Status: Unactive for now

Weight of the World

Chapter 3

After about half an hour of the band, which i found out was named Deaf Havana, was finished sound checking the club started to fill up full of teenagers. Looks like its going to be a good night. Half way though the gig, i started to take random pictures of us girls and the lads, Kimmie had a fair few drinks by now so she was a little tipsy and when she was tipsy she didnt have a care in the world, she kept robbing my camera off me most of the night to take pictures of her and Lee. When i watched them two together, i kind of envyed her, she had a boyfriend that loves her, what do i have? A guy who can't settle down, and the first sign of commitment he runs off to another girl.
They started to dim the lights as a sign to say the next band was ready to come on.

"Right Kimmie, camera back now" I said holdin my hand out towards her.

"But pictures" She pouted

"You can have it back after their set" She soon gave it back when Lee gave her another drink.
I took my place at the barrier as the band come onto the stage. As the singer came onto the stage, he amediatlly caught my eye. He was the guy i bumped into on the way in, the guy with the amazing eyes. He must have reconised me because he kept looking over at me and smiling. Out of no where i heard a little voice to the right of me say " He likes you"
I looked and saw Amy grinning

"Shush you lol, i'll tell you all about it later"

As the band played their set, i took numerous pictures of the whole band, and at every opertunaty the singer got he would wink at me from his position on stage. Half way through the set i decided to put my camera away and watch these guys, they sounded really good, and was starting to grow on me in a matter of minutes. No band has ever had that affect on me, may have something to do with the fact the lead singer kept making me swoon, but i bet he was like that every night with a different girl. By the end of the set i was lift amazed, and flustered by how much that guy flirted with me from the stage. As i made my way back to the gang, Amy attacked me with questions.

"So what is the story then? With you and Gus?"

"Is that his name?"

"Don't try and aviod it come on spill"

"Well not a lot happened. As i came in before i bumped into him and he stopped me from falling, That how he reconised me"

"Looks like he has a thing for you though"

"I doubt it bet he does that every night with a different girl"

"Maybe, maybe not you will never know" She joked. I noticed that Gus was at the bands merch table, so i decided to go over and speak to Gus while he was on his own. For some reason i felt nervous, there was no need to be. What has the guy done to me.
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Sorry still a little shit, its late promised Kimmie id get a chapter up tonight.
promise the next one will be better