Status: Unactive for now

Weight of the World

Chapter 6

Once the second suport band was finished i was starting to get pretty hyper and excited, that might have had something to do with all the red bull and vodka Gus kept buying me. He wouldn't let me buy my own drinks. Once bring me the horizon had came on stage most of the band went into the crowd and Ben and Gus stayed with me at the side, i wasn't going to be brave enough and go into a mosh pit at this gig. I was enjoying myself until i went to take some photos and some dude came and stood infront of me and would not move. Ben saw this and sugested that i got onto his back for a few songs. So i did. He is so nice. After a few moments i felt someone staring at me. Gus was looking at me then smiled once he noticed him. That smile made me melt. I really should be feeling like this, not when i have a boyfriend. Hell he never even made me feel like this when we first started going out. I smiled back then turned back to watch the rest of the song.

Half way through the set i was back to drinking and taking pictures of me and the guys. At this point i was beyond tipsy, and when im like this i have a habit of wanting to kiss people and taking pictures. And thats what i was doing, and as i was taking my picture with Gus, he turned his head and pecked me on the lips. This made me blush really bad.
"Aww, im sorry, if i knew i had that effect on you, i wouldn't have done it" He joked as he hugged me. I should really tell him i have a boyfriend incase he tries it again, but why should i when my boyfriend as cheated on me on countless times. Once again that guy is trying to ruin my night and he isn't even with me.

It was now the end of the night and what an amazing time i had. I was now outside the venue waiting for Kyle to meet me. The guys said they was staying with me till he turned up. As i was waiting, i saw someone familar come out of the other venue.
"Wait here for a miniute" I told the lads. I walked over to the white van they was standing by. One of the girl looked at me and started screaming with excitement and ran towards me. It was the twins Hannah and Emily. I haven't seen these guys in like a year. They moved from Manchester to Wales, and i have missed them so much. When they hugged me the force from both of them running knocked me to the floor. We didn't bother getting back up for a few minutes until Simon came over asking could he join in. He ammediately caught Hannah's eye. She had a smile on her face that was from ear to ear. He helped her from the floor and introduced himself. I rolled my eyes and got up off the floor and called the other guys over. As i was introducing everyone i felt someone tap me on my shoulder i turned around to see a cross Kyle.

"Hey where have you been? I have been waiting around for like a hour" I said

"Never mind that we're leaving" He said grabbing my arm.

"I'll meet you in the car, i'm saying bye to my friends" I said through my teeth trying to move his hand off my arm. He soon let go as he noticed that everyone i was with was staring at him. As he walked back to the car I turned around and Gus looked like he was about to attack someone.
"He shouldn't talk to you like that, does he have no respect for you?" He asked
"He mustn't have, anyways guys i should go" I said hugging everyone . Before leaving Gus took me aside from the rest of the group and gave me his number and gave me a proper big hug. After i got into the car i sensed tension straight away. Thing is what have i ment to have done wrong?
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