Status: Active


Hello, I seem to be lost here.

Caylee and Shelby both sat on an old park bench, staring out over the ocean, drinking hot cocoa. Caylee could feel the heat of Shelby's thigh touching hers. It comforted her so much she was out of words. She always seemed to be out of words, always actions with her. She frowned.

"What's wrong?" Asked Shelby, noticing.

Caylee shook her head, "Do you feel like... I don't express myself enough?"

Shelby pondered it for a few moments, sipping on her hot chocolate. "You express yourself through actions all the time, you're just not a talkative person."

Caylee nodded, accepting it. She felt like she didn't even know herself, how was she going to have to know this new being inside of her? What was she going to do? How was she going to tell her mom? She froze.

"I have to tell my mom."

Shelby looked at her quickly, "Oh my God." Caylee just nodded.

A few minutes passed as they listened to the ocean waves. "We're screwed."

Caylee looked at her, confused. "We're...? She asked.

Shelby turned to Caylee, and set her hot chocolate down. She looked at her for a few long seconds and grabbed her face hard. "Yes. We're."

"What do you mean, we're? This is me. You didn't have unprotected sex, I did."

Shelby leaned in to Caylee slowly, keeping eye contact and kissed her lips once. Just for a split second. She leaned back slowly, and closed her eyes, keeping her grip on Caylee's face, tight. Caylee smiled, and stroked her cheek.

Shelby finally opened her eyes, "but to answer your question. Yes. We're. I want to help you through this, C.J. I want to be there for you."

Caylee smiled adoringly at her, and leaned in for another kiss, their lips touched for just a brief second, again. "You are always here for me, thank you."

"So I think it's about time for your first doctors appointment! I'll call and get you one." Shelby said, standing up. Caylee got up behind her, and held out her hand for Shelby to intertwine their fingers together.

"We're going to be alright." Shelby said, squeezing Caylee's hand.

"I hope so." I all she could reply.


It's Monday afternoon, two days later, right after school. Caylee was searching for Matt, that sperm-feeding prick was hard to find. She's asked around and nobody had seen him, she went to the football field, he wasn't there either. She decided to go to all the after-school activites. The first one she looked at, archery.

"What-do-ya-know?" Said Caylee, sarcastically. Matt turned around, bow in hand. He was the only one in the huge room.

"C-Caylee..." he stuttered. "What're you doing here?"

Caylee looked around the room, weighing things out. "I have to talk to you."

"About...?" He sounded nervous already, he probably knows.

She walked up to him, looking him straight in the eye. "I'm pregnant."

He looked down at the floor, and nodded. "I heard about that. I thought it was just a rumor though..."

"Yeah well, congratulations. You're gonna be a daddy."

His face brightened up, "I know!" He exclaimed, "I can't wait. We're going to have such a good future together, C.J." He grabbed her hand and brought it up to his lips. "I've wanted a family for so long and now I'm finally getting one."

"W-w-what?" Caylee backed up some, "what the fuck?"

His smile just got bigger. "I was hoping you'd get pregnant that night, you've always been so beautiful." He stroked her cheek.

"What are you talking about?!" She said louder than expected, it echoed off the yellow walls.

"I've loved you for so long, I've dreamt of this. I was trying to keep my distance for a while, to see how you'd respond to it and all. I didn't want to cross by too strongly." He was smiling full on, his bright blue eyes were hopeful - happy. Caylee, though was stunned.

"You.. don't mean. You tried getting me pregnant?" Hopefully she was wrong.

"Well, not at first. I didn't plan it out. But when I saw that you were... Wanting me... I couldn't help myself."

"You just go around fucking girls and trying to get them pregnant?!" She yelled, with no intention of being quiet. "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!? DID YOU EVEN CONSIDER HOW THIS WOULD AFFECT ME?!" Caylee's face was drenched in tears, she didn't want to talk anymore.

"No, Caylee! I love you. We're going to be happy together I swear!" He exclaimed.

Caylee turned around and ran out the door. "Caylee wait! I love you-"


Shelby was holding Caylee, stroking her hair. She had told her everything that happened with Matt, the lunatic. Neither one of them knew what to say, so they just remained quiet. Caylee was done crying, she had been for a while, she just loved the comfort of Shelby.

"You're beautiful." Shelby said, smiling down at her.

Caylee looked up at Shelby, reached up and ran her fingers through her hair. "You are."

"I've never felt this way about a girl, you know." Shelby confessed.

Caylee just nodded, and smiled. The freckles around her nose were showing, she looked paler than usual.

"What are you going to do about the baby?" asked Shelby.

Caylee sighed, closing her eyes. "I don't know."

"Matt's such a creep."

"Beyond a creep." Caylee agreed.

"Are you going to let him be in the baby's life?"


"You're a good person, C.j. "

"No, I just can't raise a baby by myself."

Shelby nodded, "true." She replied. "You know it's almost 4pm, you're going to be late for your first doctors appointment.

Caylee shot straight up. "Shit!" She said, loudly, pulling on her shoes. "Come on!"

It took them 20 minutes to get there, they were 5 minutes late. But apperently the Planned Parenthod was use to that, and the receptionist gave Caylee a sheet to fill out and motioned for them to leave the desk rudely.

How many sexual partners have you had this year? The sheet asked. Caylee's eyebrows furrowed as she wrote down "2". Shelby saw her write it, as she's been reading everything all along. "Who was the other person?"

Caylee panicked, "what?" She said, keeping her eyes down at the sheet.

"Who else did you sleep with?" Shelby said, smiling. "Don't worry I wont tell."

"You don't know him." Caylee snapped.

Shelby's eyes got a bit bigger, "sorry..." she said.

"Don't be." Caylee said, standing up and handing the receptionist the sheet.

"A nurse'll come out and call for ya in a minute, darlin'. " Said the girl, she couldn't have been over 18. She popped her gum obnoxiously.

"Tha-anks." Caylee said, rolling her eyes and returning back to her seat.

A few minutes later, a short-chubby nurse walked out and asked "Caylee Madrick?"

Caylee got up, leaving Shelby to wait in the waiting room.

"So what are you here for, sweetie?" asked the nurse.

"Just a check up, I guess. I've never had a baby before... So, I'm new to the whole process."

"I understand, baby. Here, you're in room 10. Dr. Swanson will be in here shortly." She said, smiling a wide smile and left the room.

Caylee sat down on the exam table, crinkling the paper loudly. She let out a loud sigh and put her face in her hands.

"Well hello, Miss Madrick?"

Caylee looked up to see a sweet looking old man. "Yep, that's me."

"So what seems to be the problem?" He asked, nicely. Sitting down on a chair and crossing his legs.

"I'm pregnant."

"Well congratulations, so I'm guessing we're doing a check up then?"

"Well yes, my first one."

"Okay, I'll have the nurse come in and give you a dress. I'll be back in five minutes."


Caylee layed on the cold exam table, her legs spread in the air. She was nervous as hell, what on earth was she doing here? She wasn't suppose to be here, she wasn't suppose to be the girl who got pregnant in high school. She closed her eyes, while the doctor did what he needed to do.

"Well, your baby is coming along great. You're four months in to the day. Would you like to know the sex?"

Caylee's eyes shot open. "Four months?" She exclaimed loudly.

The doctor seemed confused, "Well yes, it's been four months."

"I have to go." Caylee said, jumping out of the table and grabbing her clothes. She began changing right infront of him.

Dr. Swanson didn't ask anything, just left the room quietly.
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