Status: Done

With Open Arms

Chapter 20

The mirror stood in front of me as Kaleb held it there for me to see my reflection. I was always lead to believe that when humans change to vampires they change a lot physically. But they don’t. I still look a lot like I did one day ago when I was human.

My hair was still wavy but a slight bit neater then before and a slight bit more shiner. I was the same height and figure. The main changes were my eyes and skin. My skin was smooth, ghost white and almost hard-stone looking. The eyes that stared back at me were a very pale purple-blue colour. It was odd that they were a purple colour.

But that wasn’t the only thing that was slight odd about me. I had hardly any real bloodlust. Like normally a vampire when thirsty would just attack and drain something automatically letting thirst control them. For me it wasn’t like that. It was like I was just thirsty for a drink of water.

Alec had done a little research and found out a lot.

He also found out the reason why my blood had hardly any scent before as well. It was my blood line. There was something in my blood line that caused it. Alec seams to think that I could have been related somehow to some hybrid of vampire and human from a thousand years ago.

But truly I’m not so interested in such information. I was just glad to be alive still with Rose, Alec and of course Kaleb. For once in a long time I felt whole and things were going good. After everything that has happen over the last few years it finally feels like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

I could finally breathe.

“So what do you think, love?” Kaleb asked smiling at me.

I smiled back at him and nodded. I didn’t quiet know what to say. I have been a vampire for just over a day and I was still getting used to things. Like the hearing, eye sight, speed...It’s a bit...Wow.

Kaleb put the mirror down and flashed in front of me. Before that move would have been a blur to me but now I could see it all; like he was moving normal. Well to me it was now normal.

He smiled at me brightly and kissed my forehead lightly. I smiled brightly too. My silent heat felt warm. I still couldn’t believe I was so blind to see how much I loved him before. Now that I think about I think I have always loved him. We were like two puzzle pieces that fit perfect together.

“How would you like to go for a walk?” He asked.

I heard how he said the word walk. He meant like our old walks. I smiled.

“That would be great.” I smiled.

Kaleb took my hand and linked his fingers with mine. Instead of walking to the door he led me over to the window. I chuckled. We went out the window when he took me on my first hunt last night. He wanted me to try leaping. I couldn’t leap as far as he could though. And it was scary as. Though being a vampire I still hate heights bad. It took him 2 hours to talk me into leaping out the window as Rose and Alec laughed from down stairs...

He opens the window easily and stood on the edge of the large window frame. I poked my head out. Having great eyesight and it being during the day didn’t help the view from the second story window to the ground. Ugh.

Then suddenly Kaleb scooped me up in his arms and jumped. I closed my eyes before I could see anything. Fancy that a vampire scared of heights...

Kaleb laughed and held me tightly before moving me to his back. I wrapped my arms and legs around him like old times. I smiled and placed my chin on his shoulder. I noticed Rose looking at me through the kitchen window. She loved the fact that we were together. I gave her a quick wave and Kaleb took off running.

He flew through the trees at his top speed. I watched as the trees went by without blurring. Kaleb laughed freely and zoomed around more trees. Ahead I saw the river he would have to jump over. Oh here we go again. I hid my face in his neck.

I felt the air moved as he flew into it and landed. After a moment there was no move wind. I moved my head to see our creek. I smiled and got off Kaleb’s back. I glanced at the sky quickly. The clouds look like they could brake at any moment. Then I could see what I look like in sunlight. It I was silver like Kaleb or gold like Alec.

I took Kaleb’s hand as we smiled at each other. We didn’t need to say anything to each other. Looks say more then words.

I started walking over to the creeks edge. Suddenly Kaleb froze making me stop walking. I looked back at him and tilt my head to the side.

“What?” I asked.

He let go of my hand and reached his hand to my face. His hand turned silver as she touched my cheek, looking surprised. I was in the sun.

“Amazing...” He whispered.

I lifted my hand up so I could see my own hand. As it hit the sunlight I froze. I wasn’t gold or silver in the sunlight.

I was marble.

I looked like cream-ish coloured stone. I gasped. My skin looked just like marble stone! It even had the slightly darked looking veins in the colour. Wow...

Kaleb walked into the sunlight with me, him turning silver. He placed both of his hands on my face and I looked at him in the eyes.

“You’re beautiful and unique.” He said.

He placed his lips on mine. I guess in a way I was unique...I kissed him back.

“You were always unique.” He whispered pulling away.

I looked away like I was embarrassed and blushing. He chuckled. I looked back at him. I couldn’t help but smile.

One thing taught me during the whole thing with Mum and Dad; that he was my light, my happiness.

“I love you.” He smiled.
“I love you too.”

We smiled at each other before kissing each other in the sunlight.
♠ ♠ ♠
Second last chapter! D:
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