Status: Gah! I have been super busy! Updating this slowly. =/ Changed Character Image + Banner : )

Woke Up From Dreaming

Chapter 5

****************************READ AUTHORS NOTE AT BOTTOM****************************

“Jacob. Don’t leave me again. It’s cold. I need you. Please.” I sob as Jake runs around the trees laughing at my expense. Dancing from one pine tree to another sticking out his tongue. Flipping. Having a gay ole’ time. Not wanting or needing anything to do with me. As he disappears behind one of the bigger trees I gasp. There’s a wolf right where he went.

Omigod. Did it eat him? The wolf is huge! I’m sure it could take Jacob on no matter what his size is.

“JAKE!” I scream in my last hopes that he would come and make everything better.

He doesn’t.

The wolf begins to prance towards where I’m now cowering into a tree. He stops right in front of my face, stares at me for a second…. Then his tongue just falls out of his mouth, showing his sharp, pearly white teeth in a wolfish grin. Then it goes on to say my name… “Adelaide.”

“Adie…. Come on Ads, wake up.” Wake up? My shoulder warms immensely as a hand shakes me.

“Jake?” I question without opening my eyes. Is he really here? Is this some trick that God, the spirits, or whoever the hell feels like playing a trick on me, is playing?

“Who else would be invading your dreams? Now open your eyes. Please” He adds on.

Slowly I do as he asks and I can’t help the grin that engulfs my face after seeing that he really is here. Not bothering to think, I throw myself at him. Wrapping my arms around his neck and settling myself into his lap, well more like straddling (Seeing as he was already stretched out on my bed).

“Thank you thank you thank you thank you so much for coming back!” I gush, but quickly remove myself from him as he groans in pain. “ Jacob, what’s wrong? Did I hurt you? Oh my god, I’m so sorry. What can I do?” I get out before he cuts me off.

“Adelaide, you did nothing wrong. Okay? Calm down.” he says laughing while pulling me back into his lap. “ I’m just a little soar, but you should stay here. I think I like this position.” He smirks looking down at how we are sitting. Very provocative.

I scoff rolling off of him, “ In your dreams Jacob Black.”

I feel his breath hot against my neck right below my ear,“Precisely what I was thinking.” He says while kissing it just to get his point across.

No dream has ever felt this real

He continues to kiss down my neck towards my collarbone.

“Jacob.” I gasp out of pleasure or shock, I’m not quite sure. “ Please stop.”

He props himself up on his arms and rests his forehead against mine.

“I-I- I’m sorry Jake. It just- this dream- I - It feels so real. I can’t be dreaming.” I stutter.

“It breaks my heart when you cry Adie.” He whispers, wiping away the fallen tears that I didn’t know were there. The way his voice cracks with emotion causes me to cry more.

He leans back against the bed and cradles me in his arms like you would a baby. Rubbing circles into the small of my back with one hand while the other caresses my face. Keeping our foreheads attached as he coos comfortingly to me.

At first I don’t take in his words. I just let the emotion in his voice calm me. Soon enough my crying subsides enough to focus on his words.

“Shh… It’s okay…. I’m here… I’m sorry…You’re gonna be okay….” As sweet and serious as he was being I couldn’t help but giggle at his words.

Confused he asks, “I- what are you laughing at?”

“Do you know what you were even talking about?” I giggle.

“You- I- you were upset, crying…. I just wanted to you to be happy again. To make it all better. If your gonna be mean and laugh at me I’ll just leave.” He says in a huff and stands to go out my door.

“Jacob” he turns towards me.

I reach out for his hand and pull him back onto the bed with me. Slowly he lays down next to me.

We lay silently for a few moments. Just staring into each others’ eyes. A thought occurs to me and a small smile forms on my face.

“ Where were you going to go?”

Barking a laugh, he buries his face into my hair to quiet it.

“You are something else Adelaide. Something else.” he says shaking his head in amusement.

“Me? You’re the one who decides, ‘ Oh look at me! I’m gonna just stand up and walk out of a dream!’” I laugh.

“Wow, I wasn’t thinking straight. You went from crying to laughing. So confusing. Stupid female hormones.”

“ Yeah. Well, what can I say. I’m a girl.” I shrug. He just smiles and pulls me closer.

We lay there enjoying each others presence for the longest time.

Breaking the silince he says, “Tell me more about you Adie.”

“What do you want to know?”

“Past, present, future? Likes, dislikes? Favorites? What you do during the day? I don’t know. Everything. I want to know you.”

“How about I work my way from last to first huh?” After he nods I start.

“I don’t do much during the day really. Wake up. Eat a little something. Read or listen to music under my favorite tree. OH! And I talk to Bubs.” I smile thinking about my new friend.


“My new best friend. He’s a wolf.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay people. I really do need feedback. So could you comment me with the answers to these questions? I'd really appreciate it.

1) Length of chapters: Do I need to add more details to the chapter? What they're wearing? Exactly what they do and how they do it? Stuff like that?

2) Is it confusing you at all?

3)Anything esle you want to say?

lol. IDK what else to ask.....


Next chapter continues from here.....