Status: finished

Nothing You Confess, Could Make Me Love You Less

Just As Long As That Thing Isn't You

Nick and I walked together into the parking lot after the bell rang. Embry and Jake were both coming to pick us up from school.

“So, anything interesting happen today?” Nick asked as we waited on the school steps. Everyone around us was getting in their cars and leaving or hanging around for a while to chat with friends.

“Well, Dillon showed up and sat with me at lunch and Edward and I had a decent conversation before 6th period.” I told him. Nick didn’t know what Dillon looked like, but he knew that he was a vampire.

“That Dillon guy is still around?” he asked. I nodded.

“Yeah, but I just don’t know what he wants. If I knew then it would just be easier to give him what he wants so that he can leave,”

“Just as long as that thing isn’t you,” Nick said sternly. I had to smile at his comment and then saw Embry pull into the lot. Nick gave me a pick hug goodbye before getting into Embry’s car and leaving with him.

“Was that Nick?” I looked up and saw Dillon standing there. How does he always know where I am?!

“Yeah, that was Nick. How come you're still here?” He shrugged his shoulders and sat down next to me. He looked deep in thought and for once not as creepy as usual.

“I don’t want to go back to an empty house is all. I’m usually alone so being here at school lets me talk to other kids and I feel better I guess. Emma I’m pretty sure your boyfriend has told you about me so it should come no surprise to you that I can't be too close to other people,” he said with a small smile, but still didn’t look at me.


“Edward’s a mind reader, you know that. But I also have a power and I can—“ The sound of Jacob’s rabbit filled the air and I looked over to see him driving into the lot.

“Dillon what were…” I turned back and Dillon was gone. The spot next to me was empty and I didn’t see him anywhere.

“Emma, why are you looking around? I’m right here,” Jacob teased. I grinned and smacked his arm before kissing him quickly and getting in his car.

“Hope I didn’t keep you waiting for too long,” he told me as he drove me back home.

“No, I had others to keep me company,” I said glancing out the window. What was Dillon going to say before Jacob showed up? It was bugging me now that I knew he had a power, but what was it?

“Emma? You okay? You were just spacing out to Lala Land,” I cracked a smile and shook my head.

“I’m fine. Just trying to get back into the routine of school and such. I have so much homework,” I grumbled. Jacob held my hand as he drove and rubbed his thumb gently over mine.

“I can’t stay after I drop you off because I have to patrol in a few minutes. Sam was nice enough to let me come get you,” he didn’t sound too happy. We pulled up to my house and he cut the engine.

“Do your homework Missy,” he ordered. I leaned over and pressed my lips against his. He groaned and wrapped his arms around me to hold me there.

“You make me not want to leave,” he whispered against my lips. I was tempted to tell him to stay with me, but I couldn’t do that because the pack needs him. So instead, I smashed my lips onto his once more, my fingers gripping his hair.

Jacob leaned over to so that we were pressed up against each other almost in an awkward position in his car. He tilted my head to the side, cupping one cheek, and slipped his tongue into my mouth. I let him explore my mouth and dominate my own tongue. It felt so good to be with him again.

I eventually pulled away and tried to breathe again. Slowly, I opened my eyes and rested my forehead against his.

“You need to get going don’t you?” I asked softly. He nodded and finally let go of me.

“I’ll see you bright and early tomorrow,” he grinned. I smiled and grabbed my bag, getting out.

“Emma! I love you,” I felt myself blush lightly. I still get nervous every time he says that to me.

“I love you too,” He smiled wider and I waved good bye going into my house. I shut the door and took my coat off. My mom was in the living room watching one of her many Soap Operas.

“How was school?” she asked.

“It was… good,” I said thinking about it. I took my bag upstairs and threw it on my bed and then changed into comfier clothes.

Mayday Parade was playing softly in the background while I worked on Mr. Burns’ project. A light tapping on my window forced me to look away from my work and over to the source.

Dillon was sitting on a tree branch right next to my window. I almost fell off my bed when I saw him there. I ran over to the window and opened it in a hurry.

“What are you doing here? What if someone sees you here? What if Jacob comes by and…” I practically forced Dillon into my room and shut the window along with my door.

“You have a lot of explaining to do,” I hissed. He looked at me as if knew I was going to say that. He took a seat on my floor and I looked at him oddly.

“You’ll have to wash your bedding if I sat on it because Jacob would be able to smell me easily. I’m guessing you don’t want him to know that I’m here,” he said. He was very considerate. I took a seat in front of him.

“What were you going to say after school today?” I asked.
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Kinda Fillerish... And I never wanted to make Dillon a creeper, but that's how it turned out... I actually have other things in mind for him so don't get mad at me if Emma is being nice to him in this chapter and the next one.

*hint hint* Dillon is a key of Emma's past. That's the only hint you get(:
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