Status: Done

With Open Arms

Chapter 2

The drive from Eden to Hyden was somewhat slow. About half way to Hyden the rain started pouring heavily. For a short moment it was coming down so hard it sounded like it was hail or rocks hitting the roof of the car instead of rain.

I made it into the boundary of Hyden just about an hour after I left Eden, so that wasn’t so bad, though I wanted to be there quicker. But once I pulled into the hospital car park…Well then that was a different story.

There were cars and people everywhere! Everyone was trying to get out the rain and park as close as they can to the hospital buildings. There was a huge line of cars that was waiting to pick up people from the hospital entrance. It’s truly a mad house.

After circling the car park a few times, I finally managed to find a spot to park. It was far away from the buildings, but I don’t really care if I get wet from the rain, it’s only water after all.

I turned off the car and got out. I pulled the hood of my jumper over my head, just so the water didn’t splash in my face as I walked, annoying me. I locked my car and walked of towards the hospital entrance.

I got under the cover of the hospital entrance and had to wave my way passed a few people to get inside. Hyden hospital is the biggest and best hospital in the area. People from over six towns come here for most treatments and large injuries so it is always busy. Always a mad house.

I walked in thought the large sliding doors and walked down the hallway to my left. My Dad was on the second floor in the intensive care ward.

I walked into an elevator at the same time as a nurse that was pushing an old man in a wheelchair. He looked up at me with his soft brown eyes and smiled. I smiled back at him and let the nurse hit the button first. She was headed to the same floor as me. Good.

The doors closed quietly and the elevator started moving. It took only a short time to get to the second floor, which somewhat surprised me. The doors opened and before I could move the nurse and the man in the wheelchair were off. I walked out the elevator just as some more people walked into it.

I stopped and the doors closed behind me. I have been here for the last two days and I still get confused on which way to go. This place is huge. I think it might be the biggest building I have ever been in.

I walked over to the grey desk and a lady smile up at me from the computer screen. She pushed her glasses up her nose a little before turning fully to me.

“Hello, how may I help you?” She asked smiling.

“I’m here to see my Dad; Steve White.”

She nodded and looked at the wall to all the lists. As she scanned the names with her index finger as few people rushed passed pushing a bed. I had to squish up against the desk to help make more room for them.

“Ah,” The lady sighed. “Here he is. He is in room two. If you go down the hall just a bit you’ll find it on your left.”

“Ok. Thank you.”

She smiled at me once again as I turned and walked up the hallway. I looked at all the room signs as I walked. It didn’t take long to find it. The bright blue sign with ‘2’ written in white was very hard not to notice against the white walls.

I walked up to the door and stopped. Almost frozen. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I had to get myself together for what I’m about to see. And I know I will hate what I’m going to see...

“Are you ok, Miss?”

I opened my eyes to see one of the hospital doctors standing next to me. He looked at me with a worried and confused expression.

“Yeah. I’m fine.” I half lied.

I pushed the door open and stepped into the room. The doctor followed me in and walked right up to the bed as I took my time, walking slowly.

Dad laid there motionless. A light blue blanket was laid over him up to his chest, hiding most of his injuries. This in a way was a good thing, for me at least. His arms were above the blanket, by his side with a few needles and tubes stuck into his skin.

His eyes were closed as they have been for the last couple of days almost making it look like he was sleeping. But his face was slightly twisted with pain and his skin was a pale white, very different from his normal skin tone apart from the bruising on his face. He looks so terrible.

I walked up to the chair by his side and sat down. As I did the doctor picked up Dad’s chart and began his normal observations. I leant forward and took Dad’s hand carefully, making sure not to touch any of the wires and stuff that is connected to him.

“Hey Dad.” I mumbled quietly.

I wished in my head that Dad would open his eyes and say hello back to me. But I know that wouldn’t happen and that made my heart ache. The first real feeling I had all day.

“So you must be his daughter right?” The doctor asked me.


“Well, I am Dr Sky; the doctor that is now caring for you father. Dr Cleo was in a car accident last night and I am now talking over his patients.” He explained.

My eyes widen in shock. What is this, accident week? First my Dad and the other men at his work place and now the doctor. Is there anyone else?

“Is he ok?” I asked.

“Yes, he’s fine. He has a broken leg and cuts and scratches. He was very lucky I might add after seeing his car...” Dr Sky drifted off shaking his head.

Well at least Dr Cleo was lucky. Much unlike my Dad. They still have no idea if he will pull through yet...

I looked back over at Dad and squeezed his hand lightly. Dr Sky continued with his Obs. It felt like it took him ages to do the observations on Dad. I wanted to know if he has had any change what so ever. I wanted to know if there was any hope...

Dr Sky wrote on the chart and then put it back in it’s spot on the end of the bed, sighing. Something from the way that he sighed didn’t sound good...

“Any change?” I asked almost whispering.

Dr Sky shook his head slowly.

“No. No change at all, sorry.”

My hope disappeared even more. Could Dad ever wake up from this? And if he somehow does, would he ever be the same, the same loving father that has always been there for me, no matter what?

I looked back up at Dad’s face.

“I’ll be back in a few hours to check on him again. If something happens call for me or a nurse.” Dr Sky said.

I nod my head.

“I will thanks.” I said to him still looking at Dad.

Dr Sky walked out the room and shut the door. I kept my eyes on Dad.

This is still so hard to believe that this has happened. Dad was so healthy and happy just a few days ago and now he lies here in a hospital bed; eyes closed, unmoving.

This was nothing I wanted to ever see again in my life time.

This was too close to how I saw Mum in her last few weeks of her life. She was diagnosed with brain cancer. All it started was with headaches and then slowly, painfully lead to her death. It wasn’t in a spot where they could operate and remove it. She went through so much therapy that she was sick all the time...

And the way Dad is laying there now is just like she was.

My eyes started to fog up and a tear slid slowly down my cheek. A small sob escaped my lips and I laid my head against the edge of the bed.

There has to be a way through this, there just has to. He is all the family that I have left.
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hope you liked it. sorry for any spelling mistakes, I can't spell if I tried ^^'