Status: Done

With Open Arms

Chapter 1

Dull grey morning light leaked dully into my bedroom through the large blue curtains of the window. I watched as it got to the brightest it could get from behind the usual line of grey clouds that always covered the sky here in the small town of Eden.

During last night I never got any sleep. Not at all. I was too worried to shut my eyes more than five minutes, probably not even that and I was also way too much in a hurry for the next day to come so I could return to the hospital. So I could sit at my Dad’s bedside and hold his hand in hope he would get better...

I managed somehow talk myself into waiting until at least my alarm clock went off. Scaring me as it finally did after what felt like days instead of hours, playing some random tune from the radio.

After getting over my little shock I reached over and hit the off button before throwing the blankets off me. I sat up quickly, almost making myself have a head rush and got to my feet swiftly.

Without even bothering to take my time, I almost ran over to my wardrobe and draws and pulled out what I am going to wear today; a simple long sleeve top, black tracky pants and a random thick jacket with a hood.

I changed quickly throwing my PJ’s onto my bed in a pile as I did. I grabbed my mobile phone and my wallet from my bedside cupboard and shoved them deep into my pockets on my way out of my room.

I walked very quickly into the bathroom. Without looking in the mirror I picked up my hair brush and ran it through my hair just enough to make it somewhat neat looking. Then I turned and walked out the bathroom still not looking at the mirror at all; to afraid to see the huge heavy lines under my eyes from the lack of sleep in the last two days.

I walked down the hallway and down the stairs and into the kitchen. I jumped in sudden shock. I placed my hand over my heart and took a deep breath.

Kaleb sat almost motionless on one of the kitchen table chairs. He’s unnatural beautiful face was unreadable, apart from his silver-blue eyes which expressed a lot of worry. His black hair was windblown, showing that he ran here instead of driving. Suddenly he moved, just the slightest bit.

“Sorry Susana. I didn’t mean to scare you.” He apologized.

I took another deep breath to help calm my heart rate down. I know he can hear it no problem. I walked slowly more into the room.

“That’s ok” I said. “I should be used to you appearing from thin air by now.” I sighed.

He smiled slightly at my words, but it disappeared quickly.

“How are you?” He asked “You look like you haven’t slept in a couple of days.” He added.

I walked over to the table and sat down on the old chair next to him. I looked into his eyes for a moment; he is very worried about me. I looked down at the table.

“Ok, I guess…”

Truth be told I have no idea what I feet, I don’t even think the real part of the shock of what has happened has hit me yet. And I bet when it does, it will be like running into a hard brick wall. But for now I almost felt...Numb.

Kaleb suddenly reached over and took my hand. His skin was hard, but yet smooth and ice cold. He held my hand between both of his. I looked up at his face. Other than his eyes, it was unreadable. He is very good at hiding his feelings when he wanted to. But now at times I could read him like an open book from his eyes.

“If you ever need any help or want someone around, you know I’m here.” He stated.

I managed to give him a half hearted smile. I knew that he would always be there for me, no matter what. We are best friends and have been for about nearly 2 years now.

Its strange hearing that a human and a vampire are best friends, isn’t it? But we are.

It’s kind of hard to explain…It’s like we were meant to be friends. We can tell each other anything, no matter what it is. And I guess the fact that for some strange reason the scent of blood isn’t that rich at all, help us be around each other. Without him wanting to drink from my blood or me being afraid of him hurting me, which I know he wouldn‘t ever hurt me.

“I know you are, Kaleb. Thank you.”

He smile spread slightly across his face. He let go of my hand and for a brief second disappeared with so much speed it was a complete blur. Then appeared back in the chair before I had a real chance of looking to where he went. He moved so fast at times, after almost 2 years it still sometimes amazed me.

He reached over and placed a bowl with a spoon in front of me on the table. He made me breakfast? I looked at him and raised an eyebrow. He smiled lightly.

“I thought you would want to eat before you want back to the hospital.” He shrugged.

I looked down at the bowl of milk and cereal and picked up the spoon.

“Thank you.”

I lifted up a mouthful of cereal and started eating. My original plan was to just run out the house, jump in my car and drive to the hospital as fast as I can. But since Kaleb is here and he so nicely went out of his way to make me breakfast, I might as well eat it, since I might not have even eaten until lunch anyway knowing me.

I ate the food at a normal speed as I glanced at Kaleb every now and then. As he watched me eat, he made some strange faces at the food. Normally I would be laughing at that, but I just didn’t feel like laughing right now.

When I finished eating I picked up the bowl and walked over to the sink. I ran water over the bowl and spoon before placing them in the dish rack. I took a quick glance out the window. The clouds were really thick today and low to the ground. It looks like it could rain at any moment. Oh, just great, I get to drive in the rain.

I turned and faced Kaleb. He was now standing by the door way that lead into the passage to the front door. I walked over to him and then followed him slowly to the front door. He unlocked it and walked out, holding it open for me. I made myself smile lightly as I passed him. For some reason smile felt wrong to do right now.

He quickly closed the door and locked it, before handing me my keys.

“Would you like me to drive you there?” He asked.

I shock my head.

“No thanks. I’ll be fine. It’s only to the next town.”

He placed his hand on my shoulder. It was his normal way of a fair well gesture like a hug. Though my blood didn’t really appeal to him, he was still very careful around me.

“Drive safe. I’ll come back later tonight.”

“See you.”

And then he disappeared from sight, like if I had been standing here all alone in the first place. I sighed and walked towards my battered old car.
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Hope yous like it =D feedback would be loved ^^