Status: Active


They did what?

"No Barbie," she said, "you can't ride in the car now, its my turn." Caylee said trying to imitate her doll named Tamatha-off her favorite barbie movie.

The door slammed in the front room and Caylee sat up and crossed her legs on the bed while waiting to hear who it was and who had come in through the front door. She heard a low grunt from outside the door and she knew who it was. Uncle Thomas. Caylee tried, as quietly and carefully as she could to put her dolls away. Then she tip toed back to her bed, turned the light out, climbed under her sheets and prayed like every other night, that Uncle Thomas wouldn't come into check on her.

The house was quiet as usual as she listened to his footsteps make their usual rounds. She heard the fridge door open, some rummaging around and then it was slammed shut. Another few dozen steps down the hall to the front bathroom she listened to him brushing his teeth, then the gargle of his mouth wash. Caylee was suprised when she heard her mother come out of the room in the middle of her uncles gargling. She couldn't hear what her mother was whispering to her brother, so instead of straining to listen she tip toed to her door and set her ear against it.

"Thank you !" Said Bertha, Caylees mother.

"Yeah, no problem, I've been wanting to do this, actually.."

Bertha practically skipped down the hallway to her bedroom and went straight to her closet. She grabbed a pair of lacey pink panties and a matching bra. She ran into the bathroom to check her make-up and grab her robe, she grabbed her cam corder she bought earlier in the day and walked back to the living room where her brother was waiting patiently with a B.L.T he was nibbling at.

"Are you ready?" Thomas asked his sister, while looking her up and down.

"No, just a second," she cocked her head trying to remember what she forgot, she failed at remembering so she just gave up and tossed him the camera so he could set it up. She sat down on the couch and got prepared for what she was about to do when Thomas said "What? No props?"

"Oh, yes!" she said thanking him, and ran to her closet once again. She grabbed her big purple friend, and her small vibrating one too. Bertha ran back into the front room where Thomas wasn't waiting so patiently this time.

"Fuck woman, are you ready now?"

"As a matter of fact, I am."

She set her props on the table and leaned against the end of the couch and waited for her brother to press the "on" button. He did, and she slowly started taking off her robe, letting it slide down her body. Thomas smiled a crooked smile and played with his hair while filming his sister. Bertha slowly danced her way to the front of the couch while putting her hair down and rubbing her breasts. Thomas turned on the music.

Caylee had been listening as hard as she could, and when she heard the music turn on she couldn't understand what was happening. So she slowly turned the knob and slid on her hands and knees to the end of the hall where she peeked around the corner into the living room where she saw her beloved mommy with a big purple looking thing in her mouth and dancing with her panties around her ankles.

Caylee watched in great wonder what her mother was doing, and how she was moving. Her mother had never been more beautiful to her. Bertha twisted her fingers through her hair and twisted about in lots of circles and never noticed her daughter watching silently from the hallway. Caylee quietly crossed her legs anticipating her mothers next beautiful dance moves.

Bertha turned to the camera and mockingly looked at it. She put her hands behind her back and unbottened her bra one buckle at a time and threw it at the camera, where Uncle Thomas faithfully caught it. Caylee watched with great amusement as her mother sat down on the couch and began rubbing herself where Uncle Thomas liked to touch her. Bertha started breathing harder as three of her fingers rubbed her clit in a religious cycle.

Hmm... Thought Thomas. He set the recorder on its stand and slowly walked over to his sister penetrating herself on the living room couch. He grabbed the monster dildo waiting on the coffee table in front of where Bertha sat. He played with it for a moment while looking at his sister questioningly, she sat up straighter and spread her legs while mirroring his look. He slowly walked over to where she waited and kneeled infront of the couch.

Caylee watches with great adoration at her mom and uncle doing what she thought you never could do,as they were not married. As thomas licked his sister's privates greedily, caylee was filled with jealous in the flash of a second. As Bertha moaned and twitched caylee was beginning to get disgusted because she could not join in, and she knew she could enver ask...She grunted.

Uncle thomas stopped his tongue work while keeping toy in hand busy, and glanced at Caylee. She wasn't looking at them in that moment of time so she was looking at the clean hardword floor. She looked up after a few seconds, automatically meeting her uncles eyes. Caylee froze, unable to move, her muscles locked in place. He smirked at her, slowly and deliberately lowering his head to continue what he was doing before hand, all while keeping their eyes locked. It was near 3 a.m. that Saturday morning when Bertha and Thomas were done directing their video of fun.


"Hey! Give that back!" Said a girl in Caylee's class, who Caylee just so thought was a huge cry-baby.

"I don't have to. Sharing is caring." Caylee mocked, sticking her tongue out at the red headed girl.

Jessica tried snatching it from Caylee but then she turned around and smacked her face and said "Stop crying! It's just a crayon!" Then Jess getting more mad instead of upset, pulled her hair. Caylee tackled her to the floor while they scratched and pulled at each others clothes. Mrs. Webbers ran over and pulled Caylee off the girl.


"Usually Caylee is one of my best students. But these last few weeks have been just getting worse and worse, is there a family issue going on at home? Maybe I can help..." Mrs. Webbers said to Bertha. They were standing in the principals office, Caylee was outside sitting on one of the four identical chairs placed in the hallway. She could hear everything they were saying.

"No there isn't any issues at all, Caylee has been more quiet than anything at home so I just don't understand. She's been very good, no problems with chores even. She gets it all done without being asked now." Explained Bertha. Caylee glanced behind her through the window and saw her mother looking down and shaking her head, as if she were ashamed.

Why would she look as if she's ashamed? Thought Caylee, She wouldn't let me use her crayon! It's all her fault in the first place.

"Well I'm sorry but Caylee is suspended for the rest of today, you'll have to take her home with you. If there's anything you need, you can call me. I'll be happy to help. But for now I have to get back to my class, it was nice speaking with you, Mrs. Madrick."

"Alright, I'll call if I need to. I should take Caylee home now, nice speaking to you too." Bertha said, opening the blue door and stepping out into the hallway. She turned around and said, "thank you for your time, Mrs Webbers. I'm sorry Caylee decided to interupted your class." And turned back to her daughter. Bertha took Caylees hand and pulled her out of the chair and started walking briskly down the hallway.

"Mom..." Caylee began.

"No, Caylee, you're more mature than this. What's gotten into you?"

"I don't know, I'm sorry.."

"Do you want to be home schooled? Your teacher said you've been acting up for weeks! What the fuck Caylee?"

Caylee didn't know how to defend herself, she'd just make her mother more angry. She needed to get a grip on how she acted at school and she knew that. But she also knows that her mother would never take her out of her public school and get into home schooling, her mother is too lazy to ever do that.Caylee stared down at the blue and white tiles of the hallway floor as they walked to the huge metal double doors. She glanced behind them and saw her middle aged teacher watching them. Bertha opened the doors to outside.
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Caylee is only 8 years old in this chapter.