Status: Done

With Open Arms

Chapter 9

The sound of a huge crack of thunder made the window and probably the whole house shake from the noise. It was also that loud it gave me a huge fright that was enough to wake me wide awake from a deep dreamless sleep.

My eyes snapped open just as a huge flash of lightening filled the whole room. That too was followed by another huge earth shaking crack of thunder. The whole storm had be right over the whole of Eden now.

I sat up slowly in bed and looked around the room blinking in amazement. I actually had a somewhat decent sleep tonight, well before the thunder woke me up. In fact I don’t even remember falling asleep...Just that I was crying soundlessly to myself...

Another huge flash of lightening filled the room. Then I could hear rain hitting the window hard and pounding on the tin roof. This had to be the biggest storm we have had here for quite a while. For once the weather man was right.

I turned my head to look at the alarm clock that sat on the bedside table. It wasn’t on, I’m sure it was on before... I shrugged at the thought and picked up my phone from the table, somehow without dropping it in the dark. The room was pretty dark.

I opened my phone and the light hurt my eyes for a second. I squint my eyes and looked at the time. 4:21am.

Well Kaleb did say the storm wasn’t coming until early morning.

Then I noticed that my mouth was dry and I was thirsty. I sighed, what a great time to be thirsty. I pushed the blankets off of me and stood to my feet. It was cold out of bed and being just in my PJ’s didn’t help.

I walked towards the door using my phone as a torch. It was bright enough to be. I got to the door and hit the light switch. No lights. I groaned a little. Great the power is off...

I opened the door and walked out into the hallway. Well at lease my phone was finally being used, even if it was now acting as a torch, since it normally just sits there and rots.

I walked slowly towards the stairs; I stayed close to the wall in case I trip over or something. I got to the stairs. I really had to be careful now. I stepped down on the first one slowly. Then the next as more lightening flashed and thunder filled the sky. I’m probably being over protective of myself, but I rather take all night to get to bottom of the stairs then end up falling.

I finally got half way and I stopped to look around in the room, not that I could see much though. All I could see was the stairs and railing that the light from my phone touched. I continued down the stairs more. I got to the bottom as quick but as slow as I could.

Now I had to find my way through the living room and to the kitchen without falling over. Why couldn’t the light on the phone be brighter?

I took a step forward.


The sudden voice didn’t scare me a bit, though it probably should of have. I stopped where I was as I was told. Then my phone light went off. Oh great now my phone is flat. Well I shouldn’t be surprised I haven’t charged it in that long. A huge flash of lightening filled the room but it was too quick for me to see anything.

“Walking around in the dark blindly is not always the best thing to do.” Kaleb said.

I looked over in the direction that I heard his voice, he was close to me. But I couldn’t see him. I smiled lightly; it was good that he was here.

“Well I have to get to the kitchen somehow.” I stated.
“You could have called out for me.” He said. “I can’t sleep remember? I would have come and helped you right away.”

I nod my head. I haven’t forgotten that.

“What if you were doing something important?” I asked.
“Nothing is more important then helping you...” He said quietly. “And I didn’t know that watching lightening was important.” He said louder chuckling a little.

I smiled lightly and rolled my eyes. Then I could fell him lift me up into his arms. I gasped a little. Well I didn’t think he would have helped me this way. Then I could feel him walking at human speed.

It took just a moment after for him to stop walking. He placed me on the ground and took the phone from my hand, then held my hand gently. His skin like normal was like a river stone; smooth and cool.

“Now what exactly were you after?” He asked.
“A drink of water.” I said.

Then I could feel his eyes on my face. I looked in the dark to where his face should be. I couldn’t even see his eyes glowing, meaning there was no light in the room what so ever apart from the odd flash of lightening.

“I could-“

Kaleb was cut of by a rumble of thunder. He waited until it was over.

“I could have gotten it for you.” He stated.
“Yeah, yeah, I know.” I sighed.

Everyone in this house could do anything for me. Kaleb chuckled. He then pulled on my hand lightly leading me somewhere in the kitchen. I trust him completely so I basically just followed him like a little lap dog in the dark.

He then stopped and I heard one of the cupboard doors open. Then the tap running. After just a second or two, Kaleb lifted my hand up that he held and placed the, what I could tell was a glass cup in my hand. I took it and then held it with two hands as Kaleb moved his hands away.

I lifted the cup to my lips and took a long wanted drink. The water was cold but not freezing, nice actually. I drank what I would say was half and moved the cup away from my face.

“Thank you.” I smiled.
“Anytime.” Kaleb said, I could hear the smile in his voice.

I lifted the cup to my lips again and drank the rest. When I was done Kaleb took the cup from my hands and then I could hear it as it was set down on the bench.

“Now would you like to go back to bed?”He asked.

I shook my head. There was no point going back to bed if I couldn’t sleep from the noise.

“No, the thunder is too loud. It actually woke me up.” I said.
“Then what do you want to do?” He asked.

I shrug my shoulders. I have no idea. Then my feet weren’t on the ground again. Kaleb started walking with me somewhere. I felt like a little kid at the moment. Then I noticed that Kaleb had sat down and I was on his lap. I blushed a little.

“So...” Kaleb started. “What are we doing tomorrow?” He asked.

I noticed that he said ‘we’ strongly. And I should have known that he would be with me tomorrow. Best friends tied at the hip.

“Um...Hospital, I guess.” I said.
“Ok.” He hummed. “Is there anything else that you want to do if it’s not raining, like another walk or something?” He suggested.

I nod my head.

“Yeah, that would be good.” I smiled lightly.

Anything to escape reality and to be with him...
♠ ♠ ♠
Merry Christmas everyone ^^
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