Status: Done

With Open Arms

Chapter 10

The smell of freshly cooked cakes, muffins, chips and many other foods filling the air around me as I sat in the small hospital cafe. The cafe was a pretty basic looking area with plane usual hospital boring coloured white walls, basic grey-ish floor tiles, white cream-ish tables and chairs with a small vase with a plastic flower on each table.

Kaleb stood across the cafe from me at the counter waiting to be served so he could order my lunch. He had offered to do it and for once I didn’t feel like complaining so I walked over to this table and sat down since it was the only table that was away from where most people were sitting. I placed my elbows on the table top and rested my hand in my hands.

It took a good 5-10 minutes after Kaleb ordered to get my meal. He smiled at the lady behind that counter that stared at him in awe, and like normal for most girls that see him she almost she looked like she was going to faint. Kaleb just acted like he didn’t notice that and turned walking swiftly towards me.

Kaleb sat down a small tray on the table and sat down himself. On the tray was a large bowl of chips, a chocolate drink for me and a bottle of water, which I guess is his prop.

I looked down at the chips and picked one up, placing it in my mouth.

“You know, I don’t think I can eat all of this.” I state.

The bowl of chips was huge. I could probably eat half or maybe ¾ but not all of it. I’ll burst by then.

“Who said you would be eating it alone?” He asked.

I looked at him a little confused and he reached forward and picked up a chip, while looking at me and ate it. He smiled at me but the smile didn’t touch his eyes. All I could see in his eyes was distaste; human food is horrible to him.

I chuckled shaking my head and started eating more chips, so did Kaleb. We started getting through them quickly. And now that he was eating human food, he’ll have to vomit it all up later...

“Hey Susana,”
“Yeah?” I asked looking up at him.
“I was wondering if you wanted to do something this afternoon.” He suggested. “Maybe take a brake from here, you have been here everyday since your Dad has.”

And it was true. I have been here all day everyday at bedside. I looked down at the table.

“You don’t have t-“

I lifted my hand up to cut him off. I looked back up at him in the eyes. He was trying to hide some type of emotion; well that’s what it looked like.

“I think...” I took a deep breath. “That would be a good idea...” I said quietly.

I am truly getting sick of this place. As much as I want to see Dad, I can’t stand this place. It was bad enough when Mum was here all the time, now Dad; I’m kinda surprised that I haven’t lost it in some why.

“So...Do you have any idea what we could do?” I asked.

Kaleb’s lips pulled into a huge smiled, but he was careful not to show his fangs at all.

“I was thinking a walk, like yesterday and what we talked about last night.”

I smiled and nod my head. That would be fun.

I looked down at the food and continued eating. Kaleb ate a few more then stopped, probably giving up from the taste. I don’t even know why he even bothered eating here in the first place; he could get away without eating here no problem.

I finished eating what I could and drank the rest of my drink.

“Shall we be going?” He asked.

I stood up from the chair nodding. He stood up swiftly and we both slowly walked out the cafe. We walked down the hallway towards the front main doors of the hospital. I had already said cya to Dad when I left for lunch. I always did that when I left to the room in case Dad...Well something happened to him or I went home like now.

The doors opened slowly for us, they still weren’t working fully from the yesterday. As we walked out I noticed out the corner of my eye that Kaleb opened the bottle of water and took a drink, probably to wash the taste from the chips out his mouth. He pulled the bottle away from his lips quickly and screwed his face up a little. I bit the inside of my lip so I wouldn’t laugh.

“Ugh, even water tastes horrible.” He said.

He put the top of the water bottle back on and handed it to me.

“Water has no taste.” I chuckled taking it.
“To you it doesn’t, but I can taste the chemicals they use to “clean” it.”

I chuckled again. It was in a way a little funny, but at the same time that must really annoy him, mainly when he has to eat or drink like a human to fit in.

He looked over at me with his eye brows pulled together a little annoyed but once he saw that I was smiling a bit he smiled too. He reached over and took my hand. And then that’s when I noticed that it wasn’t completely freezing outside, it was actually warm-ish. It felt weird after having so many freezing days.

I looked up at the sky, the grey clouds were light, very light like they could break up soon. I might actually get to see the blue sky today!

We got to Kaleb’s car, which he actually decided to take today, mainly because mine was almost empty. He opened the door for me and I got in. He got into the drivers side at human speed and started the car. I put my seat belt on and he drove out of the car park.


Kaleb sped into the car port at their house. On the way home I was thinking about going to my house to get more clothes...But I couldn’t. I can’t even bare to look at the place without Dad there, it wasn’t home without him. I don’t think I could stand walking in there while it was completely empty...

Kaleb flew out the car door and over to mine and pulled it open. In less that a second I was in his arms. I laughed. What was up with him and carrying me lately? He moved me to his back and flashed into the house. It was a blur to me until we were inside. Rose and Alec were sitting on the couch. They looked at us and smiled.

“Were going for a walk for a while.” Kaleb told them.

They nod their heads and I smiled.

“The clouds look like they could brake up, don’t go anywhere where people could see you if it does.” Alec said.
“Yes, I know.” Kaleb nodded. “We’re going around the area of the river.”
“Ok, have fun.” Rose smiled.

Kaleb turned and walked towards the kitchen. Then the back door at human speed.

I have never seen Kaleb in the sun before really. I’ve seen him on sunny days sure, but he stayed in the shadows or inside. I know that the sun doesn’t hurt him but he can’t let humans see him, well other then me. And I also know that he doesn’t shine like diamonds like the vampires in the Twilight books do. As cool as that would be to see, he doesn’t. But I don’t know what does happen.

Kaleb walked out to the middle of the green long grass. He stopped and turned his head to look at me.

“You ready?” He asked.

I smiled.


He laughed and started running. He flew into the trees, but like yesterday not that fast so everything was a blur of green and brown to me. I smiled again and watched as trees went passed. Once again I could escape reality in the forest with Kaleb.
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