I Won't Give Up On You

I'm Choking On My Words

The crowd screamed for them to play another song. Oliver knew he was pushing his limits. With tired eyes he smiled, letting himself let go and play one last song. With one last gasping breath, Oli screamed his final lyrics of the night. He threw the microphone on the ground and walked away, glad that he was done.

After the show, Oliver decided to go to the after party. Normally he'd just go back to the bus and sleep. But this time he felt the need to have something to drink. Alcohol drenched the warehouse, the population of it already drunk. Oli stepped inside, his band following behind him. He was greeted by girls from left to right, but he didn't want any of them. He could never forget about Samantha. He took the alcohol that was handed to him by Matt. They didn't bother knowing their limits, they played showed completely wasted, and majorly hung over before.

Tom mingled among girls, loving the attention. Being the photographer and drum tech of the band, he didn't get much recognition. But he didn't mind being known as Oli Sykes's little brother. Tom disappeared with a girl, seeing Oliver sitting on the couch with Matt and a few girls.

When Tom returned to the main room of the warehouse, Oli was still seated on the couch but Matt was gone. He sighed deeply, Tom was tired of taking over the role of big brother for Oliver. He walked around the front, to see Oli was passed out. He looked down to see he still had the alcohol bottle clutched between tattooed fingers. He pried the alcohol out of his dead hands, and shook him softly. "Oliver," He whispered, trying to get him to wake up from his deep sleep. He finally woke up, a heavy lids lifting up slowly.

"Come on Oli." Tom said softly, gesturing for Oli to get on his back. The singer held on tightly to his brothers shoulders as they moved. The walk back to the bus was quiet. Oli hung on, but he lost consciousness while he was hanging on. Once inside the bus, warmth engulfed them both. Tom found himself wishing Oli was the way he use to be.

Matt had been following behind them, making sure they got back safely. In his eyes, Oli and Tom were the same age and he was their older brother. Once he reached the bus, he found Tom sitting on the couch looking down at his hands. Matt sat down beside him, a smile appearing on his face. He just wanted to know what was bothering Tom. "Whats on your mind Tomylicious?" He asked, remembering his "G" name from womb 2 da tomb.

Tom chuckled, remembering the old days. "Matt, its exactly that.. Oli isn't who he used to be. Its like someone sucked the life out of him. What happened to my brother that was the life of the party? He passed out on the fucking couch tonight. He's not the same. Its like when Samantha died, she took a piece of him with her, that bitch." He said letting out a breath of hot air.

Matt Nodded, agreeing with Tom. He knew that Samantha took a piece of him. He couldn't stand the fact that she was gone either. He didn't see how Oli could. "We all have regrets Tom. Oli worries that it was his fault. He's got a ton of worry and regret sitting on his shoulders. He isn't hollow, just completely lost without her."

Tom sighed, "But why is he so distant to us? Well, maybe not you but me." Tom stated, looking at Matt for the answers.

Matt nodded, "I know, I understand. Its just, Oliver deals with things a different way now. Maybe not with alcohol and talking it out. But harmful things.." Matt began, about to tell Oli's secret.

Oli walked in quietly, holding his head. "I woke up to your fucking wankers talking about me." He said, his voice still weak and fading.

Matt watched as Oli sat down on the sofa in between them, looking like a complete mess. His hair shot up in all different directions, his clothes hung on him sloppily, and his face looked as if he were stoned. Matt stood up, giving Tom and Oli alone time. He hoped that Oli didn't catch on that he was about to tell his secret.

Matt listened to the muffled conversation between Oli and Tom. He heard harsh words, and sobbing coming from what sounded like Oliver. It all died out, Matt falling asleep in his bunk.
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I don't feel like this chapter did me any justice either :x