Status: Unactive for now

Weight of the World

Chapter 2

Once we got to the venue and found some where to parked, the three of us made our way over to the doors. As we got closer to the building, a group of fairly tall lads came into view. They looked slightly bit older than us, so they could have passed for a band that was playing here tonight. I turned to ask Kimmie something, but she disappeared from my side to one of the lads.

"Girlies, you finally get to meet my boy friend and his band, this is Lee, he plays bass" She said as she connected her hand with his. "The dudes with no shoes are James and Chris they both play guitar." This made us all laugh, because me and Amy had to look at the feet to see who was who.

"The dude with a funny hair cut is Ryan" She smirked

"Hey not funny"

"Sorry Rinn" She pouted. "And it sounds like Tom is inside testing his drums" By the sounds of it, it was a full band sound checking "Or not" She laughed when she heard someone singing. I continued to listenin to the person singing. Who ever it was made me melt inside, their voice was that amazing. I was brought back down to earth by Kimmie shakin me violently.

"What?" I said

"You coming inside or not to watch sound check? By the way your phones been ringing like mad"

"I'll be in soon, just gonna see who that was" I looked at my phone and oh guess who. I had 3 missed called off Kyle. My phone began to ring again.

"Finally, been trying to get in touch with you all afternoon"

"I know im sorry, i'm also sorry to say that i can't make it tonight" As he finished speakin i could her a girl on the other end of the phone.

"Fine, I really don't care anymore, im going have fun while you are with your whore" I slammed the phone down before he could say another thing and turned my phone off so he couldn't ring back. I decided to take Kimmies advice and enjoy myself. As i made my way into the building i bumped into a group of lads that looked like they was in one of the bands too. One of them grabbed me to stop me falling down the stairs.

"Oh i'm sorry" As i looked up my gaze was met with the most piercingly beautiful eyes i had ever seen.

"Its fine" He smiled and made his way with the other lads outside. I was left on the stairs amazed for some reason, no one has had this affect on me before. Who was he?
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Bit short meh
comments plz