‹ Prequel: Deathly Kisses...
Sequel: My Secret...
Status: Slow Updates

Never Forget...

"Go bleach your hair blonde and come back"

The elevator ride was boring, lonely, and quiet. I made it to room 300c and frowned to see Nick there.

"Thank you for doing as we asked and taking the long way so we could get him set up." A nice little Asian Nurse thanked as she checked Nick's readings.

"I am going to be taking over from here." Another nurse with short choppy blond hair announced as she came in the room with a straight face.

"Ah Vivian, off your break already?" The Asian nurse greeted while handing over the clip-board.

"Sadly." the nurse 'Vivian' retorted as she took the clip-board.

"So they said he should be waking up soon?" I questioned to receive a glare.

"He'll wake up when he wakes up, ma'am. This time of thing takes time." Vivian rudely hissed before returning to the clip-board.

"Mmm... Nikole?" Nick stirred with a weak smile, and winced once he tried moving.

"Nick!" I squealed and rushed to hug him but Vivian scolded me.

"No touching him, his wound is still very sensitive!" She yelled and then went back to her board. I glared at her ready to beat her ass but calmed myself down.

"No beating my nurses asses, babe." Nick hissed, obviously reading my mind or something.

"Why they're conveniently in a hospital." I evilly snickered.

"If I were you Mrs Lewis, I'd control myself before you get kicked out of the room and forced to wait down stairs." Nurse Vivian warned before placing the board down and walking out of the room.

"Mrs Lewis?" Nick chuckled with a raised brow.

"That's what they keep calling me." I sighed while staring intensely at him.

"You didn't bother to let them know you're not Lewis, your last name is Islay?" He inquired with both of his brows raised.

"It doesn't matter." I snapped and sheepishly looked away.

"Oh but it does, Mrs Lewis." He teased causing me to snap my head in his direction and glare.

"You know what, I'm going down to the kitchen." I snarled while walking out.

"Get me a coke!" Nick called causing me to roll my eyes.

"You really expect to get something in return for the way you've been abusing me?" I questioned and stuck my head in the room.

"Oh I'll show you abuse." He winked causing me to turn red and leave.

"Nikole?" I heard and jumped at the familiar voice.

"Evelyn?" I suggested as I entered the elevator.

"Yeah! Wow, it's been a long time." She weakly smiled.

"Yes, yes it has." I agreed while pushing the first floor button.

"You hear to visit Michael?" She suggested.

"What? No. Nick's in the hospital." I frowned with furrowed brows.

"Nick? Your boyfriend that I hear so much about?" She replied.

"Yes, and Michael's in this hospital?" I verified with a questionable look.

"Room 400d." She answered when the doors opened. "It was nice seeing you again, and nice hair. You should really visit Michael."

"Umm yeah." I mumbled and continued my journey to the kitchen. Ever since this whole thing with Michael being found, he's become some what of a celebrity. He and the guys formed a band, ladies keep trying to go to his room to see him and once Michael's all better and they can tour, it's said they'll make more money then most artists around.

Suddenly I didn't feel like that coke, instead I found myself back in the elevator clicking '400d'. I was shocked when the doors opened and I hesitantly headed down the halls with my arms folded across my chest.

"What have we told everyone, no females are allowed to see Michael!" The bouncer like guy at the door hissed with a death glare.

"I'm not just anyone, I'm Nikole Islay. My mom's dating David Demoncre, who happens to be Michael's Uncle." I explained returning the death glare.

"There's too many girls that claim to be Nikole, at least they've got the hair down. You need to go bleach your hair blonde and come back." The security rudely spat.

"Excuse you? Quiz me bitch." I snapped with a straight expression.

"If you dont leave I will personally show you the exit." He threatened.

"Like I'm scared of a dude like you, honestly this wasn't even worth my fucking time. Evelyn's all "oh you should visit Michael' well fuck this!" I screamed and turned on my heel.

"Wait." I heard someone call and immediately recognized it to be Michael. I tightly closed my eyes, my adrenaline running through my veins, I felt the sweat starting to form on my forehead as I turned around to see that dirty blonde/blue eyed guy that was the start of all this by asking one question, 'will you go out with me'.
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I'm going to make it to where people dont have to read "Deathly Kisses" in order to get the story line, hopefully I'm doing a fairly good job at it lol