Status: Active


F-f-***ing COLD.

"Holy shit." Caylee said, propping up on her right elbow. She grabbed her head and rubbed her temples with her thumb hard, trying to make the pressure go away. She looked over at Todd, sleeping like a baby with a bit of drool hanging from the side of his mouth. Caylee pulled her phone out of her pocket and glanced at the time, 8:15 AM it said.

She checked her phone to see if she had any messages from anyone. There were none. Her heart sank a bit and she thought of Shelby. Caylee scrolled through the numbers and clicked on hers. The ringing noise gave her a horrible headache. "Hello?" Answered a familiar voice. Caylee breathed out, smiling. "Hey you." She said, thanking God that Shelby was a morning person.

"What's up?" Shelby said, Caylee could hear the smile in her voice and she blushed.

"I was thinking of you." Caylee said, biting her bottom lip, wondering what she would respond.

"I was thinking about you, too actually. Why're you up so early?" Shelby asked.

"I got an early night, can I come over?"

"Yeah," She said, "that'd be awesome. My parents just left for work anyways, so we have the house to ourselves."

"Sweet, be there in 20."

Caylee stood up and looked down at the ground to see just a bit of Frank left, she just shook her head at the idea. She's had way too much smoke the last few weeks, she needed a break. She grabbed her jacket and pulled open the door, wind gushed in, blowing her back a bit. "DAMN." She said loudly, biting her lip automatically and looking back at Todd, still sleeping soundly.

She walked willingly out into the sharp wind, walking faster than usual. It was fucking cold. She pulled her hood up over her head and wrapped her arms around her stomach, fighting against the stupid wind. It began sprinkling and she quickened her pace into a light jog, she still had another mile to Shelby's house. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. Caylee kept saying to herself, getting pissed.

The rain came down harder, and she began to run. Cars sped past her, ignoring her all together. Her soaking shoes were rubbing against the back of her ankles, they started to give her blisters. She almost considered taking them off and running barefoot, but fuck that.

About half a mile left to her house and she powered through, her breath was coming out fast and hard. She'd be sweating if it wasn't freezing outside. Her face was beat red from the freezing wind and the hard run, snot was dripping down and she tasted it on her top lip. Her head was killing her from the hangover of so much pot and cigarettes.

This is fucking bullshit. She said, pissed. "Ugh!" She groaned loudly, finally seeing Shelby's house. Her pace got even faster, now she was sprinting. Shelby opened the door and saw Caylee running at full speed. She looked horrible.

"What the hell?" Shelby said, pulling her into a tight hug. She was drenched. Caylee shook ferociously.

"I-I-it's f-f-f-ucking COLD." She chattered.

"Here... Let's get you warmed up." Shelby said, sweetly. She grabbed Caylee's arm and pulled her into the bathroom quickly. She turned the knob on the shower as Caylee took her jacket and pants off. Shelby turned the heat all the way up, the steam was already filling up the bathroom, the mirror was almost completely steamed out.

Shelby looked at her, blushing shyly and left the room, shutting the bathroom door behind her. Caylee was still freezing, she got the rest of the way undressed and got into the shower as quickly as possible. She stayed in there until the water started cooling down.

Caylee opened the bathroom door and saw some of Shelby's clothes waiting for her, she put them on quickly and wrapped her hair in the towel, feeling completely better. Her headache was almost gone and she felt refreshed as hell.

Caylee found Shelby in the kitchen, stuffing her face with cereal. She snuck up behind her and grabbed her sides, "BOO!" she yelled, making Shelby jump. They both giggled, and Shelbys face turned bright red, embarassed.

"So, do you feel better? You walked in looking like complete shit, you know." Shelby said, getting off the topic of her.

"I'm awesome, thanks for letting me use your shower..." Caylee said, still laughing. She ran her fingers through Shelby's hair.

They both blushed and Shelby put her cereal bowl in the sink. "You wanna watch all of the Lord of the Ring series?" Shelby asked, already pulling Caylee into the living room.

She laughed out loud, "Hell yeah." Caylee replied, grinning widely.

"Awesome!" Shelby said, putting the first disc in. After all the previews she pressed play and grabbed a blanket, she layed next to Caylee and pulled the blanket over them. Caylee wrapped her arm around Shelby's waist and cuddled close.
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Sorry I haven't updated in forever! Been busy as hell, and I didn't feel good enough about the story since there were no comments ;[ So please comment! They're amazing ;]