‹ Prequel: Deathly Kisses...
Sequel: My Secret...
Status: Slow Updates

Never Forget...

"Ever think we'll have kids."

The next day Nick came over, and we both had lunch together.

"So I was thinking maybe I will move back in." He brought up as he bit into his PB&J sandwich.

"What made you think of this?" I suggested with a smile.

"You had your night terror the other night, so I can stay till next week." He sighed returning the smile. "Maybe I don't want to just stay a week anymore."

"Are you sure you can handle the once a week awakenings?" I suggested with raised brows.

"I know I can handle it." He confidently spoke with a grin.

"Not like your stuff isn't already here." I giggled while stuffing hot Cheetos in my sandwich.

"Too true." He chuckled while smiling at Harley. "And I'm sure Harley appreciates not having to move all the time."

"That's very true, want to go to the park?" I proposed while finishing my sandwich.

"That'd be fun." He enthused then finished his. We grabbed Harley's leash and rope. Once at the park Nick and Harley wrestled around and what not, we watched a few families walk by with smiles and little kids. "Ever think we'll have kids?"

"In the future." I groaned, Nick's always talking about future kids in the relationship. Usually it's the female pressuring the man about marriage, sex, kids, and life in general. But in this case, it's Nick wanting that for us.

"Nikki, I want a family with you one day. We're very mature, we're amazingly compatible Nikole." He admired with a weak smile, I looked down at the floor with thoughts of possibilities.

"Nick man! What are you doing here?" Nicholas' best friend Thomas came running over.

"Hey Tommy, what's up?" Nick called back basically dismissing our conversation.

"Oh hey Nick's main squeeze." Thomas greeted, my eyes went wide and lips pursed together before looking away that's our greeting.

"What're you listening to man?" Nick questioned grabbing Thomas' iPod. "Always fucking Eminem man."

"Hell yeah man! Guilty Conscience hahaha now listen to me while your kissing her G, slip this in her drink." Tom starts raping which didn't sound too bad but still.

"Should I leave you two alone?" I asked with a whistle calling Harley over. Thomas just stared at me with a grin, making me a little uneasy.

"Naw it's all good, Nikki. I'm just passing through the park going to my connection, speaking of which Nick you want some?" Tom offered with a nod of his head.

"Some?" I repeated giving Nick the 'look'.

"Never mind... You two have fun." Tom laughed while walking away, I rolled my eyes in the opposite direction and glared at Nick.

"Babe you know what I do." Nick whined following behind.

"I know, I just-never mind... We have a dinner tonight, my dad's announcing something." I sighed.

"Announcing what?" He asked getting the apartment door for me.

"He wont say until the dinner, I already asked." I frowned.

"What's the matter?" He replied after studying my face.

"My sister is going to be there, we just got into it yesterday." I sighed hearing Tom laughing.

"You got into it?" Tom laughed with a wink.

"Shut up man and go get your shit." Nick hissed with narrowed eyes.

"Why is Thomas so immature?" I asked staring at the open window.

"I don't know, I think he enjoys bothering us." Nick laughed.

"Probably..." I weakly giggled, I took in a deep breath. "Want to shower?"

"You're really going to shower with me this time?" He retorted with hopeful eyes, and I slightly shrugged.

"Lets try it out." I bit my bottom lip with a weak smile.

"Alright." He locked the door and hurried in the bedroom. It was awkward, I was nervous that he'd judge me from all my marks from previous weight gain. Instead he just helped me shower with a smile on his face the whole time.

After our shower we both got dressed and headed to the resturaunt.

"This should be interesting." I sighed once I noticed Jason with his ex Jessi and Tabitha sitting there glaring.

"Why?" Nick retorted staring where I was.

"That chick next to Jason, someone whom you haven't met only heard about, is Jason's ex." I filled in and Nick snickered.

"Oh goody." He laughed as we approached my dad, Jason sat up once he seen me and narrowed his eyes at Nick.

"Hey I'm Nicholas." Nick introduced himself and held his hand out.

"Pleasure." Jason measly replied when my dad cleared his throat.

"This is my beautiful fiancee." My dad quickly announced.

"Fiancee?" I choked out and seen a rather young looking girl come out in a too revealing dress.

"Wow dad." I whispered more to myself as I stared at this female with a disapproved look.
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Hope you liked this one... <3