Status: Done

With Open Arms

Chapter 3

It was dark by the time I tore myself from Dad’s bed side. As much as I hated being there, I just couldn’t leave. But now I had too, visiting hours were almost over and I had to eat sometime.

I stood up from the chair and kissed Dad’s forehead softly. His skin felt cold under my lips.

“See you in the morning Dad. Love you.”

I turned and walked over to the door. I opened it and took one quick glance at Dad before walking out the room and closing the door quietly. I walked down the hallway and to the elevator. I pressed the button and waited.

After a minute the doors opened and I walked into it. I pressed the button for the ground floor and the doors shut slowly.

About a couple of minutes later the door opened to the ground floor. I stepped out and walked over to the main doors of the hospital. As the main doors opened automatically and I was hit with a wave of cold air like I ran into a brick wall. It was freezing. I zipped up my jacket and wrapped my arms around me. It didn’t help much.

I walked all the way over to my car. Amazingly I actually remembered where I put it even though it is so far away from the building. I had a small habit of forgetting where I parked my car in large places, mostly out of laziness to remember.

I pulled out my keys from my pocket and opened the car door. I noticed straight away that there was someone sitting there. I just sat in my seat and closed the door from the ice cold wind. The fact that someone was in here didn’t scare me one bit.

“Hello Kaleb.” I said.
“Good evening Susana.” He replied.

I looked over at him. I could just see him in the light of the car park that shinned slightly on his beautiful face. But I could see his eyes very clearly though. They always shinned in the dark with just the slightest bit of light like an animal. I have always thought that was cool.

I looked away from him and put the keys in and started the car. Before I could turn the heater on high to warm myself up, Kaleb already did it for me.

“No problem.”

I sighed and leant my head back against the headrest. I had no worry that Kaleb was here or even how he got into my locked car. I was kind of used to him doing this and at the moment I am glad that he did come all the way here. I’m sure if he wasn’t here right now I would be balling my eyes out.

I sighed again and closed my eyes. I would warm up a little before driving back home.

“How is he?” Kaleb asked quietly.

I opened my eyes and looked over at him. He’s eyes glowed even more.

“The same. Nothing has changed at all.” I said just as quietly.

Kaleb nod his head and looked away for a moment. Suddenly my stomach growled. Bugger.

“When was the last time you ate?” He asked raising one of his prefect eyebrows at me.
“When you made my breakfast.” I admitted.

Kaleb sighed.

“Susana, how are you meant to be there for your Dad when you aren’t looking after yourself?” He started more than asked.

I sighed. He has a very good point.

“Would you like me to drive you home?” He asked.

I though for a moment. He was a way faster driver then me, apart from the fact he always goes over the speed limit. So I would get home quicker. And the food, shower and my bed were calling for me...

“Ok. You can drive if you must.” I allowed.

Kaleb smiled and the next thing that I know is that I was now in the passenger seat and he was in the drivers’ seat. I blinked, amazed at how fast he did that. Then shook my head. I should be used to it by now.

Kaleb put the car in reverse and I put my seat belt on. He reversed the car out of the spot and put it into drive. He drove out of the hospital car park with ease. At times I wish I could drive this old rust heap that well.

We got out onto the open road back to Eden and Kaleb turned off the lights on the car and sped up. The trees on either side of the car turned into a dark blur. I was a little amazed that he could get the car to go that fast.

Though his fast driving should scare me into bits, it really didn’t. I was completely fine with it now. I knew the only time he would crash is if he did it on purpose. Like that would ever happen.

“Can you turn the radio on?” I asked.

Kaleb turned it on. He moved so fast that if I didn’t see his hand move slightly from the steering wheel, I would have though it turned on by it’s self. The music came from the back speakers quietly, just loud enough to be background music.

I turned my head and looked out the window. The trees zoomed pass the car so fast that it was almost a complete blur. It was actually cool to look at. It was better then anything else since the only vision I could see in my head is my Dad at the hospital. I shook my head to get it out of my mind. I can’t stand to see that anymore today.

I then focused on the quiet music. I could just hear it over the rawr of the motor. It was calming type music. It helped me a little as more trees passed by the window like a blink of an eye.

It didn’t seam to take long to get back into the borders of Eden. After a few short minutes the odd farm houses started to flew passed the window instead of trees. Kaleb slowed down the car to the speed limit and turned the headlights back on. It was almost blinding at first after being in almost pitch black for the last half an hour or more. I just blinked my eyes as they got used to it.

We passed more and more houses in silence until we got into the town. Kaleb had to slow down even more. My house wasn’t that far away. I would be home soon...To an empty cold house...

Kaleb drove through the middle of town towards my street. Once I get home the first thing I’m doing is getting something to eat, it would most likely be toast but at least it will be something, my stomach is really starting to annoy me.

Then Kaleb drove right pass the turn off for my street. I looked away from to window to his face. He wasn’t looking at me, but out the window, I could just see his face in the street lights.

“Where are we going?” I asked.

The smallest smile touched Kaleb’s lips.


He turned the car and I looked out the front window to see the fast food take away shop Chicken Treat.

“This has to be better then toast, right?” He asked smiling but I could see the distaste for this food in his eyes.
“Yeah, I guess. I am getting sick of toast...” I trailed off.
“So let’s go.”

Kaleb turned the car off, took the keys out and got out the car. I sighed and opened my door and got out. A small sharp pain went down my back, but I ignored it. It’s probably from sitting in that horrible seat at the hospital for all that time.

Kaleb walked around the car and to me.
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hope you like xD sorry for spellin mistakes...
i have this whole story written so i'm trying to update it often ^.^ comments?