Status: Done

With Open Arms

Chapter 11

More trees flew passed and I could tell that we were getting close to the river now. For some reason it was our favourite place to go. I’m not sure why but when we go on these “walks” which aren’t really walks, we always go there. It’s a nice place to go too and there is a small clearing type place by there that we didn’t go to last night. It wasn’t too much of a clearing, mainly just a place where it wasn’t thick with trees.

Kaleb kept running and then up ahead was the river, the wide part of the river. The part where he has to jump...I quickly buried my head into his neck, so I couldn’t see anything. Last night was bad enough and it was somewhat dark, now it was during the day...Seeing that we would be in mid air would be 20 times scarier. Sure I could hang around a vampire but I can’t handle heights.

Kaleb placed his hand over mine and then I could feel the wind around us change and I could tell we were going up...My heart sped up and I could hear it in my ears. Then as fast as the wind changed it changed again, we were heading down. I could just feel that Kaleb landed and kept running. I kept my face buried. A few minutes passed.

“Susana...” Kaleb whispered gently. “We’re at the creek, no more heights.”

I peeked up from his neck. The first thing I saw was the small creek we were at last night. I was still a little frozen. Oh how I hate heights. Just like Mum did...

Kaleb somehow moved me in his arms so he was hugging me. Wait, he was hugging me. He placed his face near my neck.

“It’s ok, on the way back we’ll take the long way ok?”
“Ok...” I said nodding.

I could feel him smile and then take a deep breath next to my neck. Really that should have scared me to bits considering he’s a vampire...But it didn’t. He pulled away a little and smiled. Looked at him kinda confused. He chuckled.

“You do have a scent; it’s very faint...But nice.” He smiled.
“Ok...” I said looking at him weirdly.

That was why me and Kaleb, Rose and Alec could be close. For some random strange reason my blood didn’t have much of a scent. He laughed at the look I gave him and he let go of me. As much as I didn’t want him to...

“It’s like...A bunch of flowers mixed with some type of food.”

I couldn’t help but laugh at his way of explaining it. He smiled widely so his fangs were showing. I smiled back and then looked around. The place around us looked somewhat dry. Was it sunny when we were at the hospital? I looked up at the sky through the trees. The small area we were in was thin of trees so I could see the sky.

The sky looked like it was just on the edge of showing from behind the clouds. Kaleb walked next to me and looked up too. I looked at him and he kept his eyes on the sky.

“You’ve never told me what happens to you in the sun.” I said.

He looked at me, his eyes wary. He took big step back.

“Well, I guess I never had a good chance to show you...” He said. “I will only show you if you want me too.”

I nod my head.

“I...Do want to see.”
“You sure?” He asked.
“Yes.” I nodded. “I’m sure I can handle it, it can’t be as freaky as you popping up in think air.”

Kaleb smiled a little at that. Then suddenly I was covered in bright sunlight. I gasped and turned away from Kaleb. I looked at the sky. I could see blue!

Geez, I make it sound like I never seen the blue sky...But I haven’t for like 2 months or more. It always rains here. It just nice to see blue sky and the sun again.

I looked back at Kaleb. His eyes were focused on me. I smiled at him. Surely it can’t be that bad? He took a deep breath and reached forward into the sun light as he was in the shade of trees. He took two small steps into the sun light and I gasped.

I stared at Kaleb almost in shock. He stopped walking and looked at me. As the sun touched his pale white skin it changed from a snow white to a shiny silver-ish colour. He stood still and he really looked like a statue; a perfect, beautiful silver statue. His usual bright pale blue eyes turned even more white-ish.

I just blinked in shock...I was so not expecting that. I actually though he would turn black or a marble colour...But silver...

“Now you know...” He whispered.

I blinked again. He looked just like a statue!

“You...You look like a statue...” I whispered.

A beautiful statue in fact...Kaleb smiled a little.

“Yes, like silver. Not sparkly like diamonds.” He smirked. “No one is really sure why we turn this colour...Some of my kind actually turn a gold-ish, bronze or even black.”

I nod my head and he walked closer to me.

“It doesn’t scare you does it?” He asked.
“No.” I said shaking my head.

He smiled and looked me in the eyes, I smiled lightly back.

“Rose is like me, she turns silver, but Alex turns gold.”

He laughed. He reached forwards and took my hand. I looked at our hands. My hand looked a pale white as his was silver, almost matching a sliver ring I was wearing. Odd, but interesting at the same time.

“Well I’m glad you’re not scared by it.” He said quietly.
“Why would I?” I asked looking at him confused.

He shrugged his shoulders a little.

“I’m...Not sure...”
“Well I’m almost used to everything so it doesn’t scare me at all, apart from heights.” I said smiling.

It was true; he could hardly scare me anymore with his quickness or anything like that, just heights. Kaleb smiled a little but cheeky at me. I looked at him confused again.

“Your going to wish you didn’t say that...”

Then in a flash he scooped my up into his arms and fell backwards on the ground while holding me gently. I gasped and let a little scream out. He laughed. I was now sitting on his stomach sideways while he laid there with his hands behind his head.

I glared a little at him.

“That was so not funny.” I said crossing my arms over my chest.

He just laughed again. So I looked away, trying not to laugh myself.

“Aww, come on I know that you thought it was funny...” He said.

I shook my head bitting my lip. I still didn’t look at him. Then I jumped and gasped as he poked my side. I couldn’t help but laugh a little then.

“See I told you it was funny.”

I looked at him to see him smiling brightly showing his fangs. I rolled my eyes and laughed again still sitting on the silver coloured vampire.
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hope you enjoyed :D
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