
Part IV

Jamie13 is now online.

Kate_the_Great is now online.

Jamie13: Hey…

Kate_the_Great: Oh, wow. You’re talking to me now?

Jamie13: Kate, I’m sorry.

Kate_the_Great: Right.

Jamie13: This isn’t how I wanted to come out to you…

Kate_the_Great: … Right.

Jamie13: Really.

Kate_the_Great: Uh-huh.

Jamie13: …

Kate_the_Great: How long?

Jamie13: What?

Kate_the_Great: How long?

Jamie13: How long what?

Kate_the_Great: Have you been… you know… seeing that stoner guy?

Jamie13: His name is Dan and he’s not a stoner.

Kate_the_Great: How long, Jamie?

Jamie13: Um, maybe three months?

Jamie13: I think.

Jamie13: Kate?

Jamie13: I’m sorry.

Jamie13: Kate?

Jamie13: Please talk to me.

Kate_the_Great: Funny, that sounds familiar.

Jamie13: I’m sorry. Believe me, I wanted to tell you.

Kate_the_Great: So why didn’t you?

Jamie13: I was scared.

Jamie13: You’re my best friend, Kate. I didn’t want to lose you.

Kate_the_Great: Maybe you should have thought of that before you started lying to me.

Jamie13: I’m sorry.

Kate_the_Great: You’ve said that four times now.

Jamie13: I don’t know what else to say.

Jamie13: Kate?

Kate_the_Great: I have to go.

Jamie13: Oh. Um, okay. I’ll TTYL…?

Kate_the_Great: Maybe.

Jamie13: Okay…

Kate_the_Great: Goodbye.

Kate_the_Great has gone offline.

Jamie13: ’Bye, Kate.
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