amused smile when Skyler came busting out of the office.

"Tabanca, why are you bothering her?" Skyler growled, his eyes staring death into her.

"My, my, Skyler. Why so vicious?" Tabanca giggled.

"Nikole, go wait in my office, and don't speak to any of my clients. Tabanca come with me." Skyler ordered and stalked down the hall, I narrowed my eyes at the two but slowly obeyed. I went in the office and shut the door calmly, did Skyler and Tabanca have some sort of history?

"Nikole?" The guy questioned causing me to jump, I forgot there was someone else in the room.

"Yeah, and you are?" I nervously reply.

"Damien. Don't you remember?" He narrowed his eyes and stood up, that's when I seen the resemblance between him and Skyler. Both dark hair, their nose slightly big.

"I had a nasty fall." I repeated, I felt like a parrot or something having to explain this. Didn't the people who know Skyler and I already get filled in on what happened?

"A nasty fall. Low." He growled causing me to flinch slightly.

"Are you related to my fiance?" I inquired, curiosity taking over common sense.

"Sadly." He sighed and took a seat.

"He's not that bad you know." I lightly chuckled but he didn't smile at all.

"You don't really know him then." He mumbled, of course little brother's would say that about their siblings.

"I can't say I do, not entirely but so far he's amazing." I confessed while crossing my arms over my chest with a smile on my face.

"Of course." Damien hissed when the door opened and Skyler came in the room with a satisfied look on his face.

"My apologies. Hopefully Nikole didn't stir up too many problems, since I heard your voice." Skyler growled, his eyes darting to mine then shifting towards Damien.

"Actually she didn't speak to me at all, I was beginning to wonder if I wasn't her type." Damien lied with a light chuckle.

"Really? I'm impressed, my darling." Skyler said to me, his arms going around my waist and tugged me to him. He kissed the top of my head then sent me out of the room so he could finish business with his..brother?
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wow lol you'd think Skyler would try to be perfect so Nikole wouldn't suspect anything and just live a happy life lol but of course he's a Demoncre and everyone knows what that will soon mean right? :p