Status: Gah! I have been super busy! Updating this slowly. =/ Changed Character Image + Banner : )

Woke Up From Dreaming

Chapter 3


On impulse I bury my face into his warm chest, wrapping my arms around his waist and let my tears fall. In less than a second, his bare arms engulf my body, pulling me closer. I’ve never felt as content and comfortably as in that moment.


I finally start to calm down. No longer balling my eyes out, but now only a few tears escaped my eyes. We’ve been standing in the same spot for about 5 minutes or so. My body has become stiff yet relaxed in his arms.

As he shifts his weigh from one side to the other my hand falls from his bare muscled chest, to his just as bare but more defined abs. We both freeze.

I stutter , “ I- I- uh…”

“ Are you okay now?” He asks, sensing my embarrassment.

“Yeah.” I nod. This dream feels so real.

“Yeah it does.” He agrees. Wait, did I say that last part out loud?

“Um, did I say that out loud?” I actually mean to say that thought this time.

“Yup” Popping his ‘p’.

“ Oh, okay then…” What do I say now?

“This is an awkward dream.” He states.

“That it is.”


“So… I don’t know about you, but I could use a happy dream for the night. So what do you say to being happy?” Hey, since I’m talking I might as well use my randomness.

“That was la-amme” He shakes his head. “But I agree.”

“ Then come up with something fun to do. I already did my part in the whole ‘dream planning’ business.” I say while plopping down on the bed.

“Oh no you didn’t! It was your idea to have fun. You think of something.” Popping his hip, he places a hand on it.

“Oh yes I did. And by the way, you look and sounded. JUST like a girl. Oh yeah, I went there and what!”

He rolled his eyes at my comment and flexed his arms and abs.

“Would a girl have serious muscles like this?”

I think if I were awake I would probably faint.

“A-about that, could you maybe uh, I don’t know….put a shirt on?” I stutter at first then become more confident with my ability to form words.

“Does me being half naked make your nervous?” He smirks walking towards the bed where I’m laying.

“No, but would me being half naked make you?.” I ask trying to keep a straight face, but fail miserably after seeing his expression go blank.

No longer able to hold it in I burst with giggles.

“ You think your so-o funny, huh?” I nod still unable to stop, “ Well, lets see who thinks their funny after this.”

And with that said. His hands engulf my sides with tickles as he straddles my waist. I squirm under his hands still unable to stop my laughter.

“Are you still funny?”


He tickles me more.

“Are you sure about that?”

“No” I gasp out. “Uncle.”

“That’s what I thought. Big, Bad Jake can defeat anyone and anything that stands in his way.” He pokes his chest out in attempt to make it bigger than it already is.

“Oh, really? And where might this ‘Big, Bad Jake’ be? I’d like to meet someone as almighty as he.”

He scoffs, “ I is he! The almighty Jacob Black. Hear me howl!” He begins a howl but falls onto the bed next me in laughter un able to continue.

“Isn’t it supposed to be ‘Roar’ not ‘Howl’?” I ask.

“Uh, no. I’m a wolf. Duh.”

“Sure, sure” I say as I wave my hand lazily above our bodies before turning on my side to face him and quietly saying, “ It’s nice to meet you Jake.”

Turning towards me he asks in the same manor, “ What’s your name?”


“Adie.” He mutters. Unsure if I heard him right I ask.

“What was that?”

“ I called you Adie. Hasn’t anyone ever called you that before?”

“No, I’ve only ever been called by my full name. No one has ever given me a nickname.” I shake my head.
“In that case, that’s what I’m gonna call you okay? And only I can call you that. No stealies.” He added the last part on with an excited voice like he’s calling dibs on something.. Which I guess he is.

I nod my head in agreement. Just then I realize how hot it is on this bed. It was cool until he got on.

“Jake why are you so hot?”

“Oh why thank you, your not to bad yourself. But I guess it’s just my blood.” He smirks.

“Don’t be a smart ass. I mean temperature wise. You’re burning up.”

Shrugging he says, “I’ve always had a high temp. No biggie.”

I let is slide.

Yawning Jake says, “ I didn’t know I could get sleepy in a dream… can we try and sleep now?”

I agree, yawning and snuggling into his chest as his arms wrap around me, instantly heating me up.

“ Thank you for coming into my dream Jake.”

“Thank you for coming into mine Adelaide.” He replies before kissing my forehead and drifting to sleep.

I’m gonna miss this was my last thoughts before everything went black.
♠ ♠ ♠
I got the whole:
“Does me being half naked make your nervous?”
Line from a story i read on here a while back. I dont remember who the author was so if you recognize it I'm giving them credit ! I just really liked that line.

But yeah, THEY MET! lol. Yay for them.

So im gonna try and write one of my next chapters in Jakes POV, not sure how good its gonna be but i'll try.

Please comment/rate/feedback!
I appreciate it all.

& high five to myself for putting out three updates in one day! Go me. lol Lame, i know.
Night pples!

Jessi xoxo