I'm the Kind of Human Wreckage That You Love.

All I Ever Learned From Love...

All I Ever Learned From Love, Was How To Shoot Somebody Who Outdrew Me.


At that moment I hear someone puke from behind me.

Double ick.

I turned and saw Frankie bent in half over a trash car. Aw, poor kid.


He’s my perfect escape route.

“You okay?” I rubbed Frankie’s back as he heaved again, “Let’s go back to the room, okay?”

“Yeah,” Frank dismissively agreed, “And I promise I will NOT fuck up your car today,” He coughed.

“Awesome.” I smiled.

With Frank’s arm around my shoulder, we walked to my car, carefully maneuvering out of everyone’s sight, and drove to the motel.

“I think I’m just gonna sit on the kitchen floor until I don’t feel like I’m in a blender anymore.” Frank announced.

I led Frank to the bathroom, knowing that’s what he really meant. While he hugged the toilet for another time, I got up to grab a glass of water and some aspirin. When I returned I shut the door and took a seat against it. He drank the water, then took a big swig of mouthwash and spit it out. Then he watched me as I leaned my head on the door while looking up to the ceiling.

“So? Tonight was pretty fucking boring, huh?” He said.

“Huh, yeah, I wish,” I sniggered, “Whatever happened to boring? I wish we were still boring.”

“Eww. Why?

“Because then we’d be normal, and I would still be the only person Gerard could see.”

He had zoned out when I started talking, but then said, “Haha, you wanna know something funny!? Hahaahha,” He started giggling, “I call Jamia, Kat, and shit she gets pretty FUCKIN’ mad.”

“What, Frankie?” I played along.

Apparently he went into his Jamia voice, a high pitched screech, and threw in some floppy hand movements “‘Why do you call me that?!, Why are you thinking about her!? You don’t love me anymore!,’ Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah! FUCK.”

I started laughing, not at Jamia, but at Frankie. He was such a jackass sometimes.

“I swear! I fucking promise you she does! She like... she’s like a fucking BULL, or some shit. Raaarghhhh!” He said then pointed his fingers like horns on either side of his head and crawled over to me.

He rushed over and collapsed with his head in my lap, “Awww, Frankie, don’t say things like that!” I told him, “They’re funny and all, but I love Jamia. I just might have to tell her you said this...”

He shot his glance up at me and gasped, “No! You can’t! You wouldn’t!...”

I thought he’d say because he loved her and didn’t want to lose her.

“...She’ll KILL me. Can you imagine a world without FRANKIE?! ME?!...” He turned his head to the side, “It would suck SO bad.”

I shook my head and leaned it back against the door. He sat up and faced me.

“Don’t look so blue, panda bear.”

I smiled a stupid, cheesy smile. One I usually saved for Gerard, because it made every dimple in my face come out.

“You’re cute.” Frank told me.

“Thanks.” I replied, absent-mindedly while looking to my right at a grimy old toothbrush that had been left behind.

He grabbed my chin, moving my head to look at him. Then I suddenly felt a cool, familiar feeling. Frankie’s metal lip ring brushing against mine. He was just far enough away that it wasn’t really a kiss, but a graze. Frank leaned forward again, but at that moment a bunch of people burst through the motel door, making me jump.

“Holy shit!” I exclaimed.

But, Frank, being the boy that he is, still advanced on me. His lips still had mouthwash on them and tasted like alcohol, but were somehow comforting. His rhythm in my mouth was strong, and fast, and hot. And I liked the fact that I was being bad. We were making out, locked in a bathroom, right under our friends’ noses.


There was another loud noise, then a loud knocking at the bathroom door.

“Who the fuck is in here?! I’m gonna pee my pants!”

He stopped and we looked up to the door upon hearing Olivia’s squirrely voice boom through.

“Aw, man. Bummer.” He stood up and smoothed his hair.

I stumbled up too, shaking. I didn’t want to leave the security of the confined space. Frank went to put his hand on the small of my back to lead me out, but I stopped his hand. He smirked a ‘What did I do?’

“I can’t believe I just made out with you after you just threw up. I’m so disgusting...”

“You’re not, babe-”

“Frank, you can’t call me that once we leave this room. And we can not talk about this anytime in the near future.”

“Boyscouts honor.” He promised holding up three fingers.

“Come on! I’ve really got-” Olivia complained some more.

I opened the door and coldly walked past her, she eyed me confused, then saw Frank walk out behind me with smug look, and eyed me again.

“-to go...” She finished slowly.


I strolled over to Gerard and he was moving in a blur. He rushed around with a huge smile from person to person, very out of character.

“Hey baby,” he greeted me, blissfully oblivious, “Where’ve you been?”

“Oh, here and there. You know me...” I welcomed.

“Well, you missed some funny shit. You see...” He took me around the shoulders and led me away.

And life went on.

We left for New Jersey three days later.