Status: finished

Nothing You Confess, Could Make Me Love You Less

I Swear You're Like A Dog Sometimes

The schools were open again the next day and reluctantly got up and got ready for school. I dressed in a white camisole, with a long black cardigan on that went down to my mid-thigh. I also had on dark blue jean skinny jeans and white converse with black laces. I quickly fixed my hair and makeup before going downstairs to eat.

Nick was already eating breakfast. He looked up at me and smiled. We had a good talk last night.

I walked in through the front door shortly after Jake dropped me off. It was almost 8pm and it had started to rain lightly. I greeted my mom and grandma before going into the bedroom I shared with Nick.

"There you are!" he grumbled and fell onto his bed. I giggled and sat down on mine.

"Were you waiting for me?" I asked.

"What else was I suppose to do? Forks is boring," he mumbled into his pillow. Sitting up, he faced me and crossed his legs indian style.

"Explain about you and Jacob," he ordered. I rolled me eyes.

"I like him and he likes me. So he asked me to be his girlfriend last night and I agreed," I whispered. Nick fell off his bed in shock before he jumped to his feet and was in my face within a second.

"Did he force you?!"

"What?-NO! Jake is the nicest guy I know. I really care about him," I said blushing. Nick's face softened and he sat down on my bed next to me.

"So you're finally ready to be in another relationship?" I nodded and he pulled me into a brotherly hug.

"I'm here for you if you ever need to talk to someone,"

"I know Nickypoo," I whispered into the hug.

"You ready for school?" he asked eating his cereal. I nodded and poured myself a bowl of fruity pebbles.

"Where are mom and grandma?" I asked eating next to him.

"They're over at Charlie's house. He's one of the neighbors that helped with the blown down tree so Mom and Grandma baked him muffins," he said sounding amused by their actions. I smirked and finished my bowl,and then brushed my teeth.

"NICK!" I yelled.

"Om sedond. Om bwussing ma teef," he said with his toothbrush in his mouth. I rolled my eyes and waited by the door for him. He came running down the stairs with the car keys in his hand.

"Let's go Chik-a-dee," he said. I laughed and followed him outside. It was raining pretty hard when we got in the car.

"Don't kill us on the way to school," I said.

"Oh ha-freaking-ha, Emma." he said putting the keys in the ignition. We made it to school in one piece and went our separate ways. I went into my first class and saw Bella already there.

"Good morning," I said sitting down next to her. She turned and glared at me.

"What's up with you and Jacob?" she asked bluntly. I narrowed my eyes at her and thought about not answering her at all, but then I had the sudden want to make her mad.

"Jacob? My boyfriend, Jacob?" I asked sounding confused. Bella sucked in a quick breath and checked my face to see if I was lying.

"Are you really going out with him?" her voice was quieter. I nodded and turned away from her. No doubt she would tell Edward and then his whole giant family would be mean to me, but seriously, Bella is annoying me so much now because I've been around Jacob. She's deserves it.


The final school bell rang and I told Nick Jacob was picking me up and we were all going back to our house. He said okay and left before me. I waiting by the front door of the school, out of the rain for Jacob.

"Emma!" Jacob ran up to me soaking wet. A bright smile was on his lips.

"Why did you get out of the car? Now you're wet," I laughed. He shook his head and grinned much like he did when we went to grocery store.

"I swear you're like a dog sometimes," I smiled.

"You have no idea," he laughed.

"Jacob Black!" We turned and Bella was standing there with Edward in tow. When was she ever not with him. It's like she tried to pull him into every little thing that she decided to do. Poor Edward.

Edward shot me a look before turning back to Jacob.

"Why are you going out with her?" Bella asked pointing a finger at me. She was clearly frowning when she looked at me. I felt offended and upset. Jacob lost his smile and almost glared at Bella.

"Bella, last time I checked, Emma was a good friend of yours. You were the one who introduced us. And I'm going out with her because I care about Emma a lot," he answered. Edward's eyes widened before he got control over himself. He leaned over to Bella and whispered something in her ear. I heard imprint and that's pretty much it.

"What?!" Bella asked outraged. I took a step back, but Jacob grabbed my hand in his and intertwined our fingers. His warm skin made me feel better.

"Now that you see how things are, Emma and I are leaving to go on a date," Jake turned around and pulled me with him through the rain. We got into the rabbit and he pulled out of the lot.

"It seems like you and Edward aren't very good friends," Jake barked a laugh and smiled at me.

"You could say that we were never meant to be friends."

"Hey Jake, thanks for standing up for me back there. I don't know what's happened between me and Bella. We just stopped being friends ever since I met you," He held my hand over the center console and gently rubbed my hand with his thumb.

"You're welcome, everything will turn out to be fine," he grin was contagious and it made me smile as well. We pulled up to my house and Jacob turned off the car.

"Ready to meet my mom and grandma?" I asked.

"Oh...I forgot that coming to your house meant meeting the parents," Jacob mumbled. I laughed and pulled him out of the car and into the pouring rain.
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