Status: Done

With Open Arms

Chapter 8

The small little river trickled quietly as it flowed. It was that small I would have called it more of a creek then a river. The water was dark, almost black but it shinned in the stars that glittered in the small hole in the clouds; which I doubt that would be there long. Knowing the weather here.

Kaleb sat on the large bolder by the waters edge as still as a statue like normal. He just watched as the water fell over the small rocks. He looked peaceful how he was so I stayed quiet and let him be.

My back was still hurting a little from how I was sitting at the hospital and it was starting to annoy me. It annoyed me more standing up then sitting down.

I turned away from the creek and looked around at the ground for a place to sit. All the rocks, trees and grass had little crystals of rain drops shinning off of them. I sighed.

“Everything is wet...” I mumbled.

I looked around again. Yep everything was all wet.

“What’s wrong?” Kaleb asked.

I looked up at him. He tilted his head to the side waiting for my answer.

“I want to sit down, but everything is wet.” I state.

He looked away and very, very quickly scanned his eyes over everything. Then he looked back at me. He sprang off the rock he was sitting on, which was wet also.

He flashed in front of me and then the next thing I know, I was sitting on his lap on the ground. I blinked shocked then I could feel my face heat up.

“This ok?” He asked. “You might as well use me as a chair as all I was doing was being a statue on the rock.” I could hear the smile in his voice.

I smiled too.

“Yeah it’s fine.” I said. “A but bumpy, but ok.” I joked.

He laughed and moved so he was leaning back on his arms, which I bet he didn’t even need to do. Must be out of normal human habits. I’ve noticed a lot of that with him, Rose and Alec. I guess even after becoming a vampire it still stays with you.

I looked up from the ground to the sky. The small hole in the clouds was slowly closing up. How come we can hardly have a fine day here, even in winter? I like rain but not when it’s rains 24-7. I like to see blue sky, sun, more stars and the moon sometimes too.

I looked away from the sky and back to the creek. It was turning darker and darker with fewer stars in the sky. I bet Kaleb could see it no problem. How cool would it be to have night vision? It would help me out a lot at times.

I pulled the jacket around me closer and folded my arms. It wasn’t as cold as before for some reason but still a little nippy.

“Bugger...” Kaleb sighed.

I turned my head to look at him. He was looking up at the sky.

“What?” I asked.
“The storm is coming and fast.”

I stopped and listened. I couldn’t hear any thunder or see any lightning over the tree tops. I could feel the electricity in the air but I couldn’t hear or see anything. I looked at Kaleb confused.

“It won’t be here until early morning but it’s coming fast. It will start raining again soon”
“Can you hear it?” I asked confused.

How did he know it was coming?

“Yeah, I can just hear the thunder and I can hear rain falling slowly getting closer.”
“Oh, ok.”

I looked up at the sky for a moment then back to Kaleb.

“We’ll have to go now, if we want to make it back dry and I don’t want you getting sick.” He said looking at me. “And you need to have your dinner.” He stated smiling.

I rolled my eyes a little.

“What about Rose and Alec?” I asked.

They would have most likely have heard it too, but would they stay in the rain or go back home?

“Their back home. I heard them run passed about 10 minutes ago.”

I nod my head knowing that I wouldn’t even hear then even if they ran passed my face. Kaleb wrapped his arm around my waist and stood up with me, with no effort at all. He let go of me and turned so I could climb onto his back. To bad the rain was coming, it was nice out here and it really helped me clear my head from everything.

I got onto Kaleb’s back and wrapped my arms and legs around him tightly. He waited until I was comfy before starting to run. This time he ran a bit faster then before, the trees were a bit of a green and brown blur. The rain must be close; but he still wasn’t running full speed.

It took us only a few minutes to get to the main part of the river, where it was really wide unlike the little creek we were sitting by before. Kaleb ran right up to the waters edge and leaped into the air. My heart thumped in my chest and I wanted to scream. I hate heights; I’ve always have.

Kaleb landed on an old log that has always sat in the middle of the river on the small sand bank. He landed with one foot then leaped into the air again. I cling onto Kaleb a bit more. He landed on the other side of the river on two feet and stood still like he had been standing there the whole time.

“Are you ok?” He asked turning his head to look at me.
“Yeah.” I gasped a little. “I just still really hate heights.”

He nodded his head and started running again. He placed his hand over mine gently. On the way to the small creek we went the long way and we didn’t have to jump over the river at all.

I sighed, closed my eyes and rested my head on Kaleb’s shoulder to calm down my heat beat a little. If I could hear it no problem then he could hear it perfectly.

“We’re home.” He whispered after a few more moments.

I opened my eyes to see the house fully lit. Kaleb had stopped running and was just standing there holding me on his back. I moved to get off his back but he started walking towards the house, so I just stayed on his back. At lease this way I didn’t have to walk I guess.

He pushed the back door opened and stepped inside, pushing it shut behind him. He carried me into the dining room and I could smell food. Don’t tell me Rose cooked for me, I could have done it.

I looked at the dining table to see take away on the table, sitting on the same tray as my breakfast was on this morning. Rose and Alec was standing in the door way to the living room talking in between them selves so fast I couldn’t catch what they were saying. Then they quickly looked at us. Smiles spread across their faces.

“Hello.” They chimed together.
“Hey.” I said kindly.
“Hi.” Kaleb murmured.

He then turned and walked towards where the food sat on the table for me. He then, who knows how, moved me into his arms and sat me down in the chair. Rose and Alec kept smiling at us like if it was something they have seen many times over.

“Uh, thanks.”

He smiled at me and sat down next to me.

“Enjoy your meal.” Alec said.

I looked at him and Rose just as they walked out of the room. I then looked down at the food in front of me. I frowned a little.

“They just want to take care of you.” Kaleb said softly.

I nod my head. I know that but they didn’t have to, I’m sure they have better things they have to do with their time.

I reach forward and opened the box of food.
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I hope you liked this chapter ^^
and sorry for any spelling mistakes :/ i really can't spell if i tried ^^'
comment please? i want to know what people this about this story ^^