Status: Done

With Open Arms

Chapter 17

Rose flashed around the room as fast as pin being dropped for a 10 story building as she zoomed around the lounge room tiding up and replacing the flowers in the vases. She was swapping them for red roses this time, she had white ones before.

Alec was also in the room sitting at his piano looking at music notes he had. Probably deciding on which one to play, though he didn’t need the notes to remember them all.

I stood up from the couch. Today I was going to go see Mum and Dad and Kaleb was out hunting. I made him because he hasn’t been in a few weeks. I was arguing with myself in my head to either wait for him or just go. Maybe I should just go, I haven’t been to see them by myself yet actually.

“I’m going to see Mum and Dad.” I said quietly.

Rose stopped flashing around the room and walked up to me her arms full of roses. She smiled at me sweetly.

“Would you like to take them a rose?” She asked.
“Yeah, sure.”

She handed me two red roses. I smiled softly back at her.

“Susana.” Alec said.

I turned and looked at him. He smiled lightly.

“Don’t be gone for too long, there is a storm coming; we don’t want you to be stuck in it driving.”
“I’ll try to come back fast; I’m not planning to be there long anyway.”

He nods his head and I turned to walk out the room.

“See yous soon.” I said.
“Cya sweetie.” Rose said.

I walked out the house with the roses in my hands. I walked over to my car and opened the door. My keys were sitting in the car already. With their hearing there is no need to lock up anything when their home. I sat in the driver’s seat and placed the roses on the passages seat. I started the car and pulled out the drive way slowly.

I got into the main road and it started raining softly. I sighed and took a quick glance at the bracelet on my right wrist that Kaleb got me yesterday. I smiled and continued driving.


A few small tears fell from my eyes as I looked at the two red roses on the top of Mum and Dad’s head stone. My heart thumped hard in my chest in pain. I miss them so much...

Suddenly something wet touched my face and it wasn’t any of my tears. I looked up and more drops of water fall on my face. The sky was a very dark grey. Then I remembered what Alec said. There was a storm coming. I better get home.

I looked back down mainly at the roses I had just put there not long ago.

“I have to go for now...Cya.” I whispered.

I turned and walked back towards my car. I wiped the tears away and the rain on my face. I got to my car and got in just before it really started raining. That was close. I pulled the keys from my pocket and started the car. I pulled away from the cemetery turning the heater on high, the front lights on and the windscreen wipers. Why does Eden have to always be cold and wet?

I sighed and continued down the road. The rain picked up and I put the windscreen wipers on full speed. Wow, it’s raining really hard...

Then all of a sudden it started raining even harder and the wind slammed the rain into the front of the car. As that happened I could hardly see. I’ve never seen it this bad before. Ever. I slowed down almost to a crawl. Is this part of the storm?

I leaned forward a little and tried to look out the window to see the road or a place where I could stop the car. I knew that this part of the road was straight but I couldn’t tell is I was driving fully straight. This is bad, very bad.

Suddenly through the rain was a bright light of car head lights right in front of me. I gasped and turned the steering wheel sharp to the left as the others car’s tires screeched on the road. The tires on my car screeched and then everything went quiet and black.


I opened my eyes as I felt something warm run down the side of my face. Everything was blurry around me. I tried to look to see where I was then like I ran into a brick wall everything burned with pain. I screamed out loud. Most of the pain was coming from my head, rib area and mostly my legs.

I tried to move my legs...But nothing happened. I looked down at my legs, they were pinned under the steering wheel. Oh shit. I crashed the car...

Everything went blurry again and I couldn’t see. I tried to see but I couldn’t. I then tried to scream. Nothing came out. Everything throbbed with pain. Then I could hear a sound like someone called my name. But I couldn’t tell it sounded so faded.

Then where it was warm on my face it was suddenly cold; freezing.

“Susana! Say something please!”

I knew who that voice belong to right away. It was Kaleb. I tried to say something to him but I couldn’t find my voice. I looked over to my side and all I could see was a blur of his face, if that was his face I was looking at. I tried to say something to him. I had to say something to him.


When I said his name it was really whispery and cracked.

“Hold on, Susana. I’ll get you out of here. Just hold on.”

Then I felt and heard the steering wheel move off my legs. I gasped and almost screamed as it hurt so much. Then I felt something cold wrapped around me. I then noticed my eyes were closed so I forced them open. The first thing I saw was Kaleb’s beautiful face. He was holding me, no carrying me and everything went passed us in a green blur.

I felt really light headed and dizzy.

“Were almost home, Susana.” He said.

My eyes closed lightly on me but I tried to keep them open. But I couldn’t.

“Kaleb...” I whispered again.

Then I heard a huge thud like someone slammed open a door with all the force they had, that then was followed with loud gasps. I tried to open my eyes again.

“Take her to the office!” I heard Alec yell.

Then I heard more doors burst open. I used all the strength I had to open my eyes. We were in the office of Kaleb’s house. I felt him place me on something gently but pain spread across my body. I let out a painful moan.

Then there was a lot of loud talking in the room but I couldn’t understand anything. I looked up at Kaleb who hovered over me. He nods his head and looks down at me. I almost could feel myself slip away into darkness. My eye sight started to disappear.

“Hold on ok, just a bit longer!” He said.
“I’ll try...” I croaked.
“No you will! You will hold on Susana.” He said strongly.

I tried to lift my hand and up to touch his face, but I couldn’t get it to move. Then I heard three words I thought I would never hear Kaleb ever say to me.

“I love you.”

Then everything went black.
♠ ♠ ♠
About 4 chapters felt of this story...
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