Status: Done

With Open Arms

Chapter 4

Kaleb held his hand out for me to take. I looked at him a little surprised. He didn’t do this often. He smiled at me and I smiled weakly back. I lifted my hand and placed it in his. He held my hand very softly as he could crush it at any moment. Like normal his skin felt hard yet smooth against mine. And cold. He’s skin was always cold.

We walked up to the front doors of Chicken Treat and Kaleb pushed the door open, and then held it open for me. I’m pretty sure when he is around I have hardly ever opened a door for myself apart from a car door.

We stepped into the shop more and I could feel the warm air and I could smell the food that they were cooking. The smell made me feel even hungrier. I took a quick glance at Kaleb. His face was twisted with distaste. Like this morning I would have laughed at that, but I still didn’t feel like laughing. Kaleb made his face look unreadable and slowly lead me to the counter.

“Good...Evening...” The lady at the counter greeted us, her moth hanging wide open in shock.

Kaleb got that a lot since he looked like some type of model. All vampires looked perfect and completely beautiful. Kaleb smiled at her and she gasped. Normally like with Kaleb’s distaste for food I would be laughing at this.

“What would you like?” He asked looking at me.

I looked up at the order boards. I let my eyes quickly scan the board. What can I have...?

“I’ll have...A kid’s meal with nuggets and a large chips.” I said.

That was the normal thing I had from here, I was never to keen on the burgers here. The lady behind the counter closed her mouth and nods her head. She placed my order in the cash register then looked up at Kaleb.

“And what would you have?” She asked.

He shook his head.

“That’s all we’re ordering.” He said.

She looked at him a little strange look and presses a button on the register. She said the price amount and I went to pull my wallet from my pocket but Kaleb bet me and handed her some money. She handed back the change and Kaleb smiled at her again. As she looked at him it looked like she was going to faint.

I pulled on his hand as I turned away towards some seats. He followed and sat next to me on the stools, still holding my hand.

“Are you trying to give her a head attack?” I whispered under my breath, I knew he could hear it no problem.

He laughed lightly and shrugged.

“I was just trying to polite, but it is amusing to see humans react like that.” He whispered just loud enough for me to hear.

I nod my head. It was funny seeing people react like that, well at least when I’m in the mood to laugh. I looked down at our hands. Even though his skin was cold it felt oddly nice that he was holding my hand. He moved his thumb and started stroking the top of my hand.

“I was thinking...” He started.

I looked up at him and he looked at me in my eyes. I nod my head for him to continue.

“That maybe you would like to spend the night at my house with my parents. I know you don’t like to be at your house alone and their really worried about you.” He said.

I looked down at the ground. I did hate being alone at home; it feels so different with out Dad there. And I knew that his “parents” Rose and Alec would be worried about me. As far as they were concern I was part of their family as well, human or not.

“Yeah, it might be better if I say with yous tonight. But they really shouldn’t be wasting their time worrying about me.” I said.
“Well your part of our family, of course their going to worry about you.” He stated softly.

I sighed. I know I’m part of the family but they still should spend all their time worrying about me...

“Order of one nugget kids meal and large chips.” Someone called.

Kaleb pulled me softly from the stool and we walked over to the counter. I took my order and we walked out of the shop. It was lucky that Kaleb parked in front of the shop. I’m sure it’s colder out here then what it was before.

We both got into my car, Kaleb in the drivers seat again. He started the car and I put my seat belt on with my food in my lap. He pulled out of the car park and started driving through the town. I opened the bag of food and pulled out the kid’s meal. I opened the box and started eating.

“I’ll stop at your house for you to get your stuff.” Kaleb said.
“Ok.” I said before bitting on of the nuggets.

He drove fast and smoothly to my house. He parked on the road at the front. I was still eating the chips. I went to close up the box to quickly go inside to get by stuff but Kaleb stopped me.

“I’ll get your stuff, you keep eating. Is there anything you want other then a change of clothes?” He asked.
“Um...” I though quickly for what I wanted. “My MP3 please. It’s should be on my desk.”

Kaleb nod his head and disappeared out the car door. I watched as he climbed up the front of the house and onto the roof. I had no idea why he just didn’t go through the front door. For him it would be just be the same amount of time as going the way he was now.

I looked away from my dark house and opened the chips box again. I picked up some and placed them in my mouth.

After a few minutes he came back with a small bag. He got in the car and placed the bag on the backseat.

“Why didn’t you just go through the front door? It’s just as easy as climbing through the window.” I stated.

The main way he always gets into my house was through my bedroom window. He looked at me and shrugged.

“It’s funner?” He said making it sound more like a question.

I rolled my eyes and ate some more chips. He started the car again and drove off down the street. His house was just outside of town, in a much quieter part too. He drove fast up the road and turned onto the dirt road that was like a quick short cut to his house.

I never drove up this road as there were so many pot holes and bumps but Kaleb could with no problem, he missed every hole. I so wish I could drive like that at times...

By the time I fished eating we reached the end of the dirt road and Kaleb drove across a small paddock towards the brightly lit house. As we got closer I could see the large glass doors on the bottom of the house that showed into the lounge room of the house. And at the door I could see two people standing there on the other side of the glass. It had to be Rose and Alec.

Kaleb stopped the car next to the garage and got out. Before I could even move he had my door open. I smiled lightly at him and got out. He closed the door behind me and I noticed that he had my bag. I reached out for it.

“I’ve got it.” He smiled.

He took my hand like he did at Chicken Treat and we walked towards the house. We got to the backdoor and it was already open. We walked into the house and into the lounge room. I looked over towards the window and Rose and Alec both smiled at me. I made myself smile back at them. Why did it feel so wrong to smile today?

“Hello, sweetie.” Rose greeted.

She walked over to me and Kaleb. He let go of my hand and Rose hugged me lightly. I could tell that she wasn’t breathing. She and Alec never breathed when they were that close they were touching me, just in case something happened. Though like with Kaleb, for some strange reason my blood was not appealing to them at all.

“Hello Rose.”

She let go of me and I looked over her shoulder to Alec.

“Hello.” I greeted him.
“Evening.” He nodded.

I smiled at them and walked over and sat on the couch. Tonight might be another long night like last night.
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comments? i hope you liked it. ^^