Status: finished

Nothing You Confess, Could Make Me Love You Less

Then Let Him Get Hurt!

Today I was going over to Jake’s after school. It was Monday again and I was dreading it. Dillon was extra creepy with all his staring and Bella looked like she was up to something.

“Nick, let’s go,” I whined. He’s always so late leaving school. We were both going to La Push so Embry was going to pick us up and take us there. We found Embry quickly and got inside his car. Nick sat up front and placed a kiss on his cheek.

“Gross, save that for later,” I groaned. Nick stuck his tongue out at me. The ride was short and when we pulled up to Jake’s house, I saw Bella’s truck parked outside of it.

“What’s Bella doing here?” Embry asked out loud.

“I don’t know. I’ll ask Jake and talk to you two later. Thanks for the ride,” I got out and they drove away. I knocked on the door, but there wasn’t an answer. Slowly, I opened the door and walked inside. Billy said I was welcome to come inside whenever I wanted.

“Jake?” I called. I went into the living room and felt like crying. Bella was straddling Jacob, kissing him. And the worst part was that his hands were on her waist.

“Jacob?” I asked with sadness clear in my voice. He pushed Bella away.

“Emma! Wait—“ but I didn’t wait. I ran as fast as I could out of his house and went to the only place I could think of, Sam’s house. I pounded on the door with tears flowing down my face. Emily opened the door.

“Emma, what a surpr- Why are you crying?! Come here, Honey,” Emily pulled me into the house and wrapped me in a hug. I held onto her and cried. Sam walked into the kitchen wanting to know who was here.

“Emma, what’s wrong?” he asked rubbing my back while Emily hugged me.

“J-Jacob and B-Bella were… they were kissing,” I managed to get out. Sam clenched his fists, but calmed down.

“What did you do?” Emily asked.

“I just ran. I don’t want to see him right now, but this was the only place I could think of going to. Sam, can you give me a ride home?” I asked pulling away from Emily and wiping my eyes.

“Of course, just let me grab my keys,” Sam left the room and Emily comforted me.

“Maybe it was just a misunderstanding. You’re his imprint; he could never do that to you,” Emily tried to reason with me.

“No, it was pretty clear. She was sitting on him and his hands were on her. It only hurts worse because I’m his imprint!” Emily hugged me again before Sam came in and said he could take me home.

“I’ll talk to Jake,” he said once we were on the way to my house.

“I don’t care. I’m not staying here; I need to get out of this small town for a while.” I told him.

“Emma… It will hurt both of you if you try to leave your imprint,” he warned me.

“Then let him get hurt! He hurt me!” I said in frustration. Sam opened his mouth but closed it again. He pulled up to my new house and let me out. I thanked him and stomped inside. My mom tried to greet me, but I blew past her.

“Emma! What’s wrong?” she asked following me up the stairs. I pulled a suitcase out from under my bed and started throwing clothes into it. My mom tried to stop me.

“Tell me what’s wrong!” she demanded. I broke down again. It hurt so much just thinking about them together.

“I caught Jacob kissing another girl and I just want to leave. I’m going to go stay with Dad,” I said putting more things in the suitcase.

“Emma, you can't leave me! You’re my baby girl,” my mom cried to me. I shook my head.

“Not forever mom, but for now I can't stand being here. I’ll call you when I get to Dad’s.” I said. I put everything I needed into the suitcase and zipped it up. My mom was crying, but she let me go. I hugged her goodbye and put my bag into the car Nick and I shared. I got in and didn’t look back as I drove back to California.

Jacob POV ( a few minutes earlier)

“Bella you can't just show up at my house like this. Emma is coming over soon,” I said trying to make her leave. She just walked in like she owned the place and it was bugging the crap out of me.

“Jake just listen to me,” she said. I walked into the living room trying to get the point across that I didn’t want to listen to her. There was a knock on the door and I figured it was Emma.

“Look, now Emma’s here. Leave Bella,” she frowned and blocked me from getting to the door. She caught me off guard when she shoved me. I fell back onto the couch and tried to get up, but she sat on me.

“Get off,” I growled. The door opened.

“Jake?” Emma’s voiced flooded the hall. Her sweet voice that I love. I almost forgot that Bella was here, but I remembered she was when she kissed me. It was horrible. I tried to push her off, but Emma’s voice distracted me again.

“Jacob?” It sounded like she was going to cry. Why would she cry? Wait, Bella is kissing me! I jerked me head away and looked at Emma. Her eyes were watering already.

“Wait, Emma—“ she ran out of the house. I finally shoved Bella off of me. She glared up at me from the floor.

“Bella, I don’t like you! I hate you! God now Emma thinks I’m cheating on her. Get the fuck out of me house!” I yelled, but didn’t wait for her. I took off after Emma. I tried to pick up on her scent, but all of my senses were going crazy. I could feel how sad she was! Imprinting does that to you! You can feel your partner’s pain.

I picked up on her scent and it led me to Sam’s house. Why would she be here? I went inside without knocking and found Emily standing in the kitchen.

“Where’s Emma?” I asked in a hurry. She sent me a glare.

“Why would you do that Jake? You hurt her so much!” Emily yelled at me.

“No, it wasn’t like that. Bella showed up at my house and kissed me when Emma walked into the room. I was trying to get her to leave and now Emma thinks I like Bella!” I said. Emily’s expression softened from angry, but turned sad.

“Emma already left with Sam. He was going to take her home.” I turned to leave but ran into Sam on my way.

“Jacob…” he growled.

“Sam it was a misunderstanding,” Emily said. He looked at me.

“I need to find Emma.”

“Sorry, Jake. I tried to talk her out of it, but she’s leaving Forks. She said she couldn’t be here anymore and that she was going to leave. She’s probably gone by now.” He said softly. I had to lean against the wall so I didn’t fall. It felt like someone was ripping my chest open and cutting my heart up into millions of pieces.

Emma left me…?
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this was kinda depressing, but it's all part of the plan (:
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