Status: Active


Well shit.

It's been over two weeks now, and Caylee and Shelby are getting closer by the day. Spending more time together. Getting closer, more personal. Caylee layed in her bed, enjoying the warm morning, until she realized that she was late on her period for nearly 3 weeks now. Spending all the time with Shelby she totally forgot, she scrunched her eyes and got out of bed, letting the blanket she had over her hit the floor.

The first thing that hit Caylee's mind was the party where she slept with Matt. "Fuck!" She said under her breath, trying not to wake up her uncle and mom. She pulled on her pants and over coat quickly and ran out the door.

She arrived at the local CVS within 10 minutes, it was right down the street from her. She bought three at-home pregnancy tests, she peed on all three at once - something she never heard anyone do before, and waited in the bathroom, pacing back and forth. "Shit. Shit. Fuck, UGH. Shit. Fuck fuck fuck. What the hell am I going to do?" She muttered to herself over and over again in the bathroom.

Caylee had all three sticks facing upside down in the clean bathroom sink. She looked at herself in the mirror, and pulled her hair back so she saw all of her face. She had a few pimples on her forehead, and dry skin around her nose. Her front teeth were slightly buck, she always thought they were cute until then but now she found them hideous. What if she had a baby? Would he or she have horrible buck teeth?

Would the baby have problems? Would it come out blind, or would it have all its teeth? She heard in health class something about 2% of babies are born with a full set of teeth. Gross. " Ugh. Ugh ugh ugh. " She said outloud, scruching her eyebrows together. She let go of her bangs and let her side bangs fall in their usual place. She pulled her phone out of her pocket and checked the time, she still had 9 minutes left until she could check the results. She scrolled through the numbers and called Shelby.

"Hello?" Answered a familiar voice, after four very long - annoying rings.

"Can you meet me at the CVS? Please." Caylee asked, confidently. She wasn't upset, just confused and worried.

"Sure. What's going on?" Shelby asked.

"I might be pregnant." Caylee said.

"Oh God. I'll be right there." She said, panicking.

"I'm in the bathroom." Caylee said, hanging up the phone.

Shelby was there within 3 minutes, she borrowed her moms car. She practically ran in. "Did you find out yet?" She asked frantically.

Caylee shook her head slowly, "no, not yet." She looked up at Shelby with tear-filled eyes. "There's 2 minutes left."

Shelby nodded, and sat on the floor. But Caylee, was a wreck of nerves, pacing back and forth non stop, counting down the time... 30 seconds... 15... 10... 5...

She took a deep breath and looked at Shelby. "Okay okay. You look." Shelby nooded and stood up, and took the first one, and smiled.

"Negative," She said.

"There's two left though. Pick them both up."

Shelby's face fell, while Caylee's heart shattered into a thousand pieces.

"They're both positive."
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh shittttttt, what's she gonna do? TUNE IN NEXT TIME.

Hehehehhee, comment comment :D good or bad so far?