Status: Done

With Open Arms

Chapter 13

The sky was once again covered in thick grey clouds today, as per usual. The sunlight only lasted one single day. And for me at the moment it wasn’t long enough, but in a way it was good that it was cloudy because then Kaleb could come with me to the hospital, I need him more then ever now that I had that dream. The dream that won’t leave me alone.

Almost every time I closed my eyes I could see it. Both Mum and Dad standing in front of me holding hands half faded. Every time I saw it again a shiver went down my spine. It felt so real...

Like for the last few days Kaleb drove all the way from Eden to Hyden then to the hospital. During this trip I just stared blankly out the window. Neither of us knew what to say and really I didn’t feel like talking anyway. Kaleb just stared out the windscreen and drove with one hand as he held mine with his other over the centre console.

The hour drive only took half an hour with his driving in his fancy car. He pulled into the hospital car park with ease and parked close to the building. He turned the car off and let go of my hand as he got out. I got out the car and grabbed my thick jacket as I did. I shut the door and put the jacket on.

Kaleb locked the car and walked at human pace over to where I stood. He took my hand again and we walked slowly, very slowly towards the hospital main doors. They opened for us and we stepped inside. As we did I almost started to panic. What if that dream meant something...? My heart started to race.

The elevator doors opened and we walked in. Kaleb looked at me confused when he heard my heart. I looked up at him. I don’t know what he saw on my face but he pulled me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around him and we just stood like that until the doors opened, both of us saying nothing.

Kaleb pulled away but kept one arm around my waist. I took a deep breath and we both walked out and down the hall towards Dad’s room. Nothing looked different from normal so far...

Kaleb opened the room door for us and we walked in. Nothing was different, not even the way Dad was on the bed. He was still on his back, wires and machines all around him, almost ghost coloured skin and his face slightly twisted in pain.

I tear fell from my eye and I walked up to him as Kaleb let go of my hand. I leant over Dad and kissed his forehead and his cheek that didn’t have stitches. I sighed and moved away from him.

Kaleb walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me. It wasn’t until he did that, that I noticed I was shaking. I leant against his chest. I felt like crying, but I couldn’t; all I could get out was a few silent tears, which fell down my face.

“It’s ok.” Kaleb whispered in my ear.

He knew it as much as me that it’s not ok, but I could tell he was just trying to be there for me. I nod my head slowly and closed my eyes. Oh how I wish that this had never happened.

Kaleb picked my up off the ground lightly and he sat down on the chair with me on his lap. I rested my head back on his shoulder with my eyes still closed. Now that I had seen Dad I couldn’t see the image of my dream behind my eyelids. Luckily.


Lunch time slowly rolled around. It felt like it took days not just hours to arrive. I didn’t even know what the time was until Kaleb told me. But I really didn’t feel like moving or anything.

“You better have something to eat, you didn’t have breakfast.” Kaleb stated.

I sighed nodding my head. Kaleb stood up with me and placed my feet on the ground. He let go of me and I walked up to Dad I kissed his forehead like normal.

“Love you Dad.” I whispered.

I kissed his forehead again. I moved away from the bed and I had the feeling something wasn’t right...I ignored it. Me and Kaleb started walking towards the door.

Kaleb opened the door, and then suddenly gasped with eyes wide before freeing like ice. But before I could do anything, even ask him what’s wrong; the sound of many things beeping filled the room. My heart stopped. I knew what those sounds meant; I’ve heard them before...

About 2 nurses and a doctor ran into the room and I automatically spun around to see Dad. All the monitors that he was connected to were going crazy. I then froze like ice as Kaleb did. Oh no...Please, no...

“Sir, Miss please wait outside!” The doctor called before standing on the edge of the bed and placing his hands over Dad’s chest.

But I couldn’t move. No, this can’t happen....

Suddenly I felt something cold grab my arm and rip me from the room and into the hallway. Everything thing was a blur but at the same time I could see everything as I was pulled out the room and Kaleb wrapped his arms around me.

But I just stood there in his arms. I couldn’t see anything. I couldn’t hear anything. It was like everything stopped for a moment. And then with a loud bang everything was back. Loud cries escaped my mouth and tears fell from my eyes like rivers.

This can not happen. He can not die. He’s the only real family that I have left!

Kaleb held me closer and then froze still. I wrapped my arms around him and held him as tight as I could, like if I was to let him go, he would disappear.

Minutes flew by and we didn’t move an inch. Right now I was just like Kaleb, almost frozen in time as everything went around us. I could hear the people in Dad’s room talk loudly but no words sank in so I couldn’t understand them, even when I tried to hear what they were saying I couldn’t.

Suddenly Kaleb turned even colder, if that was possible. I moved my head just enough to see his face. His face was horror stricken and twisted in so much pain. It didn’t even look like him. His eyes were far off and dark-ish.


Then the door to Dad’s room opened. I looked over Kaleb’s shoulder. The doctor looked at me sadly, his face slightly twisted.

“No!” I gasped.
“I’m so sorry. We tried all we could, but we couldn’t bring him back.” He said softly before looking down at the ground.

My knees collapsed from under me but Kaleb caught me by making his arms tighter.

“No!” I gasped again.

So many sob started coming out of my mouth now that I couldn’t breathe properly. No. This can’t happen! Not him!

Out of my blurry eyes I noticed that the doctor tried to walk over to me and Kaleb. But Kaleb moved me away from him and I heard a little hiss in Kaleb’s throat. I just clinged to Kaleb as much as I could.

This can’t be real...

I have no family now, I’m all alone...
♠ ♠ ♠
yeah this is a really sad chapter, it was hard not to cry writing it ^^'
but no ones life is perfect and all happy, so yeah
but i hope you liked it though :D
comments would be very loved!