Status: Unactive for now

Weight of the World

Chapter 12

"Hello stranger" I giggled as i turned around to kiss him properly.

"Hey" I said into the kiss. "I missed you" I said as i pulled away. "God what i'm i going to be like when you go back to London."

"Don't think about that yet lets just enjoy tonight, things will work out" He smiled before giving me another kiss. He was right. After i payed for my drink i went and sat at the merch table where Kimmie already took her place talking to John, they looked like they was in a heated conversation, but soon stopped when us lot came over. What was up with her today? Once me, Zoey and Gus sat down, she got up and walked off somewhere.

"You and Kimmie ok?" Zoey asked

"Well I'm fine with her, don't know if shes in a mood with me thought, I'll talk to her later, lets watch the guys set for now" I smiled as i get back up to go over to the stage area. 5 minutes later the lights dimmed and Kimmie appeared by my side.

"Where have you been?" I asked

"Just talking to Lee, we haven't spoke much these few weeks" Fair enough I turned my attention back to the stage as i heard people starting to cheer. I looked over at Zoey as Ben took his place on stage. She was grinning like a maniac. As i was when Gus walked on stage and spotted us girls straight away. About 10 minutes into there set i glanced over at John and he was smiling at Kimmie, i looked at Kimmie and she woundn't take her eyes of John. Something is going on between them. And i was going to find out. After Young guns set was finished i told Zoey i'd meet her back and the merch table and dragged Kimmie outside.

"Right spill, whats going on between you and John"

"I don't know what your going on about"

"Don't play silly, you was all close with him before and your all googly eyed over him just now" She was looking around as if she was looking for a excuse. "Kimmie please tell me, i'm your best friend"

"Fine, me and John are kinda dating"

"What do you mean your 'kinda' you either are or not" I said getting angry for some reason

"I'm still with Lee"
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for zoey and kimmie as there the onli ones reading it
sorri its short