Status: Done

With Open Arms

Chapter 5

The light shinned in through the window dully. I actually managed to sleep last night amazingly, though it was only for a short few hours. Kaleb refused to leave my side until I fell asleep; I tried faking to be asleep. It worked at first but I’m sure no one yawns in their sleep...

It is now still early in the morning, too early to go to the hospital. I lied in one of the prop beds in the house, apparently “my room” but I don’t call it my room. I just call it the guest room, which really it is. I spend a lot of time here but I don’t completely live here 24-7.

I picked up my MP3 from the bedside table. I placed the headphones in my ears and turned it on. One of my most favourite songs filled my ears. I leant my head back against the pillow and closed my eyes. If I couldn’t get back to sleep I might as well do something that made time pass quickly.

I listened to about 10 or more songs when suddenly the door of the room creaked open. If I had my music up any louder I wouldn’t have heard it. Vampires are meant to extremely quiet, yet they have creaky doors.

I opened my eyes and looked towards the door.

Rose stood still as a statue by the door. With her silver blue eyes soft and her lips pulled into a slight smile. She was just like a beautiful statue that would bring so much shame to models. She is that beautiful I could probably stare at her all day...But I don’t have all day to do so.

“Good morning.” She smiled.

I smiled lightly back at her. Why does smiling still feel like a wrong thing to do?

“Morning.” I said sitting up.

I pushed the blankets off me and placed my MP3 on the bedside table. After talking with Kaleb, Alec and Rose last night, they all wanted me to stay here while Dad was in hospital when I didn’t want to be home. To tell the truth I’d rather be here then at home at the moment. The house was just so different with out Dad...

“I’ve made you breakfast, sweetie. It’s all ready for you on the dining table.” She said sweetly.

I bit back a sigh.

“You really don’t have to do that for me.” I stated standing to my feet.
“It’s the least I can do for you and Kaleb said you haven’t been eating much.”

I sighed then. I appreciate all that they are doing for me...But they really don’t need to do anything for me at all.

“Yeah...Thank you.” I said.

There was no point talking them out of helping me in anyway that they can, they wouldn’t listen and just do it anyway.

I walked towards Rose and she opened the door. Rose smiled at me and let me out the door first. I walked out the guest room and down the long hallway to the stairs, Rose walked beside me easily keeping pace. Through I have no idea why she wanted to walk at normal human pace with me.

We got to the stairs and I walked down them a bit slow. Rose continued the pace we were walking before, getting to the bottom way before me. She stopped and waited for me smiling brightly showing her bright white sharp fangs. Their fangs have never scared me, no matter how sharp they look.

Out of everyone that I have ever known, which actually wasn’t all that many, she was the person with the biggest heart. She would do what ever she could for others and was easily to love. She is truly the sweatiest person ever, even if she is a vampire.

I got to the end of the stairs and we both walked side by side to the dining room. Once I walked in there I could see a large jarrah table and chairs. And on the end of the table was a tray with a bowl, a cup of orange juice and a small purple rose in a small glass vase.

I was in a way just expecting a bowl and maybe a glass with some type of drink in it. But not in some of the most expensive china wear in the world. And that’s including the tray; just from standing across the room from it I could tell it was expensive and fragile looking.

I looked at Rose a little wide eyed.

“You really didn’t have to do that for me...I wo-“
“No, it’s the least as I can do and I also knew you would have just wanted something simple to eat so I got you some cereal.” She smiled cutting me off.

She was a lot better then Kaleb at hiding distaste for human food. I sighed and nod my head. I walked passed her and towards the end of the table where my breakfast sat waiting. Rose stayed where she was, standing once again like a statue.

I sat down in the chair and looked at the purple rose, it was beautiful. I lent forward slightly to see if it had a nice smell. And just like the flower itself, the smell was lovely too.

“I’m going to see if Kaleb and Alec have finished. They went hunting a few hours ago, while you were asleep. I will be back soon, enjoy your meal.” Rose said soft yet strongly.

I looked up from the rose and nod my head.

“Thank you.” I said.

She smiled at me then disappeared in a blur. I heard the back door shut within less then a second she vanished. I sighed looking down at my food. My stomach growled hungrily. I picked up the spoon and began eating.


I finished eating quiet quickly and the others still weren’t back yet. I sat back in the chair and looked across the room bored. What am I going to do before I go the hospital?

I looked down at the tray in front of me and the now dirty dishes. Well the least I can do is clean then before they get back; they would never let me do it otherwise. I picked up the tray carefully and stood up. I walked from the dining room and to the kitchen. I placed the tray on the bench.

I filled up the sink with water and dish washing liquid that I found under the sink; another prop for the house. They had to keep the house looking like they were human, including food and all the rest of the stuff that we used.

I placed the bowl, spoon and cup in the water and washed them, then whipped over the tray. I placed then in the dish rack and emptied the water. I looked at the rose in the vase and picked it up. Now where could I put this?

I looked around the kitchen until my eyes came back to the sink and the widow seel. Well that’s probably the best place to put it. I placed the vase on the window. It looked good there.

I turned and started to walk towards the living room. But I froze. Right in the door way stood Kaleb; with those pail blue memorising eyes that they looked almost white.
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hope you liked it. there is still a lot to happen yet =]
comments are loved ;]