Private Parts

Private Parts

Private Parts

This story was told to my by one of my friend. According to him it is a true love story. So he told me that he was in love with a girl and the girl was so too. They had a great love and the could not stay away even for a thousand part of a second. I saw them chatting, playing together and doing all that they could do together!!!!!!!

He was found very upset and I asked him the reason to be so. At first he was not going to let me know every thing and finally when I insist him he told me that the girl whom he loves has left him. I ask for the reasons. He was unwilling to let me know the reason but faintly he confessed. He told me that last month I was trailing; during the traveling I have lost somewhere my private parts. I have searched allot here and there but here had been no possibility to get them back.

He told further that here girl friend liked a lot his private parts and whenever they meet she touch and kiss them. So it was the matter that I lost my private parts and so now I was afraid that when I will meet my girl friend what would happen. So he decided that he would not meet his girl friend till he may not find his private parts.

He planed to steal the private parts of his Manager. One day night he went to his Manager home and before his Manager may sleep with his wife he used to keep his private parts in the freezer to make them cold so that he may able to enjoy for the long time. My friend know these weak point of his Manager and so he entered into the home and got stolen his Manager’s private parts.

My friend fixed his manager’s private parts and then decided to meet her girl friend. So he called her. As they meet when the girl saw another private parts with his boyfriend she became astonished that how this had become as the really private parts were with her. She asked him these parts are not your. My friend said no they are mine but she just open here bag and asked my friend if so then whose are these?

My friend become astonished too and he asked here why you stole my parts. She said I was so much satisfied with them and I wanted them to be with me forever so that was the reason I had stolen you parts. The girl said you have now the other pair of parts so you may enjoy your life and I may mine.

I had something in my mind to express. I don’t know how did I do this and how will people understand it but this is how I did it in form of a story. Hope you like it and also answer to my following question please

If the same like this story may start happening in real life what would be the consequences.