Status: Done

With Open Arms

Chapter 14

My legs slowly dragged me out of the hospital. Everything around me was a blur. All I could tell was that Kaleb was holding me tight to his side. He still had the horror stricken looking face and his eyes were now pitch black.

I had spent the whole afternoon in the hospital. Pretty much breaking down into pieces. I had like my final goodbye to Dad before they took him away. I was asked to do some type of paper work, but I have no idea what it was about. Kaleb filled it all out for me.

We walked across the car park and Kaleb opened his car. He picked me up and placed me in the front passenger seat. I just sat there staring blankly. I don’t know what to do, what to feel...

I felt Kaleb put my seatbelt on and heard him shut the door. Then the car engine started and the car moved. I closed my eyes. Apart of me felt so exhausted and the rest of me felt nothing. Completely nothing emotionally.

I felt something cold grip my hand. I knew it was Kaleb’s hand. I tighten my hand around his and leant my head to the side facing him. I opened my eyes slightly to look at him. His face was now calm and his eyes shinned a little, meaning it was night time. I then noticed the inside car light was on, that’s why it still looked like daytime.

I continued to stare at Kaleb as he drove. In one way I was looking at him and in the other I just saw right through him. I couldn’t even tell what I was exactly looking at. Him or nothing?

Then suddenly like out of know where the car stopped. I blinked and looked away from Kaleb. We were at his house...Already. Kaleb let go of my hand and in that second he had me out the car door in his arms. He placed my feet on the ground and held me close to his side. I said nothing and we walked towards the back door of the house.

The door was already open and we walked right through it, through the kitchen and dinning area and into the living room. Just as we walked in Rose and Alec turned to look at us. Their smiles fade very quickly.

“Oh, no.” Rose sighed.

I noticed out the corner of my eye that Kaleb nodded one swift nod. Rose walked swiftly to me and Kaleb let me go just as Rose pulled me into a hug. Tears started welding up in my eyes.

Rose pulled away a little. Her eyes fogged up a little. I moved my eyes away from her. I really didn’t want to see someone else cry right now really. Through she would cry silver tears...

She pulled fully away from me and Alec hugged me tightly. I wrapped my arms around him lightly before he pulled away. I looked away from him and to the ground.

Maybe I should spend some time by myself...

“I want to be alone for a while...” I said so quietly I could barely hear it.
“Ok Sweetie.” Rose said. “If you need us just say.”

I looked at her and nodded.

I turned away from them and walked slowly towards the stairs. I started up the stairs and look a quick look at Rose, Alec and Kaleb.

Alec was holding Rose in a hug and Kaleb’s eyes were on me. His pitch black hollow eyes. I looked away and went up the rest of the stairs. I walked down the hallway and to the guest room, my room. I opened the door and closed it behind me.

I walked up to my bed in a daze like fashion and lay down. I pulled my legs to my chest and wrapped my arms around them. More and more tears leaked from my eyes until I couldn’t see. Pain took over my while body and also aloneness.

I fell so alone...

I closed my eyes. I don’t want to be alone. To be by myself...

A sob escaped my mouth. But now I am alone in a way. I have no living true family left on this planet...

“Kaleb...” I said quietly.

Through I don’t have any real family left I still have Rose and Alec. And most of all I have Kaleb.

“I don’t want to be alone, Kaleb.” I whispered.

Then I heard the door slowly open and shut. The bed moved behind me and I rolled over opening my eyes. Kaleb lied down on the bed next to me. His face empty.

“You will never be alone, I won’t leave you.” He whispered.

I moved so my face was on his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled the blanket over us. I don’t care if his skin made me cold. I don’t want to move.

And all I know is that I want Kaleb with me always.
♠ ♠ ♠
next chapter ^^
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