Sequel: Run to You
Status: Finished, at long last!

I'll Take the Shot for You

Ch. Five

Bill watched Lila sleep. After taking her away from her sister, he took her back to their hotel. Once there, he gave her a change of clothes and let her sleep on his bed.

Bill watched with wonder as Lila shook in her sleep. She fell asleep crying. He knew that she was crying in her sleep. Lila was shaking in her slumber. Bill didn't know what to do, so he stepped outside on the balcony. He fumbled around in his jacket for his pack of Marlboro Red shorts and his book of matches. Bill knew that he shouldn't smoke, the doctors had told him so.

Bill lit a cigarette and blew out the smoke. He heard a noise behind him. He turned and saw Lila walking out onto the balcony. Her hair was disheveled and her eye make up was smeared all down her face.

She mumbled something that sounded like, “Can I have a cigarette?”
Bill opened his pack and handed one to her. She lit it and went and stood by Bill. She peered over the edge.

“Bill?” Lila said.

“Yes, Sweets, what is it?” Bill replied.

“What would you do if Tom were in Lyra's position?” she asked over a puff of her cigarette.

Bill paused and took a thoughtful drag off of his own cigarette. “I'd hunt down the bastard who shot him.”

Kenneth Wayne Pilot sat alone in the dark, polishing his gun. It was such a pity about the girl. He had no intentions in hurting her. Tom Kaulitz was the one who was meant to die. His life of sinning was just about over with. Kenneth felt as though he was sent on a mission to take him out.

Kenneth put down his gun and flicked on the lamp. His apartment was small and littered with candid pictures of Tom Kaulitz. Not just Tom alone, but of him and other girls. Laughing with him. Kenneth looked at his wall with disgust. His niece was on that wall. Her picture was the largest he had on the wall. She was laughing with him. He had his arm around her waist. His eyes were full of sin as he looked at her.

After the night that that picture was taken, his niece, Kike, came to him. She was distraught. Tom had used her for one thing. It was then that Kenneth made his vow.

Tom Kaulitz's life would be his. A sinner such as Tom did not deserve the high life that a rock star's life brought. Kike was a virgin until Tom intruded within her.

Kenneth spat at the wall and went to the bathroom. He rinsed his face and looked in the mirror. His pockmarked face and pale blue eyes looked evil in the fluorescent lighting. His long, unwashed red hair hung in clumps around his face.

Tom would be dead soon and his reign of sinning will be over soon. Kenneth thought. He'll be at the hospital with that girl. Kenneth turned off the light in the bathroom and left. He grabbed his gun and his bag and left the apartment.

He had one stop to make. He got in his car and drove.
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter will have to go to my Twinnie!

Comments are just as wanted as Tokio Hotel!