Status: Gah! I have been super busy! Updating this slowly. =/ Changed Character Image + Banner : )

Woke Up From Dreaming

Chapter 2

I felt anxious.
It wasn’t right.
I don’t know WHAT wasn’t right…but I knew it wasn’t.
My senses are half on half off.
Have I made a noise yet?
Something is touching me.
Touching my thigh.
I kick my legs and whine softly as if it will make it all go away.

“Shhhh…” I hear someone say near my bed.

I scream a blood curdling scream and finally open my eyes to see Phil sitting at the end of my bed. My covers are pulled down exposing my body to the chilly night breezeand his gaze. As I go to yell at him Nana and Papa rush through my doorway.

“Phil what’s wrong with her? Baby, what’s wrong? It’s okay Nana’s here” She rambles caressing my face. I’m still breathing hard.

“I had it under control Ma” Phil says, “ She was just having a nightmare. I was going to get some water when I heard her scream so loudly. Do you think she was reliving the crash?”

Was I having a nightmare? I don’t remember anything about the crash… The only reason I woke up was because something was touching me…

Tears fill my vision as I realize what was actually happening. Phil was fucking touching me in my sleep I flinch away curling into a ball at the corner of my bed away from Phil’s creepy ass and Nana.

“ Oh Honey, come here.” I shake my head furiously.

“ I think she just wants to be left alone, Ma. Ain’t that right Adelaide?” Phil urges. I don’t know why, but I nod my head in agreement, praying that he leaves too.

“Okay,” she agrees wearily, only after looking towards Papa to agree; he nods, “ But if you need anything, remember I’m just down the hall. Billy and I wont mind if you wake us up.” I nod again. “ Come on Billy, you too Phil, let the girl get some rest.”

I sigh in relief as the three of them walk out.

I look at the neon green numbers on the clock reading 2:30. Tears still streaming down my face I quickly move the rocking chair to block my door and take my quilt and pillow to sit in the far corner of my room on the floor. I don’t plan on sleeping tonight.

I calm down within minutes of hugging my favorite teddy bear named Rags. My mind is clear. No thoughts. Just the breeze. Until footsteps go down the hall slowly, then turn around and go back in the opposite direction. The door to the only room to my left closes. Phil’s room. Tears fill my eyes again as I rest my head against the wall letting out a quiet sob.

“What are you doing in my room?” a voice asks huskily from my bed. I cringe farthing into my blanket not bothering to quiet my crying now How the fuck did someone get in here so quietly. “Shit, are you okay? I’m not going to hurt you.” The voice says softly. “ Will you look at me, talk to me, something? Please? I promise I won’t do anything to you. I won’t even look at you if that’s what you want.” He pleads.

He sounds so sincere. Caring. Warm…

Looking up slowly I first notice that I’m not in my room though it is very similar, but still not it. The curtains are a different color, darker. The window is on the opposite wall now. No rocking chair blocking the door, which is also on the other wall. One dresser and no nightstand. And finally, the bed.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, that still has blankets on it, is a boy. No… not a boy. A man. At least in his late teens. 19 or so. He’s shirtless, I’d have too be blind not to notice a muscled tan body like that, and only wearing a pair of jeans rolled up his calves. He’s got a sheepish grin on his face, not quite a full smile, shy but confident. Turning my gaze up a little further to his eyes we both take in a short breath. I’m not sure why he did exactly, but I got lost in his eyes. All dark and mysterious, yet easy to read. He goes from confused, to happy, then to worried in an instant.

“What’s wrong? Are you hurt? I need to help you. Please tell me what to do. I’ll do anything you want.” He gushes. Then slowly asks, “ Are you okay?”

I nod my head yes before closing my eyes. I take a deep breath, hearing him mutter, “ I’m dreaming” I turn to him and shrug. Is this a dream? I know I didn’t go anywhere. And there is no way in hell he came into my room without me knowing.

“Are you dreaming?” I shrug again.

“Can you talk?” I nod. He looks at me expectantly for a about a minute.

“Do you talk?” I shake my head no.

Will you talk?” I take my time to decide. Why should I talk to this guy I don’t even know. I owe him nothing. There is no reason I should talk to him. Other than to get this whole confused mess over with. But I don’t want to talk. It’s too personal. I haven’t muttered more than five sentences since I’ve been out of the hospital. The last person I held a conversation with was Josh, just before…

“We’re dreaming right? Do you talk in your dreams? How about you answer that question…. Since this is a dream, will you talk to me? It’s not like your still going to be here in the fucking morning.” He spits hatefully. It’s easy to tell he’s frustrated.

“It’s not my fucking fault I’m here.” I say equally as hateful. “ It’s not like I asked to magically be transported to your bedroom. I didn’t ask for that bastard to come into my room and try to molest me in my sleep tonight. I didn’t ask to have to move in with my grandparents. I didn’t ask to live. I didn’t ask for my mom and brother to die, but not me. I didn’t ask for that guy to drive home drunk.” I hardly felt the wetness stain my cheeks until he reaches out a hand to wipe them away with his oddly warm thumb.“ I didn’t ask for any of this.” I say barely in a whisper.

I looked in his eyes not expecting to see what was there. The dark orbs were glazed over showing heartache, anger, and most surprisingly LOVE.

On impulse I bury my face into his warm chest, wrapping my arms around his waist and let my tears fall. In less than a second, his bare arms engulf my body, pulling me closer. I’ve never felt as content and comfortably as in that moment.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is "The Meeting Part-1" : )

Kinda emotional, huh?

The next half of the night will come in the next chapter.

I'll update sometime tomorrow if i can get another chapter out of my head. : )

Comment/Feedback wanted! Please? lol

Jessi xoxo

OH! and Billy is her grandpa if you hadn't noticed already. So yeah... Billy = Papa and Opal = Nana.

Phil = Creepy ass uncle.

Okay all done! : )