Status: Done

With Open Arms

Chapter 18

*Kaleb's POV

Susana’s car sat twisted around a tree as I raced as fast as I could to it. I saw the whole crash as it happened up the road and I couldn’t be fast enough to stop it. My silent heart throbbed as I reached the driver’s door.


I ripped the door off and threw it away like it was a piece of paper. I leaned into the car. She sat in the driver’s seat with her legs trapped under the steering wheel and blood ran down her face. Though her blood was exposed it still held hardly any smell. I placed my hand on her cheek.

“Susana! Say something please!” I panicked.

Susana cannot die, not now. Not ever. I won’t let her if I could help it. But I could hear her heart; it was beating slowly. She is bleeding internally. Her eyes open slightly but they looked far off.

“Kaleb...” She said whispery.
“Hold on, Susana. I’ll get you out of here. Just hold on.”

I grabbed the steering wheel and pulled it out the car all together. Susana gasped and a small sound came from her throat like she was going to scream. But she didn’t. I have to get her to the house and quick.

I undone her seatbelt and pulled her from the car and into my arms. I started running for the house as far as I could. As fast as I bullet fired from a gun. Trees flew passed us and Susana looked up at me. Her eyes looked a slight bit clearer.

“Were almost home, Susana.” I said.

Her eyes closed on her.

“Kaleb...” She whispered.

I looked away from her as we were home. I ran to the front door and kicked it open. It flew into the wall and got stuck there as the hinges broke into pieces. Rose and Alec looked at me horror stricken as they gasped in shock.

“Take her to the office!” Alex yelled.

I flew up the stairs to the office where he had a spare bed sitting in there. I kicked open those doors as well. Susana opened her eyes again. I placed her as gently as I could onto the bed but she let out a painful moan. My heart throbbed hearing it.

“What happened?” Alex asked flying into the room, he talked so fast that no one apart from us could hear it.
“She swerve to miss another car on the road and crashed into a tree.” I said just as fast.

He flew over to us and we heard her heart almost miss a beat. She was bleeding badly, somewhere. She’s losing a lot of blood.

“She’s losing too much blood!” Alec said.

I nod my head and look down at her, she was looking at me. Her eyes started to look dull.

“Hold on ok, just a bit longer!” I said.
“I’ll try...” She croaked.
“No you will! You will hold on Susana.” I said strongly.

There had to be a way we could save her. I can’t let her die...Then the feelings and words that I kept secret for so long from her spilled from my mouth.

“I love you.”

Then her eyes shut. Her heart then missed a beat. No!

“We have to change her.” Alec said.

I looked at him shocked. We have to change her into a vampire?!

“It’s the only way we can save her. She won’t last if I operated on her. We have to do it now!” Alec said.

I heard Rose sob from the other side of the wall. In one way I didn’t want to change Susana into a vampire like me, but I can’t let her die. I can’t.

“Kaleb.” Alec said almost in a panicky voice as I froze staring at him.

I have to do this. I know I have to. I looked down at Susana and moved my face down to her neck where blood from the gash in her head had trickled. I took a deep breath and my throat toughened a little. I could small her blood just.

“Hurry!” Alec urged.
“I’m sorry.” I whispered to Susana.

I then sunk my teeth into the side of her neck. Warm blood felled my mouth. It tasted so nice, but it was different from normal human blood. Just like the smell. Normally human blood smelled so rich, it was always strong, but never hers.

Her blood trickled down my throat. I clamped my hands on the side of the bed, keeping control of the thrust. I couldn’t let her die and I can’t kill her myself.

I love her. I always have.

With all the control and strength I had I pulled my teeth out her neck and licked over where I bit her letting my venom sink into her skin. I then kissed her neck and pulled away. It would take 12 hours for her to change. 12 painful hours.

“Was I in time?” I whispered.
“I think so.” Alec said looking her over.

5 minutes went passed as we stood frozen watching and her heart was still beating, just. Then her heart made a huge thud. The noise of when the venom first hits the heart. I let out a sigh. As did Alec.

“We were in time.” Alec sighed. “You were in time.” He corrected.

I took a quick glance at him and then back at Susana. Already her skin started looking a slight bit smoother. Rose walked into the room. Her face was unreadable. She walked up to the bedside next to me. Rose placed her hand on Susana’s forehead. She then looked back at me.

“I’m sure she heard you.” She said. “And I’m sure she loves you too.”

I was a little surprised at that. Did Susana love me back? Does she? Rose smiled at me. She moved her hand away from Susana then walked over to Alec.

“Let’s leave them alone for a while.” She whispered.

He nods his head agreeing. They both held hands and walk out the room. I sighed and looked at Susana. I then did something I thought I would never do like I thought I would never told her that I loved her.

I kissed her lips softly.
♠ ♠ ♠
so how was this one?
good? crap?
the story is almost finished by the way in the next couple of chapters D:
what do you think iwll happen? ;]