‹ Prequel: Deathly Kisses...
Sequel: My Secret...
Status: Slow Updates

Never Forget...

"Soon to be new member of my family"

I stumbled down the hallway and pressed my finger roughly on the elevator afraid Michael would come out and stop me. Once I knew no one could see, I slipped a few tears out.

"Nikole?" I winced when I heard my name and again when I seen who said it.

"Damien." I whispered to myself with disbelief.

"It's been what, almost a year?" He chuckled while stepping to the side for me to get in.

"Yeah..." I mumbled without moving. He caught on and walked out of the elevator allowing it to go down.

"Came to visit Michael?" He suggested while glancing behind me.

"I mean, I was here already." I stammered, why was I stammering?

"Really? Why?" He questioned with intense eyes.

"My boyfriend's here." I shortly reply.

"What happened?" He asked with a smirk.

"Someone came into our apartment, and thrashed it. Nick's dumbass followed, and the guy like stabbed him. I swear sometimes guys can just be so-" I rambled and once I noticed I was rambling, I shut up.

"Interesting..." He chuckled causing me to glare.

"Well, I should be going." I informed and put my hand out to push the elevator button but Damien grabbed it. I looked at his hand then trailed to the shirt he was wearing and remembered it with a frown. It was the shirt he allowed me to wear, when Nikon/Skyler came back and took me away. The shirt he had Richard keep in a safe spot till they rescued me.

"You should visit the mansion some time, I'm sure everyone would enjoy that." Damien suggested with a serious expression.

"I have nothing to do with that place anymore." I harshly informed.

"And why not? Because of what happened? He's dead, Nikole. Remember, I shot him." Damien remembered with a smile. I tightly closed my eyes remembering when Damien, Jace, Sean and Roku came to rescue me.

Damien appeared, he stood next to Jace as though they were buddies. I narrowed my eyes at Jace and looked away, still upset after all this time. Roku (Damien’s friend with red and black hair, that was part of his crew with Michael) was there too holding his own little nifty gun.

“Leave her alone, Skyler.” Damien demanded in a strong voice. Richard came outside with a gun in hand. I knew we’d have some sort of back up, shame Richard was a little late. “Thank you Richard.”

“Wait, Richard was in on this? What a bad cousin,” Skyler snapped. Richard simply chuckled and walked over to Damien, then faced us.

“C’mon Nikole.” Damien addressed me, I took a step forward but Skyler’s grip tightened. He took many steps back until our butts hit the railing. “Let her go, Skyler.”

“No Damien, I don’t think I will. I mean honestly we were having a wonderful time till you had to come ruin it.” Skyler snapped, his eyes narrowed.

“It’s a shame you really believe she loves you.” Damien growled.

“Like wise.” Skyler agreed, which probably meant that it’s a shame Damien believes that I love him. I shifted my attention from Skyler to Damien and so forth. Was I going to die in the process of this rescue mission? Wouldn’t that be pointless on their part?

“Honestly let her go.” Damien snarled with narrowed eyes.

“I’ll just kill her family, Damien.” Skyler warned with menacing eyes.

“Not unless we kill you first.” Jace retorted and Roku agreed.

“What, my own dear brother couldn’t do the job? I always knew you were weak.” Skyler hissed and Damien’s grip on the gun tightened.

“I’m not weak.” Damien corrected.

“Please, mommy always spoiled you. I always knew she wouldn’t allow you to grow any form of balls.” Skyler egged on, Damien’s eyes tightly closed and jaw tensed.

“I’m not weak!” Damien screamed causing Skyler to howl with laughter.

“Then why don’t you do the deed? Huh. Prove it!” Skyler teased, I gulped and shifted my eyes to Damien and back at Skyler. I pushed away from him and surprisingly Skyler allowed it. “Come on you little pussy, prove it!”

“Fine!” Damien screamed and all it took was one shot. Skyler flew over the railing and down in the ocean. I gasped, my hands covered my mouth in a natural response. Damien stood there with wide eyes and mouth open. Everyone around watched with shock.

“You… You really did kill him.” Jace gasped. He slowly blinked as though he didn’t even want to, afraid he might miss something. Roku placed a hand on Damien’s shoulder comfortingly but Damien shoved him away and walked over to the railing.

“Damien…” I started but he ignored me, he peeked over without emotion and slightly nodded.

“That was for Michael.” He spoke to Skyler’s missing body as though he could hear him, but we all know that Skyler’s body would be washed away. I gulped and stared at the floor. Damien remembered that I was here and embraced me in a hug. Immediately I started in a fit of tears, Damien passed me off to Jace and went inside the place with Richard.

“It’s all over, Nikole.” Jace cooed in my ear, he rocked me side to side as my tears mixed with snot ruined his shirt. My whole body shook with relief, my eyes tightly closed without worry of Skyler coming at me or anything. It felt really good. I wouldn’t have to worry about Skyler killing my family now, and once I removed myself from Jace, I looked up at the sky with a smile.

“Thank you.” I whispered to God, he could’ve helped me jump off that balcony before Skyler could catch me but he didn’t. I questioned why he didn’t but now I know. Richard returned with Damien, and I turned to see Damien holding his favorite shirt with a smile.

“I told Richard to keep in a safe spot once you took it off.” Damien chuckled, Richard stood beside the two and stared at me. I still questioned why he was so creepy but at the moment I didn’t care. I followed them in the mysterious boat and patiently waited till we got home.

I blinked back to reality and weakly smiled at Damien.

"I appreciate that Damien, but that isn't my life." I quietly spoke and reached to push the button when the door opened and in came Damien's crew. Roku stood there staring at me with disbelief. Alex slightly smiled knowing I was there to visit Michael, and probably hoped for me to get back with him instead of Nick. Jason stared at me intensely without a word causing me to feel a little uneasy and shockingly Jonny was there too.

"I need to go." I spat and shoved past them. I clicked the third floor button and went to 300c. I weakly smiled at Nick.

"Where's the soda?" Nick questioned while eyeing me down.

"Ugh sorry, got side tracked." I whispered and took a seat.

"Are you okay? You act like you've seen a ghost." He chuckled.

"I think I have..." I whispered more to myself when there was a light knock at the door and in came Damien.

"I wanted to see how Nicholas was doing." Damien greeted putting his hand out for Nick.

"I'm afraid I don't know who you are." Nick sheepishly informed while taking Damien's hand and shaking it.

"I'm Damien Demoncre." Damien introduced with a smirk.

"Ah, Demoncre. Nikole's mother's fiance's side of the family right?" Nick friendly asked.

"Yes, so she has told you about us." Damien shifted his attention to me.

"Get out, Damien." I growled and stood.

"Look, I just wanted to meet the soon to be new member of my family. Alright?" Damien snarled back with jealousy.

"Not a new member of your family." I corrected.

"Your mother is marrying my uncle, Nikole. However you want to look at it, if we have family functions Nick would be attending along with you, so yes a new member of my family." Damien mused, enjoying this way too much.

"Good bye, Damien." I excused him causing him to laugh a little.

"Hopefully we can hang out, maybe if you've got any skills with musical instruments you can join my band." Damien offered causing me to glare daggers.

"He isn't interested." I spat causing Nick to whine.

"Babe, I would-wait Demoncre... You're in the band with Michael Princeton right?" Nick inquired which took me back.

"Why yes, yes I am." Damien grinned.

"I've heard about your band, and is it true you'd be sold out before you even start the ticket sales?" Nick enthused causing me to groan.

"Yes, and our offer still stands of course." Damien reminded before turning on his heel. "It was a pleasure."

"Same here." Nick retorted with a grin. "Nikole you must let me join their band!"

"No!" I yelled and slammed the door shut.

"Why not?" He whined with pouty lips.

"Because Nick, I left their life for a reason." I choked out, trying to push away all the drama that has happened.

"We could be living in a mansion!" He exclaimed with hopeful dreamy eyes.

"If you haven't forgotten, I already did and they're nothing special except drama." I rembered with tightly closed eyes.

"Fine... As long as I'm with you, I'll do what you ask." He sighed and looked away.

"Please don't make me feel bad, Nick." I plead and he shook his head.

"It's already out of my mind, I don't care for it anymore. No worries." He assured with a smile, I returned it and sat down again.
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Oh snaaap lol :)