Status: Done

With Open Arms

Chapter 7

The hospital room sat quiet as my head rested on the side of Dad’s bed. As I sat there in the somewhat odd position, I held Dad’s hand between both of mine and Kaleb had his hand resting on my shoulder supportively. Dad’s hand was just as cold as Kaleb’s, which scared me a little. Not that he was similar as a vampire but for being that cold and unable to warm up at all. A human shouldn’t be that cold.

Apart from at lunch, me and Kaleb haven’t moved from the bedside. In fact Kaleb hardly ever moved, he just sat in the chair like the perfect statue that he looked like. I peeked up from under the hair that covered my face and looked at Kaleb. His face was plain, unreadable and his eyes were far away, like he was thinking hard.

I looked away from him and up at Dad’s pale, pain twisted face. I quickly looked away and let my hair fell onto my face again.

The room stood still for even longer. Had time stopped or something?

Then suddenly I felt Kaleb moved his hand down my arm slowly, like if he just unfroze. You could say he was made of ice; his skin was almost as cold as it.

“The sun is setting; visiting hours would be up very soon.” Kaleb said quietly.

I sat up straight slowly, though my head wanted to flop back into the bed. My back cracked a little which hurt a bit. Kaleb heard it no problem and placed his hand on the middle of my back like he was holding it together before it shattered to pieces.

“I’m fine.” I whispered looking at him.

He moved his hand away. I stood to my feet slowly and I felt more pain in my back and legs. I had sat still for too long. But I just ignored the pain. I picked up my large jumper from the back of the chair and slid it over my arms. Kaleb stood next to me from the chair with ease.

I moved closer to the bed and leant over Dad’s head being very careful of the all the wires. I pressed my lips to his forehead gently. Like his hand, the skin felt cold under my lips. I pulled away.

“Love you Dad.” I said quietly.

My eyes prickled, tears wanted to spill over, but I didn’t want them to. I bit the inside of my lip to stop them. I walked away from the bed. And just like yesterday I felt divided; part of me wanted to stay with him and the other half wanted to just run away from the hospital.

I walked over to the door and Kaleb followed. I heard some whispering from Kaleb but it was so low and fast I couldn’t make out words, I just let it go as it might have been a message from him to Dad or something, who knows.

I reached out for the door but out of know where he had it open. He gestured for me to walk out first. I nod my head and walked out into the hallway, Kaleb followed shutting the door.

I started walking over to the elevator with out saying a word. I just want out of here now. I want to run away. Just as I walk up to them, the doors of the elevator opened and nurse walked out. We both quickly walked in and Kaleb press the button for the ground floor.

The elevator moved. I sighed and looked down at the ground. I wish time could stop, even just for a minute...

Suddenly I felt something cold and smooth touch my hand. I looked at my hand to see that Kaleb was holding it. The smallest smile touched my lips and I looked at him. He smiled back brightly, showing his fangs.

Then the doors opened. We both walked out and then out of the hospital all together, into the cool night air.


Kaleb sped into the drive way of their house. He drove my car right up into the car port right next to his fancy car. In a way I wondered why he didn’t just drive that car instead of my rust heap.

He turned the engine off and vanished, just to appear at my door. He opened it and held his hand out for mine. I took it and got out of the car. In a way it was odd for Kaleb to be so willing to hold my hand, before he never did it. But I’m not complaining, it’s nice that he is.

With a small flick he closed the car door behind me and we walked into the house. For once today it wasn’t raining and the sky was somewhat clear, now that the sun has set. Maybe we won’t get that storm after all.

We both walked into the house and into the living room. I, in a way half expected Rose and Alec to be there to greet us, like they normally did. I looked around the room and noticed that everything was spotless, probably not even a speck of dust on anything. Anyone could easily call Rose a clean freak.

“Where is Rose and Alec?” I asked.
“Not sure, but their not in or around the house, I can’t hear them.” He said.

I nod my head and sat down on the couch so did Kaleb.

“Would you like some dinner now?” He asked.

I shook my head.

“I’m not hungry right now.” I said.
“Ok.” He nodded. “What would you like to do then?” He asked.

Pass out for a few hours. Well that’s what I want to tell him, but I doubt that he would want to hear that.

“Run away?” I said it more like a question.

Ok, maybe that wasn’t any better then saying that I wanted to pass out. Kaleb looked at me sadly. I think he knew what I meant by that. I wanted to run away from all of this for a while, be distracted.

Then his eyes lighted up a little. Like he had an idea or something.

“Well I don’t think we could run away, but how about a walk while there is no rain?” He asked.
“That would be great.”

I smiled very lightly at the idea. I walk could just be what I need.

Then suddenly Kaleb laughed. I looked at him confused and in a flash scooped me up in his arms and stood to his feet. I gasped and let out a little squeak type sound, not because I was afraid, but because I wanted to laugh, it was in an odd way funny.

Kaleb smiled down at me and walked towards the glass doors to the back garden, holding me bridle style. I blushed and looked down so Kaleb couldn’t see my face but I think it was too late because he laughed again.

We got outside and he stopped in the middle of the grass. He held me so effortlessly; like I was a piece of paper.

“Remember when we used to go to the river and I carried you on my back?” He asked.

I nodded, chuckling a little. I did remember. Then I froze. I laughed! For the first time in about a week...Kaleb smiled brightly and he placed me on the ground. I was still in little shock...

“Well how about we go to the river then?” He asked snapping me out of the shock.
“Oh, um, yeah. Let’s go.”

Kaleb turned so his back was to me, he squatted down a little so I could climb onto his back, like if he was giving my a piggyback ride. I climbed onto his back and locked my arms and legs around him. It had been so long since we have done this; I have almost forgotten how fun it was. Back then this was the only time we would actually touch each other in any way.

“Ready?” He asked.
“Yep.” I said.

Then he was off running. I held onto him tightly. Trees went passed us fast but not that fast. He never ran that full speed with me, I knew that he could go way faster then this. But I like it like this; I could still see most things, like the tress we went passed without it being a green and brown blur.

I smiled, truly smiled and rested my head on Kaleb’s shoulder as the wind blew through my hair.
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there you go, the next chapter =]
tell me what you thought of it please?