Status: Done

With Open Arms

Chapter 16

The feeling of the bed moving woke up from a deep sleep. I fluttered my eyes open and rolled onto my other side. The first thing I saw was two bright white-ish blue eyes looking back at me.

Kaleb smiled brightly showing his fangs. I smiled very lightly back at him.

It had been three months since Dad had died. And half of that time has been a blur. I was now living with Rose, Alec and Kaleb. In the spare bedroom, my bedroom. All my belongings were in the house and Dad’s house was put up for sale as it had too. I wasn’t 18 yet and I couldn’t own the house so I had no choice but give it up, as much as I didn’t really want to.

But during that time me and Kaleb still was always tied at the hip. And I’m sure if it hasn’t been for him I wouldn’t be here, I would just be a shell of a person. It’s almost like he was the reason why I had a life. As odd as it does sound; I would be nothing without him and it was almost like he would be nothing without me too. Yes, it’s really odd...

“Good morning Susana.” He said softly.
“Morning Kaleb.” I said back my voice full of sleep.

He smiled at me again but not as bright as before. He sat up in the bed and looked at me. Half of his face turned silver as the light touched it. Then I noticed it was sunlight. It’s actually sunny outside. It hasn’t been sunny since that day me and Kaleb went to the creek and Kaleb showed me what he looked like in the sun.

I smiled and sat up in bed. I looked at his face closer. The half of his face that was in the shade was a ghost white, smooth and hard looking. On the other side of his face it was a white-silver colour and shinned silver like a ring. It actually looks beautiful.

I reached out and touched his cheek with my finger. It was almost like when a little kid finds something they have never seen before. I could help but laugh at myself. Kaleb’s eyes lit up brightly when I laughed. He then smiled really brightly. It has been 3 months since I last laughed really.

I went to pull my hand back but he placed his hand over mine and kept my hand on his cheek. I smiled at him. His cold skin felt so nice against mine, I don’t know if it was from the sun being warm or what, but it was nice.

“You have a beautiful smile, I’ve missed it.” Kaleb said.

I blushed and looked down. I have a beautiful smile? Then he let go of my hand and placed his hand on my cheek, making me face him. He smiled sweetly at me. His smile was beautiful too.

“How about we do something today, out the house and in the sun.” He suggested.

I nod my head.

“Sounds good.” I said.

He pulled his hand away from my face and suddenly he was on his feet by the bed in a blink of an eye. I pushed the blankets from me and got out the bed. I walked over to the wardrobe.

“I’ll get dressed and met you down the stairs ok?” I asked.

Kaleb darted to the door. He took a quick look at me and closed the door behind himself. I turned to my wardrobe and opened the doors. I pulled out some random cargo pants, t-shirt and a jacket. I walked over to my bed and got changed. I dumped my PJ’s on my bed as I did. I then grabbed my brush and brushed my hair just enough so it was somewhat neat. I then put my silver headband in.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. Today I’m going to try my best and be happy and have fun. That’s what Mum and Dad would want; they wouldn’t me to laze around moping and depressed. I opened my eyes and walked out my room.

I walked all the way down the stairs and to the living room. Kaleb was nowhere to be seen. Maybe he was in the kitchen. I know for a fact that Rose and Alec aren’t home today; they have gone on a weeklong hunt and are very far away from here. I’m sure they have gone across the other side of the country. I walked towards the kitchen.

Suddenly my feet weren’t on the ground. I squealed laughing. Then all of a sudden I was on Kaleb’s back. I wrapped my arms and legs around him tightly. He turned his head smiling at me and then started running out the back door. We were out the back door, across the lawn and into the trees in a couple of seconds. The wind blew my hair back behind me and I rested my head on Kaleb’s shoulder smiling.


Me and Kaleb sat by the edge of our little creek. We had been here for half a day now, just sitting in the sun, watching the water and talking. I was having fun, smiling and laughing. In a way a little part of me felt like it was a wrong thing to do after everything that has happened. But like I said before. Mum and Dad would want me to have fun, smile and laugh again.

Kaleb who sat next to me shinned all silver. The sun was so nice. It was warm against my skin when it was out. Clouds have covered the sun a few times already, which suck. And once again the sun might only be a one day show. Rain was once again forecasted for tomorrow.

“Hey Susana,” Kaleb started.

I looked at him waiting for him to continue tilting my head to the side a little.

“What would you say if I decided to get you something?” He asked.

That took me by surprised. Why would he want to get me something? He has given me so much just by being with me.

“Why would you want to get me something? You don’t need to get me anything.” I said.
“Well, because I want too. And actually I already have it.”

He reached into his pocket and pulled something out. He held his hand open. From him shinning silver in the sun I couldn’t really see what he had. With his other hand he took my hand and placed the object in my palm. He then let go of my hand so I could see what it was.

In my hand lied a silver charm bracelet. I held it up and noticed 5 charms on it. I looked at Kaleb shocked. He smiled at me before taking the bracelet and then in a flash he placed it on my right wrist. I was almost speechless. It was beautiful.

“Each charm stands for an important person in your life.” Kaleb said.

I looked down at the bracelet closely.

“The gold music note stands for Alec; as he shines gold in the sun and his love for music. Rose is the silver star; as she shines silver.”

I nod my head looking at them. I still couldn’t think of anything to say to him. He continued while showing me each charm.

“The purple rose if for your Mum, the leaf is for your Dad for the free sprit he was and the silver heart is me. I couldn’t find anything else to match well for me.”
“Thank you.” I managed to whisper.

Tears welded in my eyes. No one has ever got or made me anything like this before. I just stared at it amazed.

“It’s beautiful; no one has ever got me anything like this before.” I whispered.

I looked at Kaleb to see him smiling brightly. I pulled him into a tight hug. A few tears fell from my eyes.

“Anything for you.” Kaleb whispered hugging me back.

I looked at the bracelet as we still held each other. The music note, star, rose and leaf were exactly like the person it stood for. 100%.

And the silver heart matched Kaleb perfectly too.
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