Status: Done

With Open Arms

Chapter 15

A week passed in a blur. I can’t remember hardly anything from it. All that I remember is being with Rose and Alec every now and then, and also always with Kaleb. Like he said that night. He wouldn’t leave me; if he wasn’t by my side he was always in the house or in the next room.

But for some reason once I woke up today nothing was a blur and oddly I would have thought today out of all days I would want everything thing in a twisted blur. Today is Dad’s funeral.

Standing in front of the mirror I looked back at myself. My face was extremely pale and dark lines hovered under my eyes. My hair was almost flat dead looking and so were my eyes. They looked more black then grey-blue.

I was wearing a long ground length black skirt; the same one I wore to Mum’s funeral. It was a present for her a few years ago before he had got sick. I was wearing pants underneath so I wouldn’t get cold. I was also wearing a purple long sleeve top with a matching singlet underneath. It was a present from Dad for my birthday 5 months ago. My last birthday with him...

I long sigh escaped my lips. To tell the truth I don’t know if I can go through this today, but I know I have too. In a way it felt like everything that happened with Mum was repeating itself; the same nightmare all over again. Just this time it was Dad.

This morning I had got the report back on Dad’s death. The reason why he died. The brain injury he had was sever, there was no way he could have made it at all...Both of them died of something to do from the brain. In a way it made me scared. I’m not immortal like Kaleb. Anything could happen to me, just like Mum and Dad. Life is too short, way too short.

I looked away for the mirror. My own dead eyes scared me. I couldn’t stand to look at them or myself for much longer. I’m a complete mess. I walked over to the desk and picked up a silver headband with black stones on it. I placed it in my hair. Today is windy and cold, I would need something to keep my hair out my face...The headband was also a present from Kaleb for my last birthday.

The door then quietly creaked open and I turned to look at it. Rose poked her head around the door. She smiled lightly at me.

“Are you ready?” She asked quietly.
“I think...Yeah.”
Well I was ready as I could ever be. I felt my stomach tighten as I walked to the door. But I ignored it. Rose opened the door fully for me and I walked out. She shut the door and walked at my side easily keeping pace. We got to the stairs and walked down them slowly.

Rose was wearing a long plain simple black dress with a dark jacket over top. Her light brown hair was out hanging down her back, it ended around the bottom of her shoulder blades. As we got down the stairs I saw Kaleb and Alec. Alec was wearing a plain black suit with an extra jacket over top. Kaleb was wearing something similar but no suit jacket, just a plain jacket over the top. I know that none of them even needed to wear jackets or anything. They could walk in the snow with just shirts and shorts and it wouldn’t worry them. But they had to fit in with people.

I walked over to Kaleb and he held his hand out for me. I took it looking in his eyes. Like last week his eyes were dark, but not because of thirst. They weren’t pitch black. Just dark-ish, it’s hard to explain really.

Rose and Alec held hands and walked out the house. Me and Kaleb followed slowly. My stomach tightens up again and I felt a little sick, but I did my best to ignore it. If I needed too I can be sick later after everything. Alec and Rose got in their car and I got it Kaleb’s car with him. We both stayed silent as he started the car and followed Alec out the drive way.

It only took about 5-10 minutes to the cemetery. There was already a small amount of people there. Dad knew a few people around the small town.

Kaleb parked the car and we both got out. I shut the door behind me and got hit by a wave a cold air. Why did the weather have to be so bad today? The weatherman said it was meant to rain too...Then again what he says and what happens are two different things. But if it does rain I hope it’s afterwards.

Suddenly I felt a huge amount of people looking at me. It was all the other people that were standing around. They all looked at me sadly, apart from the people that looked at Kaleb who was standing beside me surprised.

I knew most of the people that were here. Well I knew them enough to know most of their names and how they met Dad. That’s about it. And I’m sure they only know me enough to know I am his daughter.

I looked away from them and at Kaleb. He wrapped one of his arm around my waist. I leant my head on his shoulder. I tried not to cry yet.

The whole thing was finally over and done. Dad was put at rest with Mum and tears fell from my eyes like waterfalls. Some of the people that came actually came and spoke to me and gave me a small hug as others started walking away.

Before long it was just me, Kaleb, Rose, Alec and a few people left. Kaleb stayed at my side as did Rose and Alec. And I was glad they stayed at my side for the whole time.

I had a small purple rose in between my hands. It was Mum favourite rose and Dad’s favourite colour. I was waiting for the man to finish putting up the new headstone so I put the rose on it. It took them a while but they finally did it. As they walked away I walked up to the headstone holding back sobs. I placed the rose on top gently.

“I love you and I will miss you both.” I whispered.

I turned around and hugged the closest person to me which was Kaleb. He wrapped his arms around me and held me tight as I cried. Then I could feel Rose stroking the back of my head softly.

“Thank you.” I whispered to them, though thank you is never enough for what they have done for me so far.
“Always, sweetie.” Rose whispered back.

I buried my head in Kaleb’s chest.

I only hope that Mum and Dad are together again. And who knows one day I might be able to see them again. As they can see me.

Kaleb then pulled away a little from me to look at my face. I then noticed it was drizzling. The rain did hold off...For a while.

“Ready to go home?” He whispered.

I nod my head and we started walking back to the car as I take one last look at Mum and Dad’s headstone and purple rose.
♠ ♠ ♠
Finally the next chapter. :D
Yeah it was sad, i know :( It was hard not to cry writing it...
so anyway how was this one? good, bad, rubish?
Tell me what you think of it please! Comments so make my day so much better. ^^