Status: Unactive for now

Weight of the World

Chapter 5

The next morning i was woken up by Kimmie moaning with pain. Thats what you get from drinking too much. I left her a drink and some tablets there last night so i didnt have to get out of bed. Don't see any need to this early especial on a Saturday. I was woken up again a few hour later this time to the sound of my phone ringing. I answered it without looking to see who it was

"Oh good you're up" It was Kyle "Listen I'm so sorry about last night, but i have a way to make it up to you" He teased

"How?" I said as he caught my attention

"You know how you wanted to see Bring Me The Horizon but they sold out? Well i have tickets for the gig tonight" I screamed after he finished that sentence and jumped outta bed. This woke Kimmie up and wondering why i was jumping up and down on my bed. After i finished talking to Kyle i hung up and let out a huge scream, luckly there was only me and Kimmie in the house

"Dude what's up" she said still half asleep.

"I get to see Bring Me tonight" I said smiling like a lunatic. I have been wanting to see this band for a real long time but never had the time to see them because something always pops up.

"Oh cool, what time is it?" I pointed to the clock on my wall. "Shit, I'm gonna have to go soon. I'm in work at 5."

"Well help yourself to food and stuff, i'm going to jump into the shower"

Few hours later, Kimmie was gone, and i was waiting for Kyle to pick me up. He was already a hour late, what a way for making something up to me. Moments later i heard someone bibbing there car horn violently. I looked out of my window, it was Kyle. What a gentleman (!). I rushed to the car for one reason i didn't want to be any later to seeing Bring me the horizon.

The car ride to birmingham was long and quiet. It was unbearably uncomfortable, it shouldnt be like this between boyfriend and girlfriend. If we are still that. Once we got there we spent half an hour trying to find a parking spot, the doors to the venue had opened an hour ago, great.

"Hey, why don't you take your ticket and i'll meet you in there" Kyle finally said. First words to me in a hour and half. I didn't argue with him, anything to get me out of that car. Once i was out of the car, he sped of down the road, like he wanted me to leave him. Oh well, i am going to have a great time tonight, and not let him ruin it. When i got to the venue, as i handed my ticket to the doorman i heard my name being shouted, at first i thought it was Kyle but he couldn't be back this soon. So i ignored it. Few seconds later, someone picked me up from behind causing me to sqeal. Once my feet were placed back on the floor, i turned around and came face to face with Gus and the rest of Young Guns

"Hey, what you doing here?" I asked

"Its that bands day off, so we decided to come see Bring me the horizon"

"Oh cool, lets go in i have already missed most of the gig" And off we went into the venue. Tonight is going to be a interesting night.
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For kimmie, hannah and emily =]