Status: Unactive for now

Weight of the World

Chapter One

"Why does last lesson always drag? " I heard Kimmie complain from my left, slamming her head on the desk
"Because college hates you?" Amy said from my right.
"And I hate college" She said muffled. Amy and Kimmie have been mates since they were kids. I on the other hand met Kimmie at a Blackout gig a year ago and been best friends since, then meet Amy at another gig. Yes, I live at gig venues. Then found out they went to the same college as me, i was in my final year on the photography course while them two were in their first. I couldn't wait to go to university and get out of this shit hole of a town. I'd miss everyone though. Kimmie broke my thoughts by almost screaming down my ear.

"Finally, lessons finished, off home to get ready for the Metal Hammer gig, you guys are coming right?"

"Of course you have been moaning at us to go all month, plus isnt your boyfriends band playing"

"They are indeed, pick me up at 6?" She looked at me with her begging eyes


Seeing as I was the only one that could drive, I was always driving up and down the country for gigs. Told you I live at gig venues. After we said our goodbyes, each of us went our seperate ways home. I was actually really looking forward to tonight for a few reasons: one I like to hear new bands, and two my boyfriend will be tagging along too. He doesnt like gigs because he's a little bit older than me, he says he doesnt feel right going, but I'm making him come to this one. Just before I set of home in my shitty little car, I sent him a text to make sure he was actually coming tonight.

I don't know why I take my car to college, I only live down the road. I can be so lazy at times.
Once I got in I threw my college things onto my bed and jumped into the shower. When I was finished in the shower, I quickly got dressed and checked my phone for any messages. None,damn it. I lifted the lid of the laptop up to see if he was online, no luck. Just as I went to sign back out Kimmie popped up.

KimmieIsTheDynamite: Yo spud, you excited for tonight?
SarahTheBestInTown: Yeah kinda
KimmieIsTheDynamite: What you mean kinda
SarahTheBestInTown: Kyle is ignoring me again, its like last tym.
KimmieIsTheDynamite: Stop thinkin like tht, he might not have credit thats all, ring him up later
SarahTheBestInTown: I will do tar, anyways I'm off to do something to eat see ya at 6.

After saying bye I signed off and went downstairs to make some food. Seems quiet down here, mum mustn't be home yet. She works a lot of double shifts at a pub. I'm an only child and dad left when I was younger, so I guess she wants to keep herself busy instead of being here bored.

I raided the cupboards for food; nothing in again. I guess I'm going to have to grab something later on from subway. Six o'clock soon came around, I was now outside Kimmie's house waiting for her to get ready, luckly I went for Amy first so i wasnt left on my lonesome for ages. The sound of Sean Smiths and Gavin's voices filled the car as we waited.

"For fuck sake Kimmie hurry up" I shouted. I looked behind me at Amy she looked kinda shocked, she hasn't seen me like that before.

"You OK?" She asked

"Yeah, I'm fine, its just Kyle again, I'm letting him get to me yet again."

"Has he rang you at all?" I shook my head, she handed my her phone "Ring him off mine, I get free calls"

"Thanks" I took the phone off her, and got out of the car. As I got out Kimmie came out of her house.

"About time" I shouted as i heard ringing in the phone. Still no answer. I growled as I put the phone down, I seriously need to calm down. I got back into the car, gave Amy her phone back and started the car.

"Well did he answer?" Kimmie asked

"No, the twat."

"Forget about him, and have fun tonight, plus I think I know someone that will take your mind off him"
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First story in a while
Comments plz. They make me happy =]