Status: Done

With Open Arms

Chapter 12

My eyes open to come face to face with a white cream ceiling. I sighed and rubbed my sleepy eyes .I sat up in my bed and the first thing I notice is that the room was bright with sunlight, real sunlight. It was actually sunny outside...Then I noticed I was in my room at home. And not the guest room at Kaleb’s. I’m sure I feel asleep at their house...

I shook my head. If I feel asleep at his house that I wouldn’t be home. I pushed my blankets of me and stood to my feet. The sunlight from the large window covered me, it felt nice. I turned and walked out my room and into the hallway. I walked over to the stairs and slowly down to the kitchen.

As I got about half way down the stairs I heard a noise in the kitchen, like someone shutting the fridge. Kaleb? No it can’t be him. Why would he go into the fridge for, apart to make me breakfast?

I walked around the corner and into the kitchen and froze. There at the far end of the kitchen table sat Mum. But...She can’t...

She smiled up at me and then looked passed me out the door way. I just stood there staring at her. How...?

Dad walked passed me giving me a little kiss on my cheek as he passed, like he normally did. He smiled at me and walked over towards Mum. But it was odd when he kissed my cheek, I could feel it and at the same time it felt like a breeze of air. He greeted Mum with a small kiss on the lips.

What is going on...?

“Hey sweetie.” Mum smiling. “I’ve missed you so much...”

She stood from her seat and walked over to where I stood frozen. She walked up in front of me and opened her arms for a hug. I automatically walked into her arms, still a little dazed. She wrapped her arms around me and I wrap mine around her. Like with Dad’s kiss it felt odd. I could feel it and at the same time I couldn’t.

“I’ve missed you too...” I whispered.

Mum let go of me and took a step back. Dad walked over to me then and hugged me too.

“You know that we would always love you, right?” Dad asked with a smile playing on his lips.

In a way it was a pointless question to ask. He already knew that answer.

“Of course I do. I would always love both of you.” I said.

He nods his head and smiled. Both he and Mum hold hands.

“We will always be here for you...Be happy with Kaleb...” Mum said.

And then they started fading. I gasped and reached out for them.

“No, please don’t go!”

My eyes snapped open and a scream filled the room. I flew up into a sitting position on the bed and tears fell from my eyes like a river. In that same second the door of the guest room few open and who ever it was flashed to the bed so fast it was a blur.

“Susana, what’s wrong?” Kaleb asked panicked.

I just stared at him. Mum...Dad...

“Susana?” Kaleb asked again.

I just sat frozen with tears falling from my eyes. Kaleb sat down on the bed and pulled me into a hug. I buried my head into his chest. I still said nothing and I could feel Kaleb’s cold breath touch my face.

Kaleb somehow moved us so he was leaning against the head of the bed with me on his lap. He kept his arms around me.

“Susana, please talk to me.” He whispered.
“Mum and Dad...They disappeared...” I whispered.

I little whimper escaped my lips. Kaleb hugged me a little tighter.

“Shhh...It’s ok. It was just a dream.” He said softly. “Only a dream...”

I turned and buried my face into his chest more.

“It felt so real...” I whispered.

Kaleb rested his head on mine. He was quiet for a moment as I cried quietly. I don’t think he knew what to say.

He sighed and started rubbing his hand up and down my back to calm me down. It worked a little, but I continued to cry quietly into his chest.


My eyes opened slowly when I felt something cold touch my back. My eyes closed on me again. They felt so heavy and so did my head. I forced them open and I looked behind me to see two bright white blue-ish eyes looking back at me.

Then I noticed I was laying in the bed with the covers over me. Kaleb sat behind me as I was lying on my side with his back on the head of the bed. His hand was lightly on my back. That was what woke me up. His cold skin.

He moved his hand away and I rolled over onto my back.

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you.” He said softly.

Wake me? I can’t even remember falling asleep.

“I fell asleep?” I asked.
“Yes.” He nodded. “You cried yourself to sleep...”

I looked away for a moment. Then I could remember that dream. All of it. I winced and tears wanted to fall again. I bit my lip.

“Are you...Ok?” He asked.

I nod my head. Then suddenly I could see Kaleb’s face as he moved forward to look at me. His face was unreadable but his eyes looked torn...I looked away.

“I’m fine...” I whispered and pushed the blankets off me to sit up.

I sat up and got out of bed. Really I don’t know what a feel...What should I feel like?

I walked over to the chair at the desk slowly and grabbed my big jacket that was laying over it. I put it on over my PJ’s. I turned to see Kaleb now standing by the bed.

“Would you like some breakfast?” He asked.

I shook my head.

“No thanks...I don’t feel hungry at the moment.”

He nods his head and walked towards me. He took my hand and pulled me back towards the bed. He sat down and so did I. With his free hand he stoked my cheek as a tear tried to fall.

“I really hate seeing you like this...” He whispered.

I looked down at my knees. And I hate being like this...I sighed.

It’s going to be even harder at the hospital today...
♠ ♠ ♠
i hope you liked it, yeah this was a pretty sad chapter, but it all makes sence.
comment and tell what you think of it? it's really makes my day! :D