Status: Unactive for now

Weight of the World

Chapter 14

Zoey flew down them stairs to John and dragged him to the side away, while i did the same to Kimmie, she didn't seem too bothered when i told her that Lee almost saw them. Its like I don't even know her any more. I was stood there for about 10 minutes trying to talk some sense into her, i know i said i wouldn't talk to her all night but i can't let my friend throw her 2 year relationship away with her boyfriend. In the end i just gave up on her, she is not ruining my night. As i turned away i was meet with Zoey again, she looked fuming.

"Drink?" I asked casually.

"Oh yes" She said as she walked with me to the bar. We had about 5 shots each, before we went on the dance floor, where Kimmie and John was still sucking each others faces off. Me and Zoey both agreed we would stay out of it because at the end of the day its not our problem. After a few minutes of dancing with each other, Ben appeared next to Zoey and dragged her off. Charming. I started giggling, and turned to walk to the bar and walked into someone. It was Simon thank god, he told me Gus was looking for me and pointed to a table were he was sat with two drinks. I smilled to myself and walked over to him and took a seat.

"You was asking for me?" I smiled as i sat down next to him and gave him a kiss.

"I was" He smiled back "We haven't spent much time together tonight as I would have liked to" He said as he laced his fingers with mine. I glanced down at our hands and smiled.

"I know, lets just make the most of it now" I smiled once again and gave him another kiss, this time it lasted a while longer. We finally broke apart once Ben and Zoey came and sit down at the same table.

2 hours later all of the band was sat at the table watching me, Zoey and Kimmie dancing.Kimmie started talking to me again a hour ago so i started talking back, didn't want to start something in front of the guys. We was all quite drunk so you can see what our dancing was like. Ben came over with John and Fraser. I wondered where Gus and Simon was, i soon found out when i was blinded by flashes of light. They had a hold of mine and Kimmie's cameras.

Another hour and the club was begining to shut. Most of us was outside either passed out in their van or sat outside smoking. I was lay in Gus's bunk with him, even thought it wasn't that big, it was kind of comfy. This is a good end to the night though, cuddling up to one of the nicest guys ever, he passed out ages ago but still. Its just a shame i'm not going to see him for a while. How are we going to make this work?
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Ending is a bit mehh i think
what do u think?
For Zoey and Kimmie
Sorri i made ya wait