Status: Unactive for now

Weight of the World

Chapter 11

Kimmie was in trouble big time that night, we all got kicked out of the house once she realised that we must have thrown a party because of the mess. I don't think i have ever seen her mum that mad before. I don't think i'll be going around there in a while. Anyways today was Kimmie's first day not being grounded. She has been for the past three weeks and tonight we was going to one of the guys last gigs for the metal hammer tour. Which i was really excited for, but sad too, because it the last time i'm going to see Gus in a while seeing as he lives in London. Don't know when i'm goin to see him next so i was going to make the most of it tonight.

Once i finished college, I rushed off home to get ready, i didn't need to wait for Kimmie as she skipped her last lession. Tut tut. Once i got home i switched my laptop on and put some music on to listen to while i had a shower. As i got out of the shower i heard something buzzing in the other room. I realised that i forgot to take my phone of silent so i rushed to answer it. I picked it up without looking at the I.D.


"Hey, its Zoey. You guys here yet?" Me and her have become good friends over the last few weeks.

"No, just got to get ready and then pick Kimmie up, should be there for round 6"

"Ok i'll tell the guys, see yous later"

"Bye" I put the phone down.

I quickly got dressed and logged into my msn to see if Kimmie was on. She wasn't, so i gave her a quick call. Her phone was busy. Hmmm. She must be on the phone to Lee. After half a hour of trying to get in touch with her, i ended up driving up to her house. Once i got there, she answered the door still on the phone, but she soon hung up on the person she was talking to.

"Who was you on the phone to, i have been trying to call you"

"Oh no one special" she looked shifty

"Ok then, you ready we need to leaving soon to get there in time" I said

"Yeah, let me get my bag, i'll meet you in the car" She said as she closed the door. Ok that was weird. She was never like that with me. So i waited in the car till she was ready. I was still waiting 15 minutes later, was about to phone her but then she walked out of the house. I quickly texted Gus to tell him that we was going to be late, and off we went. An hour later we arrived in Liverpool, but was having trouble finding the venue. And the map that Kimmie printed off was no help. Fuck you google maps. In the end i just asked one of the locals, turns out the place google gave us, was wrong and that we was ment to have been somewhere near the docks.

Surely enough after about 5 minutes of using the directions the guy gave us, we was at the venue. I quickly found a parking place and texted Zoey to come out and give us our tickets. Once in there i went straight to the bar, i needed a drink after that ride. As i was waiting for my drink, i felt a pair of arms snake around my waist and started kissing my neck. I could really get use to this.
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Meh bit shit as i havent written in a while next one should be better
For Zoey hope you like it