Status: Active



Caylee woke up sweating,her hair stuck to the back of her neck and forehead.She pushes the covers aside and gets out of bed,she hears someone in the bathroom across the hallway and opens her bedroom door.Theres great old uncle Thomas. He spits out his mouth wash and looksher up and down.

"You like like shit," he comments.

"Why... Thank you. You look wonderful too,"Caylee says looking at his dirty boots.She takes the last few steps and stands next to him. He watches her turn the cold water knob on the sink and fill her hands with water to wash her face.She asks him for a towel and he hands a dirty towel off the floor, the one her little brother used earlier in the day.
Uncle Thomas looks at his watch. "So you know its just pass 2 am, right?" He grins at her.

"Yeah. I'm aware of that."Caylee returns the grin.

He takes half a step toward her, "You're 15 now, hows it feel?"

"It feels exactly the same as when i was 14, just yesterday."

He takes another step closer to her, she's pushed back against the bathroom counter as much as she can. He reaches one hand up and runs his fingers down her left side. "You know you look so beautiful...." he begins.

Caylee reaches out and shuts the bathroom door. He acts quickly, reaching behind her and grabbing her by her thighs, he lifts her up and places her on the bathroom counter. She wraps her arms around his neck and leans in for the kiss, he grips at the back of her hair and kisses her lips hard.
Thomas reached down and pulled his pants up and rebuckled them. Caylee hopped off the counter and found her panties and slid them on.

"I better get back to bed now, before mom wakes up. I have a big test in English tomorrow and she'll freak," Caylee explained


Caylee lit up a cigarette and trudged her way to school, still half asleep. She had last night on her mind. It seems to happen alot, all she wanted to do was make her uncle happy. But it was impossible, all he wanted was more and more...You could never make uncle Thomas happy.

She took another long drag and held it in her lungs a long time. Ughhh.... She thought as she blew out the smoke.



Caylee jumped up out of her seat, she had been sleeping the whole way through first period. And the school bell signaling for the next period went off, is what woke her.

"You need more sleep, Miss Madrick." Said her teacher, Mr Barnett.

She looked at him sleepily, he was balding horribly, only half his hair left. She wondered why men didn't just shave their heads completely when they got to that point. She shrugged and walked out of the classroom.

"Caylee! Hey! CAYLEE!"She recognized the voice, it was Matt, the creepy football player/band member that was always after her.She walked faster.

"Caylee! Come on! I know you hear me!" Matt reached for her shoulder as she skipped away into the classroom and slammed the door in his face.

Caylee looked around the room, she was one of the first ones there.
Her english teacher, Mrs Miller. Who was a happy red cheeked chubby woman greeted her happily and motioned to her to take her seat.

She tapped her feet impatiently as she waited for the class to fill so she could hurry and get the test over with.

"Hey C.J." Shelby said, sitting in the seat infront of her.

"Heyy, " Caylee greeted her. Looking through her bags for something to do, she realized she didn't have a pen. "Oh, do you have a pen by the way?" she asked.

Shelby handed her a pen, Caylee thanked her.
Shelby was probably the closest thing Caylee really had to a friend.

Shelby smiled at her and turned around, Caylee frowned and sunk into her seat.

"Okay, now settle down kids. As you all know we've been preparing for this test for a few weeks now. I hope you're all prepared..." Mrs Miller was giving her speech she gave before every test, Caylee blocked her out and stared down at her desk.

She never looked up as her teacher gave her the test, just read the writing prompt.

You're favorite family member and why.
Is all it said. Caylee stared at the prompt for 20 minutes before starting.

She picked up thepen Shelby let her borrowand began the long tale about her 20 year old cousin in the military, who didn't exist.
♠ ♠ ♠
Caylees birthday is today, she turns 15. Her family isn't big on parties, so none there.