Status: finished

Nothing You Confess, Could Make Me Love You Less


Jake and I shopped around in the grocery store for a while before he finally got everything he wanted. We ended up having 2 carts filled to the top with food. Is he trying to feed an army?! I didn't even want to see how much all the food cost. When we walked out, it was raining even harder than when we first got here. There was so much rain that I couldn't see to the end of the parking lot, almost like there was a thick fog all over the place.

"Great. Emma, we're going to run with that carts as fast as we can, load up the rabbit, and jump into the car. Don't worry about putting the carts up, just push them out of the way," he added trying to locate the rabbit in the rain.

"Gotcha!" I saluted him making him smile widely. He counted to 3 and we took off towards the rabbit. We were soaked before we even popped the trunk open! Jake was faster at loading the groceries so he did part of my cart too. I shoved the cart away and jumped into the passenger seat while Jake was putting his key in the ignition.

"Yes!" he pumped his fist into the air and looked at me. My hair was so wet it was sticking to my face and my clothes felt like a second skin. Jake grinned and shook his head like a dog. I screamed and tried to push him away, but he only got closer to me and continued to spray water all over me.

"JAKE!" I yelled and laughed at the same time. He stopped and smiled, driving out of the lot. His hair was all over the place, but it looked good because his hair wasn't too short or too long.

"We're going to my house now and hopefully the rain will clear up once we're done putting the food up." I nodded and glanced out the window, but I couldn't see anything. Stupid Forks and it's stupid weather. Jake drove into the reservation and up to what looked like a small red house. It was hard to tell. He drove into a garage and the sound of water hitting the metal roof filled the air.

"The house is really close so it won't take too long to get eveything inside." I grabbed as many bags as I could only to look over and find Jacob with much more. We ran to the house and into the kitchen.

"I'll go get the rest, can you stay here and unload?"

"Yeah, piece of cake," Jake ran back out and I started putting food away where I thought it would go. Hopefully I'm right. Wheels squeaked and soon a man in a wheel chair was in the kitchen with me. He smiled at me and I quickly returned it.

"Hi, you must be Emma. I'm Billy, Jacob's father," I shook his hand.

"It's nice to meet you. Jake and I went to the grocery store and I'm unloading the bags while Jake is bringing them in," I said and noticed that I was still wet and dripping on the tile floor. Billy chuckled and wheeled to the door.

"I'll go get you two some towels," Jacob popped back inside and closed the door after setting more bags down.

"That's the last of them," we finished putting things away and Billy came back in with a bunch of towels. Jacob greeted him and handed me a few towels to dry myself off with.

"Harry will be here soon to pick me up. There's a council meeting about what to do after the storm, with all the flooding," Billy informed us as we all walked into the living room. Jacob fell back onto the couch and I sat down next to him slightly shivering. I wrapped a towel around me, but I was still cold. A warm arm wrapped itself around me and I smiled up at Jake. He was always warm. I leaned into his touch and closed my eyes. Faintly, I heard Billy telling us bye and leaving out into the pouring rain.

"I guess we're not leaving any time soon," Jacob mumbled and pulled me a little closer to him. I nodded and sat up.

"Can I use your phone. I don't want to go get my backpack out of your car," Jacob grabbed the phone off the receiver and handed it to me. I dialed Nick's number and waited for him to pick up.

"Hello?" his voice was soft and worried.

"Nick? It's Emma."

"Thank God! I've been calling your cell phone. The storm's getting really bad and mom wants you to stay with Jacob for now."

"That's what I was calling you about. I left my cell in Jake's car and we aren't planning on leaving his house until the rain let's up. Why are you whispering?" I asked leaning back against Jacob's warm body. His arm was around me again and quietly listened to me talk to Nick.

"Sorry, it feels weird talking in the dark. I got home a while ago and the power's out over here. It's going out all over Washington it seems. La Push will probably get hit soon. My cell phone is messing up too so I'm just glad I finally got a hold of you. Just stay there and I'll call you when I have a better connection." he hung up and I set the phone onto the coffee table.

"He said to stay with you and that the power's going out everywhere,"

"I figured it would. It never rains this bad in Forks or La Push," Jacob said and stood up pulling me with him.

"Let's get you some dry clothes before we can't see anymore." he said chuckling. We walked up the stairs and into a room which was probably his. There was a big bed filling up most of the room, a dresser, small mirror, nightstand and another door which I think is the bathroom. Jacob pulled out a big t-shirt, boxers and a pair of sweat pants and handed them to me.

"These are the smallest clothes I have. You can change in the bathroom," he pointed to the door I saw earlier.

"Boxers?" I asked. He grinned and looked me up and down.

"You're uh underwear is probably soaked as well," he explained. I laughed and went inside the bathroom and pulled off my wet clothes. He was right and I was happy that he gave me a pair of boxers. I put my wet clothes into his shower so they could dry and then I pulled on the clothes he gave me. They were baggy, but not to where they were falling off. Walking back into his room, I saw Jacob pulling off his wet shirt. He had already changed pants. I blushed and turned around.

"Sorry, I thought you would have been done by now," I whispered. I heard his laugh and then his arms were around me, pulling me back into his warm chest. He hadn't put on a shirt.

"It's fine," he whispered in my ear. I got goosebumps all over but in a good way.

"Why are you always so warm?" I asked turning to face him. His arms never left me, but only held me closer to him.

"I'm just naturally a warm person," he grinned. I laughed and got out of his hold which I soon regretted because I got cold soon after. I hopped onto his bed and wrapped myself up in his big comforter.

"You look funny," he commented getting on his bed too. I stuck my tongue out at him.

"I'm cold!" I whined. Jacob slipped into the comforter with me. His body heat warmed me up immediately and I sighed happily. His warm fingers intertwined with my cold ones.

"Jeez, you are cold!"

"I told you!" I laughed. I leaned against him and faced him. His eyes met mine and he leaned down towards me. I closed the gap slowly and our lips barely touched when the lights shut off, covering us in darkness. I looked around trying to see anything, but I felt like I was blind. I held onto Jake tighter like he might suddenly leave me in the dark.

"It's okay Emma. The lights will come back on later," I nodded and Jacob laid down on the bed, making me lay down too.

"Just relax until the storm's over." We laid facing each other and i snuggled into his chest and breathed in deeply. It felt so right being around Jacob. I didn't even feel the urge to hold my wrist like I normally do.

"I really feel like kissing you," Jacob whispered. I blushed in the darkness and looked up to where i thought his face would be.

"What's stopping you?" I asked softly after a moment of silence.

"Nothing now," his lips found mine and he pulled me closer to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and gently pulled at his hair. He groaned deeply.

"That feels good," he said into the kiss. I smiled and kept playing with his hair. He kissed me again and moved so he was hovering over me. The kiss was slow, but it was slowly getting hotter and more passionate. His tongue probed at my lips and I let it in. My tongue battled with his and he won quickly. I arched my back trying to be closer to him, and Jacob held me so that there was no more room between us in response.

"Jacob," I breathed catching my breath and breaking the kiss at the same time. He kissed all over my face, forehead, eyelids, nose, jaw. He moved to the side again and we got back into the same position as we were before.

"I'm confused," I said softly shaking my head.

"About what?" he asked running his fingers through my blonde hair.

"What are we?"

"Whatever you want us to be, Emma," he said kissing my forehead again.

"I want to be with you, Jake." I said feeling embarrassed. I'm never this forward with a guy and i never kiss someone like that after only knowing them for like a week.

"I want to be with you too," he said letting my head rest on his chest. I listened to his heartbeat and felt calm again.

"Emma, will you be my girlfriend?" he asked. I looked up trying to see his face and I smiled.

"Yeah," I leaned up and placed a small kiss on his lips, feeling him smiling at me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Mmkay everyone that's the last chapter from Quizilla. I'll be updating on Mibba now and then posting them on Quizilla too (: