Status: Unactive for now

Weight of the World

Chapter 15

Woke up next morning with a hangover from hell and alone. I slowly opened my eyes and saw that two people was sat in the van.

"Maybe we should wake her up we need to head off soon" I figured they was whispering about me because i was the only girl that slept in the van last night all the other went to find another club.

"Its fine, I'm up" I said. I looked at my watch. It was half 12, the guys need to set off at 1, they had a bunch of radio shows to do. Only a hour left. "Where is Gus?" I asked

"He went shops, for pain killers" John laughed

"Good because i need them too" I said as i got out of the van.

We spent the next half an hour talking about last nights events. Aparently it all came out last night about Kimmie and John, i wondered where she disappeared to. Turns out Lee was seeing someone else behind her back too. Fucking hell, why is everyone i know a cheater. I staying way out of this now. Before i knew it, it was time for the guys and Zoey to leave.

I took my time saying goodbye to everyone, because i didn't want them to leave. I'm going to miss them, especially Gus. We have become so close lately, I kept thinking how unbearable it would be having so much distance between us. Plus the boys have become some of my best friends. Once it was time to say bye to Gus, i felt a tear escape my eye.

"Hey, don't cry" He said as he pulled me to his chest. "We'll see each other again soon" He added as he stroked my hair. I pulled away and gave him one final kiss.

Good, I can't bear being apart from you for too long" I said giving him a weak smile. He smiled back and got into the van. Me and Kimmie stood by my car as they drove off. That was it. They was gone. Don't know when i will see him next. At that very thought i broke out crying. Its kind of sad really, I haven't known them long, but they've grown on me. Kimmie came over to me and comforted me.

"Don't worry, it will get easier as time goes on"

"I hope so"

20 minutes into the drive home, the silence between me and Kimmie was starting to annoy me so I decided to break the silence by asking her about John again. This time i had no problem getting answers out of her. She found out that Lee cheated on her that night of her party. She found out from Rinn the next day, and he still is to her knowledge he still is. Thats how her and John are together now. At first it was to get back at Lee, but as time went on her feelings for John grew.

I'm so glad she finally told me the truth. My anger has turned to Lee now, but I know that Kimmie will deal with him soon as he is back. Finally after a hour and half drive I was back home. Once in the house I was attacked by my mum with hugs. She was complaining how she hasn't seen me properly in days. Well she will be seeing more of me the next few months.

"Oh by the way you have a visitor" She said. I gave her a confused look, and made my way into the living room. My visitor was the last person i wanted to see.

"Hey" Kyle grinned
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Sorry I took forever to post this
For Kimmie and Zoey