Status: Active


Come on, it'll be good.

Caylee lays in her bed, eyes closed, waiting for that beautiful girl to walk through the door... She misses Shelby. She needs her. She wants her. Almost instantly... BOOM Shelby slams through the door, runs, leaps and lands ontop of Caylee. She looks up at her pale skin, her beautiful brown eyes with specs of gold... Her beautiful pink full lips... Caylee reaches up, caresses her face, and Shelby closes her eyes and sighs. "I missed you, how are you?" She asks Caylee.

She doesn't answer just pulls Shelbys face down to hers and kisses those irresistable lips. They're soon making love in the pink sunset light filled room. Loving eachother with every inch of themselves. After they lay naked, intertwined in eachothers warmth and Caylee knows everything will be fucking fine. She smiles widely. "I love you. I want you here forever."

"Speaking of wanting you here forever... You know I'm moving out right." Shelby says almost excitedly.

She has a puzzled look on her faced, and asks confusingly, "But what does that have to do with wanting you here forever? You're moving...?"

"Yes. Hopefully with you and the baby. We could raise it." Shelby doesn't have a ounce of question in her voice. Like she's thought it through a lot.

"Shelby, you want me to move in with you and my baby? It hasn't even been born yet. What about school, and my mom, and..."

"And your uncle." she finishes Caylees sentence for her.


"Listen, Caylee. You can't tell Matt its his, you're already four months along. Your uncle is... Your uncle. And he's in love with our God damn teacher for Christ sakes! I love YOU! And I know you love me too. We're good friends, we're good together, we'll make it work. You don't have a job but I do, and it pays so good I can support us both. And you can stay home and go to school on your own, take care of the little one when it comes along, and I'll most likely be running the place by then! I'll have more than enough to support us all for a good while. Then..."

"Wait, wait, wait!" Caylee interrupts her. She's so confused. "You've put so much thought into this..."

"Well yes, I have. I know we haven't been together THAT long... But this can work and I want someone true to themselves and true to me."

I'm hardly true to myself and others... Caylee thinks quietly. She tries to wipe the concerned, confused look off her face. "I'll really have to think about it. Its just so soon. I dont know if my mom would even let me move out, you know. She's going to want me to stay here with the baby..."

"Yeah right. If she knows you're moving out with ME. Going on yourself, independently..."we can look into babysitters and you can go to work... Or college-"

"It's not even independently! You're going to be supporting me. I'll be so crazy the next few months babe... I'll be eating everything and having these terrible mood swings and I don't even know what else. I don't want to make you feel terrible about this I dont want to hold you back or be a burden..."

Shelby caresses her girlfriends face, "You'll never be a burden to me. It's just an idea darling... Think about it. It'll be good." She smiles excitedly, like she knows shes won or something. Pfft.
♠ ♠ ♠
I met some people who uninspired my writing, who made me terrible for a year or so. Back on track, I'm going to be writing again. Nothing can stop me! Muahahaha.